During the summers of 1999 and 2000 I made quite a few
trips north of Whitehorse to locate and interview witnesses regarding the Giant UFO
sighting that occurred on December 11, 1996. As many of our readers will know this
sighting was eventually published as UFO*BC Special Report #1 consisting of 43
pages and 37 drawings and figures describing what at least 31 people witnessed that winter
evening. However, this event was not the only one described to me while on my excursions
along the Klondike Highway. I have dug out my notebooks and here is a sampling of others
accounts related to me during two visits to the Village of Pelly Crossing.
Frances Lake Sighting, February 1979
On July 24, 1999 while interviewing a witness to
the Giant UFO case in her home a relative of hers happened to stop by. Hey, why
dont you tell Martin about your UFO sighting?, said the witness to her cousin.
cousin went on to describe an event that he recalled from his childhood: It was
February, 1979 and my mother and brother and I were parked at a gravel pit where we
accessed our trap line. It was close to Frances Lake which is about 86 Miles from Watson
Lake towards Ross River. I had just looked left and then to the right and there about 30
feet over the trees was this huge white object the size of four Econoline Vans! It was
about the 50 ft away and the glowing light was shining on the snow covered forest below.
The light was like that of a pump up lantern, pearly white. Then over the course of the
next 45 minutes it slowly changed colours from white to red, to yellow, to purple, and
finally to an iridescent blue. The purple colour was the nicest I thought. The heavily
snow covered trees also reflected these various colours. It was a beautiful sight.
Witness drawing of object that changed colours from
white, to red, yellow, purple and iridescent blue, near Frances Lake, February, 1979. |
object was silent the whole time. Although I dont recall seeing it take off it was
dead quiet after it left. My mother and brother were hiding under the blankets in the car,
they didnt want to see it. I opened the door a bit and still heard nothing. It was
amazing, how could a hovering object be so still and silent? A sudden tremor from it would
have sent the snow down off the trees, it didnt!
UFO Follows Snowmobilers, near Pelly Crossing,
(about 1985)
On September 2, 2000 I was in the community of Pelly again and was introduced to one
of two witnesses who was followed by a flying disk while on snowmobiles. The witness went
on to describe the event: It was about 15 years ago and we were returning from
building a cabin. We noticed some lights behind us while we were on our snow machines so
we decided to stop. The UFO came up to us and parked right there! It was 60 to 80 metres
away and maybe 200 ft long. It was silver metallic with two rows of lights on it. There
was no sound, we shut off our snow machines and still didnt hear anything. After a
couple of minutes it just took off! We raced home and my heart was just pumping! We heard
later from two women who saw it from the monument (near Pelly River) shoot off into the
sky from that direction where we were.
Witness drawing of object that followed him while he
was driving a snow mobile outside the Village of Pelly Crossing, Yukon in about 1985. |
asked the witness to hold out his arms to demonstrate how large it appeared in the sky and
he held his arms out at 2 1/2 feet apart. My heart would have been pumping too. An
approximate year for the sighting is 1985. The two men were returning from building a
cabin east of Pelly River. I went with the witness to the Band Office and he located the
location of the sighting on a map at N62deg 45.2min, W135deg 47.2min.
Big Circle in the Sky, Pelly Crossing 1982
On September 4, 2000 I was on a return trip from further north and again stopped in
Pelly. I was outside the Selkirk Grocery store with one of the Fox Lake Giant UFO
witnesses and was introduced to two more people that had witnessed UFOs. One recalled that
in 1982 a big round circle in the sky appeared. Lots of people saw it in
Pelly, they thought it was the last day, all the Christians were running
Red Liquid Ball, Pelly Crossing, April, 1995
Another young fellow recalled that in April 1995 he was walking home across the Pelly
River Bridge at about 4 or 5 am after a cribbage tournament when out over the river
appeared a a bright red ball with a liquid pattern on it. He found it
mesmerizing. He motioned with his hands to try and explain to me how the pattern flowed
and changed. He couldnt believe what he was seeing so he rubbed his eyes. It was
still there. It finally disappeared behind a hill.