This article is part of the personal story of a
young woman who has been consciously aware of having Contact with Extraterrestrial beings
throughout her life. You will see, as she writes about her experiences, how instrumental
they were in her expressions of geometric and complex artwork. But also how the
understanding of her experiences changed her judgement of them into a positive and
transformative perspective. - Mary Rodwell
Tracey tells her story
Even from a young age, strange events became almost routine in my life.
I would wake up exhausted and dazed after wild dreams of being taken aboard spaceships
where many bizarre things happened. I was unable to accept that these were anything more
than the crazy imaginings. Dreams of my overactive mind, those who were close to me
would put it down to.
At primary school I had an invisible giant friend to whom I would talk, and to this day I
can vividly remember the warm, large hand that would guide me around the play yard,
telling me jokes. At night I would sometimes have another visitor. I named him
Father Christmas, and he made me feel uneasy and frightened as he entered the
room. But if I hid myself deep under the blankets, too scared to breathe, a strong
sensation of calmness and security would suddenly come over me. I would then find myself
floating in the night sky looking at the millions of stars shining around me. But I always
felt uneasy and frightened when these beings were coming to get me, as this
was a natural reaction from the human part of me that was not totally aware
what was going on. The human part of me related to these beings as Father
Christmas, and this is what I called them.
Although I would feel uneasy when these beings entered my bedroom, later, a
feeling of calmness would come over me and then a greater awareness within me would come
though, and I found that with this awareness I could understand very
complicated concepts.
The tall grey beings never conducted operations or experiments on me like the
short Zeta greys. These were very different experiences and the tall, greyish
beings I felt were like family and I felt very at home with them. I was much more afraid
when the short zeta greys would come, because I knew that some of the things they could do
to me were painful. To begin with, during my earlier experiences with them, I
was paralyzed in every way physically, mentally, and emotionally, I felt too afraid to
communicate with them. But each time I had an experience with them they communicated more
and more. I think it was because I was growing less fearful and more
receptive. The more I began to understand these beings as well as the preying
mantis beings, (which I often saw together with the zetas), the
less fearful I became. I then found that I was able to freely communicate with them and
that they would do their best to help me to understand their situation and why
they were taking people and doing operations on them.
From the moment I could hold a pencil, I would begin to draw. It was my passion and my
gift. I began painting still life and landscapes and by looking so intently at people when
I drew, I developed the ability to see auras. But until I read a book on this subject a
few years later I initially I believed this to be a fault of my eyes.
At the age of fifteen I experienced a rapid onset of psychic and intuitive abilities,
feeling a strong urge to heal people with my hands. However, I had never heard of such a
thing and people around me just thought I was being excessively imaginative. It was with
deep sadness that I suppressed these abilities for many years, due to the opposition of
those around me who believed that I just had an outrageous imagination. Unable to express
myself freely, or communicate properly with others, I fell into a deep crevasse of doubt
and confusion. At the public school I attended, I was very shy and tried to fit in, but if
I tried to express my unusual points of view I was ridiculed by other students
and even some teachers.
My English teacher was mistakenly convinced that I was taking drugs because of
the extraordinary short stories and poems I would write for assignments. They would often
tell me in front of the whole class that I must be on something to be able to
come up with such crazy tales. It all became too much for me, and I changed from being an
A student to a rebellious D, who tried to fit in as best she
could. I denied my inner truth so that I would be accepted by others and not
have to put up with the cruel teasing I had endured most of my school years.
In 1996 I won a competition and was catapulted in to the fashion world as a model. After
experiencing the invalidation and ridicule for who I was on the inside, I now
had acknowledgment of who I was on the outside. I felt accepted and loved by
the way I looked, but underneath the secrets were building and my insecurity was growing.
I was living a lie, and it seemed there was nothing I could do about it. A professional
modeling career proved to be a constant struggle for me emotionally and physically. In the
house where I was living, I began to see spirits and other strange
beings, with non-human faces. My dreams were intense and sometimes I could not sleep
for fear and anticipation of what may come. If I did sleep my dreams were bizarre, such as
undergoing physical examinations, or being in strange classrooms. Gray beings with large
black eyes would sometimes telepathically teach me to draw and write symbols in the form
of holograms. These would often extend from my hands, via static, like beams of electric
blue light. After such nights I would lack energy and sometimes it was practically
impossible to get out of bed in the morning because I was so tired. The model agency was
suspicious because I was constantly calling in sick. I just didnt know what to say
to them. I could hardly tell them little gray men were abducting me and I was undergoing
strange operations, during the night! I couldnt even tell my partner,
let alone my employer. It became increasingly difficult for me to cope, I was devastated
and guilty at what was happening. I honestly thought I was going crazy.
