YUKON (and one from the NWT) UFO SIGHTINGS, 1980s
1982 - "Big Circle in the Sky Pelly Crossing"
- Posted May 20061985 - "A UFO Follows Snowmobilers near Pelly Crossing"
- Posted May 20061986 - "I tried Everything, It was Like She was Dead"
- A report from Old Crow, Approximate date: 20-Sep-861986 - "Another Giant UFO in the Yukon"
- Tagish Lake, November, 19861988 - "Close-Up Sighting Documented by Minerals Surveyor"
- Montana Mountain near Carcross, Yukon. 16-Mar-88 by Des Clark1988 - "UFO Photographed at MacMillan Pass - Horses go Ballistic"
- This UFO was photographed about 3 km into the NWT across the Yukon border om the North Canol Road. We posted it here anyway. Jul-881989 or 1990 - "Did the UFO turn off my Snowmobile?"
- A report from Old Crow, First week of December
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