I went to see the doctor and explained the effects my horrible dreams were having on me.
In a consultation which lasted less than five minutes, he said I was simply depressed and
wrote me out a prescription for antidepressants and sleeping tablets. Although I
wasnt comfortable with taking drugs it was a relief to be able to have a decent
nights sleep without these overwhelming dreams.
At Christmas in 1996, I travelled home to see my family and I was staying with my
grandmother in Perth when, one night, I was overcome by an intense sensation to write
before I went to sleep. This was unusual for me, but I decided to go with the feeling, and
I wrote a page of information. Though the process I felt as if I had little control, and
it just seemed to flow. The next day I couldnt comprehend it I had actually written
something way beyond my conscious understanding. And to my astonishment it was information
contrary to everything I had been taught about, regarding human evolution. I had stated
that the human race had been created by extraterrestrials! The writing also contained
information about genetic manipulation with the use of human and extraterrestrial DNA to
create other species.
I was shocked and confused. I had never read seen or heard anything like this nor did I
know anything about extraterrestrials doing experiments using human DNA, let alone being
created by them. I couldnt understand how I was able to write about something that
was totally against any beliefs I had. I had heard of channeling, but my knowledge of it
was very limited. Even though I thought this writing episode was just a one off,
I began to get more and more urges to do it and the information that flowed was
incredible; alien-human interaction, implants, dimensions, spirituality, the creation of
human species the raising of consciousness and so on. Then sometimes
involuntarily I found myself speaking another language.
In 1997 when I was modelling in Japan, my dreams were more vivid and frightening than I
had ever had before. Because I was living on my own I decided to delve into them more
deeply and gained the courage to ask the beings why this was happening to me.
To my amazement I received answers in the form of dreams, writings and from a voice
within my mind. I was told that I had chosen for myself, to be a part of the
evolutionary cycle in the creation of a new more spiritually advanced species, which will
eventually inhabit Earth. I also received information about the raising of human
consciousness and of a dimensional shift that is presently happening on Earth. It is going
to assist us and enable us to access other realms more freely, as well as
increase our spiritual understanding. At the time, this was the most bizarre information I
had ever heard and I still did not know what its significance was for me.
I kept a diary of my experiences, and one morning I felt the urge to draw a symbol, which
I had seen in a dream, during which many spaceships were moving around the starry night
sky. The stars moved into the configuration of a bird. As I was drawing this, my hand
seemed once again to take over and I ended up completing a geometric symbol. Over the next
two years I completed other similar drawings and symbols with little input from my
conscious mind. In fact, the less I concentrated on this, the easier the information and
drawings flowed. It was quite bizarre, and I still had no idea why I was doing it.

After Japan I returned home and
I felt that modelling was not for me, it was far too superficial. I was now keen to look
more deeply within myself and beyond my known reality, as by now I felt I had conquered
many of my previous fears. The time in Japan had given me a new understanding of reality
and I could no longer deny my experiences. I had a new understanding, plus and physical
evidence of this reality such as marks on my body (without knowing how they got there),
and my watch working fine until I wore it and so on. It was hard to understand all this
stuff as well as my many interactions with alien beings and to cap it all I still had to
overcome my fears about what other people would think of me.
I finally decided to tell my boyfriend and family about what had been happening to me over
the years. My honesty was greeted with disbelief and I was seen as attention seeking and
that it was an attempt by me to avoid living in the real world. My
explanations became more and more hopeless and so I began again, to question my
experiences and my mental health. The isolation and embarrassment became so hard to bear I
sometimes thought about ending my life. No one seemed to understand what I was going
through, and I honestly believed I was going mad. I went to see a psychologist, who told
me I was perfectly sane; I just had with an overactive imagination. I felt depressed,
confused and filled with doubts about myself.
Whilst in a bookshop I reached for a book about Contact that I had been written by a
social worker, who shares her Et related experiences. I felt the strong urge to buy it,
even though I had little money. The next few days I was glued to the book and I was amazed
at how many of her experiences echoed my own. A spark of hope reigned within me, with the
realization that I was not alone anymore. The amazing co-incidence was that I met the
author of this book at the shop and she put me in touch with Mary Rodwell at ACERN a
meeting which changed my life. I learned how to open up and accept my experiences, as well
as understanding I was not alone with this. I went to a support group facilitated by Mary
and it was wonderful for me, to see for myself how normal everyone was.
Before the support meeting I had a dream whereby I was told to copy the geometric symbols
that I had drawn onto transparency material (acetate) and that they would all fit together
in different configurations. To my surprise they did. I took them to the support meeting
and many people there felt very drawn to them and they showed me how to put them together
in different ways. My friends at the group said that they had seen them before, during
their experiences. Another young man had drawn his own symbols and some were very similar
to mine and another lady, who studies ancient symbols and sacred geometry, looked at them
and she was able to recognize and interpret the symbols for us. She said that some of them
existed in ancient temples and pyramids around the world, many related to star systems,
such as Sirius, and I was reminded that the symbols illustrated the links between ancient
cultures and extraterrestrial life.

One symbol was similar to a crop
circle that had appeared a few years earlier.
A researcher in France said that some were like designs found in the Aztec pyramids. All
this was information was groundbreaking news for me, as previously I had no way of
validating this and I just believed it had been created by my imagination. I had never
been to any sacred sites so this was further proof. I also met another lady, who like me,
found that she could speak fluently in another language. Further, I had also written in a
strange script and so had she, it was very similar!
I was 22, I had endured events such as visiting outer space in alien craft, and watching
alien life forms perform surgical procedures on me before I was able to realise my
connection to the Contact experience. I found that I had to search beyond the confines of
conventional thinking. This has forced me on a journey of gigantic proportions my life has
changed forever. Since I found out that I have had a life long interaction with non-human
Contact with these ET beings has been part of my life for as long as I can remember and
experiences that most people would consider strange were nothing other than routine for
me. As a child I would wake up some mornings feeling exhausted after a night of
interaction with tall gray an intelligent being that I felt a unique closeness to, they
felt like family! Once I was onboard their craft I felt completely comfortable
more comfortable than I was in any earth environment. The result of this was
that I felt compelled to create many geometric drawings that literally connected together
in many different ways. They show the important connections between humanity and
extraterrestrial beings, as well as demonstrating the workings of many technologies of ET
origin. The drawings depict several scripts that relate to ancient text form various
cultures. These have shown that humanity is now at the stage where we are becoming aware
of a greater reality and our true origins. They have shown controversial, but compelling
information about advanced technologies, such as interstellar travel and communication.
They also reveal the truth about the Egyptian pyramids and contain knowledge about many
suppressed technologies that I believe have been hidden from the public by unacknowledged,
underground government organizations.

The artwork comes to me during
the experiences, or through an overpowering urge to put pen to paper. Whenever this
occurs, my hand is taken over by a powerful force and it has with absolutely
no input from my conscious mind. I am never completely taken over, or in a trance,
although I do need to be side tracked. At times I have tried to influence what
is being drawn only to find my hand will stop and Im unable to finish the drawing
until I surrender my conscious input and control. After finishing the symbol I usually
receive a paragraph of hieroglyphic type writing, which some people have said resembles
hieroglyphic text. This depicts the drawings, interpretations and meaning, which is then
interpreted into English for easier understanding and later reference.

The information and drawings
come I believe through various extraterrestrial entities, most commonly through beings I
would call geometric or crystalline when in visible form.
They have extraordinary features, translucent, like crystal, often showing faces within
faces, which move and change constantly. Unlike the more common beings seen by
experiencers, they have no obvious appendages although they exude intense light and have a
powerful presence of infinite wisdom. Each being is connected to the other, existing
within a combined energy body, spanning solar systems and galaxies in this unified form. I
describe them as grandfather beings. They work within an energy body or
council, which includes various evolved, enlightened species. This energy body provides a
stabilizing, governing force over unified regions of consciousness, or within a specific
focus, or related to an area within this Universe. It resonates at high frequencies and
when combined with all existence they make up what is known as the Universal
mind. The mind exists everywhere, within all life containing infinite
information and knowledge. As everything in this Universe is made up of the same matter
resonating at different harmonics, these ET beings are able to communicate through all of
us directing thought on subatomic levels.
By doing this, the beings in geometric/crystalline form, communicate on levels
comprehensible to humanity and by activating direct subconscious interaction. This is
interpreted by the conscious mind into a simplified form of communication such as the
symbology I have shown within the geometric drawings. These drawings reflect
humanitys consciousness and they are meant to assist us in understanding our link
with the cosmic family. Focusing on the drawings can show you subtle images of the
crystalline geometric features and faces within them.

There are messages within the
drawings that are meant to communicate the nature of the macrocosm. We are learning to
remember what we already know, to view this life and this Universe in a new way and within
a non-linear spectrum. This enables us to connect to our inner wisdom and awareness,
bypassing linear space-time; thus allowing us to experience ourselves as we are deeply
connected to all life.
I have seen and work with many different types of beings, including several Zeta
types. These little fellows (sometimes called the greys ) have received
much hostility and negativity from human beings. Many people seem convinced that they are
trying to cause harm and disruption to humanity and in the past I felt that way too. I now
realize it was my limited perception and fear which kept me from understanding a greater
truth. There are many races of Zeta type beings and just because a few are doing things
that we perceive as hurtful or even cruel through our perception of the
experiences, does not mean they all behave like that. If Zetas were to look down at
the Earth right now, they would see wars and terrible destruction that many people are
causing the devastation within our environment and so on it would be easy to assume that
we are all are the same (i.e. destructive and violent.) The Zetas are
only I believe trying to survive, as we are and they have done nothing to me against my
will. It has always been my choice and from my understanding this choice is
also respected by other beings.
The Zeta beings have played a great role in the evolution of humanity, within the
denser levels of our existence, teaching us much about ourselves. They hold up
the mirror and many of us refuse to look into it for fear of what they may see. Their
energy and presence comes through, within my drawings, to show some of the past influences
of the planet and how their evolution is directly linked to our own. As
humanity moves to higher vibratory, levels the Zetas will be seen as allies and not
to be feared. We shall also begin to perceive the ET beings working with us on finer
levels, as we move into their range of existence. As this happens the Zetas will be
less prominent.
The tall greyish beings that I used to see, from birth up to the age of nine, always felt
like close family to me. Taking me aboard their spacecraft, I was able to wander around at
will and communicate freely with them. I felt a unique affinity with them, I easily forgot
our physical differences, as there were no barriers, we were all equal. They were
incredibly gentle beings who would communicate telepathically, demonstrating advanced
healing abilities and reminding me of their technological ability to travel through
interstellar space. They would take me to other Star systems where I was shown the
spiritually advanced practices and customs of beings on various planets.
I remember having an important role on board the craft. I assisted beings that were
travellers and used complex star maps, which seemed to be transformed from my thoughts
into holographic form. Often I would find that I was using complicated thought processes
unlike anything I could experience on earth, and we would engage in telepathic
communication about concepts that defy the laws of linear space and time. I would
experience interstellar travel beyond the light barrier where craft would operate on a
non-linear frequency, allowing us to travel thousands of light years in a matter of a few
I was very baffled at how I could know this information when I was aboard the craft, but
the knowledge flowed effortlessly, as if it were second nature to me. Since then I have
understood that I had access to this information from a very young age. When I was aboard
the craft, I had a shift in consciousness that allowed me to access information from a
quantum field of thought. While in this altered state I was able to interface with regions
of my mind, which on Earth were usually hidden within the subconscious, or unconscious. It
was very difficult to leave and return to Earth, as I always felt I was returning to an
unfamiliar, restricting world, as I was far more comfortable in other
I felt a very close affiliation to those beings who some call the Preying mantis
beings They are often extremely tall, two to five metres (six to fifteen feet) and
they have huge insect eyes protruding from either side of their head. I have learned to
accept their strange appearance and have been taught much about humanity from these grand
beings. They are extremely ancient and possess incredible wisdom. People often witness
these beings during experiences with the gray Zetas, enabling them to understand and
work more closely with us.
The mantis beings are incredible healers and are known to assist earth in many
ways when intervention is necessary. Their wisdom and understanding often comes through my
artwork I feel, as they are a significant link to our evolution. They are evolved beings
who work alongside the crystalline beings within the council I previously mentioned. I
have often found myself working with the young and newborn Mantis as they are
as curious as I am and we seem to learn much from each other. They are born with the
knowledge of their elders, as it is passed genetically. Yet only by their interacting with
humans can they gain the wisdom to understand this knowledge they have been given.
Thousand of years ago the designers of the pyramids came from a section of space called
the Orion system. These beings were the original lion beings, the ancestors
of the cat like beings from Sirius. The cat like beings live and
communicate in the same time frame as the Orion lion beings and these Lion
beings often come through my drawings as cosmic warriors of wisdom. They are called
lion beings for the obvious reason they have facial features not unlike
a lion. They have beautiful soft faces, with cat like eyes and golden orange manes. They
hold the key to our ancestry and are easily contacted by thought. They originally came to
our earth during ancient times from the Orion star system to oversee the
creation and activation of the pyramids of Egypt and those existing elsewhere on earth.
But these cat like beings from Sirius were the prominent builders of the
pyramids. The cat like beings are descendants of the Lion people of Orion,
but live in a different sphere of existence. The Sirius cat beings
are physical beings, capable of building complex physical structures. The Orion Lion
beings are in a non-physical spectrum that transcends space-time and they are
the designers of such great monuments as the pyramids. This is the
multidimensional aspect to the construction of the pyramids eg. the Sirius' cat like
beings, which interact with humans, honours the Lion beings. Most humans know
these cat -like beings as they are more prominent in physical reality. There were
many other races of beings involved in the construction of the pyramids, but
the most prominent were the cat-like ones because of their direct
link with their Orion ancestors who hold the non-physical blueprint of
the pyramids.
During the time when the earth was relatively untouched the lion beings were able to focus
the earths energies. The result was that this fertile planet was able to share its
potent energy to accommodate the needs of many species on other planets that are thousands
of light years away. These beings have now spread to other planetary systems to assist
with similar energy activation throughout the Universe. With strong connections to the
beginning of humanity they are often here to impart messages and some of the messages are
depicted through my drawings.
There are some extraterrestrial people that look very similar to humans, commonly known as
humanoids. Once again, there are many different kinds with different levels
of spiritual and technological evolution. Many races of humanoids are technologically
superior to humans. There are several types of Et humanoids that walk among humans
virtually unnoticed, as they are curious about us. The humanoids that I interact with are
very concerned with suppression of technologies and mass extinction of the planetary
species. I am told that if these technologies and energy systems were not suppressed then
we would have an end to poverty and the preservation of our ecosystems. Some of these
technologies are shown within my drawings and can interpreted by those who choose to
understand the links to the non-polluting zero point field of energy ie energy that can be
obtained through sources that will not threaten the ecosystems of Earth.
There are several other ET beings that I interact with on a regular basis, such as those
known as the Arcturians, Pleiadians and those from
Andromeda. They are often mistaken for angels because of their incredible
light bodies. They are also a sort of advanced future version of the human
species, who exude a body of light when interacting with me. They constantly inspire
messages that are carried through into my artwork and geometric symbols. They feel concern
for the path the human race has chosen to take, and are patiently observing us with
compassion and a hope that we will wake up before we literally annihilate ourselves. But
all the beings make it perfectly clear that they are not going to interfere. It is up to
us to make a global decision for peace and equilibrium.
Over a four-year period I completed six coloured drawings, and eleven black and white
drawings. After finishing seven of the black and white drawings I had an intense encounter
with ET beings that I have mentioned previously. They communicated using a series of
visual materialisations similar to holographic images. It was made extremely clear to me
that the drawings have great significance and they told me that I should have them copied
onto transparency (acetate) and that the drawings would align with each other, showing an
important universal connection. I did this and I found that the drawings did indeed fit
together and in many different ways, and this all worked despite the fact that every one
of the drawings had been completed free hand and on separate occasions. For example the
triangles would fit with others at exactly the same angles all with astonishing accuracy.
After this happened major turning point for me was when I met Mary Rodwell, Mary enabled
me to acknowledge and accept my experiences and she taught me that I am far from alone in
this. At the support group my geometric drawings were met with astonishing reactions. Many
remembered seeing some similar symbols during their own encounters and members of the
group helped me to slot them together in many different ways. It was at this point that
another encounter with the council of beings and they conveyed to me that I now needed to
convert the drawings to a 3D format, onto computer if I could so that the information held
within them would be accessible.
Triggered by the symbols, I have found myself speaking languages that are not I believe,
to be of earthly origin. I am now in the process of learning more about them, I have the
information I need to convert these languages into English. I have often been caught out
finishing sentences and naming everyday items using these languages involuntarily. The
ability to speak other languages without consciously learning them is a familiar trait, I
believe, of those who interact with these beings and it is commonly known as Star
Many of the symbols have been used throughout ancient civilisations I believe, and are
related to Star systems. There is a strong link with the enigmatic crop circle designs
found throughout the world, which could be another way in which some Extraterrestrials are
communicating with us. Also contained within the drawings are electrical symbols that
relate to energy and alternative power sources. Within one drawing there are co-ordinates
to areas of importance on Earth, as well as complicated mathematical formulae. Key words
around some of the coloured drawings explain some of their significance.
The drawings depict a grand Universal connection in a form that can be recognized by all
intelligent life, as a universal language. The geometry and symbology act as a
powerful trigger, awakening ancestral memories existing within our DNA and within our
minds on many levels. There is much we need to remember before we can openly join with the
Universal community. Humanity first needs to become aware of
awareness, allowing us to initiate contact and interact with Et beings without
unnecessary fear and hostility. The illusions of space and time have been realized by many
as we understand the true nature of the cosmos and ourselves.
I now have a more conscious connection with the energy that allows me to complete the
symbols and messages. I have been preparing to create images and geometric symbols that
will act as a trigger to accelerate of personal development. These include geometric
encoding, compatible with an individuals genetic heritage.
As individual beings, we are made up of infinite geometrical encoding and harmonic
frequencies, which exist universally, ultimately linking all life and consciousness
together. We each react differently to these, developing at our own pace and in accordance
with the evolution of our species. To put it simply, I can now complete drawings
specifically for an individuals use. I call these personal blueprints.
These enable an individual to connect with their extraterrestrial origins, to reawaken
inner abilities and understanding, triggering a magnificent new awareness of reality.
Planet earth has always felt unfamiliar for me, although it has provided diversity and
learning. At times, life became extremely difficult particularly as I realised that people
around me didnt accept my experiences and my way of thinking. This has forced me to
question my sanity and the reality of my experiences, sometimes rising to thoughts of
ending my life. Over the year I have made several visits to psychiatrists and
psychologists, I have undergone numerous physical and psychological assessments as well as
CAT and EEG scans. No brain abnormalities or psychological problems have been found. Nor
have I had any conventional explanations as to why so many others, (as well as myself)
have had Contact experiences. So I have needed to look within for answers.
This has provided me with the acknowledgment of my lifelong connection to Et beings as
being part of my reality.
I am now moving forward with my artwork, having a greater understanding of its
significance. I feel a true sense of purpose, as I know that the drawings will shed some
much-needed light about the great mysteries of our planet. The transformations that I have
witnessed within some people who have seen the drawings is incredibly inspiring. There is
I feel, a real need for Extraterrestrial existence and human-Et interaction to be
acknowledged within todays society. It needs to happen now, and I urge those who are
aware to come forward and help us educate those who are willing to listen.
Tracey concludes,
As far as my own Contact experiences are concerned I slowly became very
compassionate towards these ET beings, as there is so much that humans can learn and
benefit by interacting with them. I was far more fearful of my experiences
when I realized that I seemed to be the only one having them, I didnt
know what was going on and why! But there has always been an equal exchange
between me and the Zetas. I helped them achieve their genetic goals and in return my
healing and psychic ability, plus my understanding of life on earth and so on, has been
enhanced. They also protect me when I ask them to. If I need the answer to a question,
telepathically they will tell me. Basically at the start I misunderstood the
'greys'. The knowing Et part of me initially made a decision to assist them
and the understanding of this can be overshadowed by fear which stems from our limited
human perceptions and reactions to these experiences.
I have been privileged to see Tracey grow from fear and confusion into a person full of
confidence and healthy integration of her multi-reality by having the support that she
needed to enable her to understand and explore her Contact experiences. To demonstrate
this new confidence was in 2001 in Melbourne, Australia, she calmly faced a panel of
psychiatrists and talked to them about her experiences holding nothing back. All eight
doctors agreed they could not explain this as being any form of mental illness. They were
intrigued and even wished Tracey the best of luck! For Tracey, to have agreed to that
interplay, and for her to put herself on the line like that shows how far she has come and
how much integrity and courage she has acquired. Her reason was simple, she felt that she
had to demonstrate that this was a reality for her, and a positive one. And more than that
she felt it vitally important that the conventional establishment became aware of this
Rodwell, Mary Awakening how
Extraterrestrial Contact can Transform your life. Reprinted by Avatar Publications(
Taylor, Tracey web site:
