1997 Langley
Ok this is not a recent sighting. I was driving to my
sister's place in Langley sometime in probably 1997. I had just gotten off the
freeway at 232 and was just turning onto 232 driving south when I looked up
in the sky to my left and saw a white oval shape in the sky. I didn't have
time to stop as I had to go and baby-sit my great niece and nephew and didn't
want to be late as my niece had to go to work. If I'd thought about it I
could have stopped and taken a picture. But that's it sorry. I'm certain it
was a spaceship.
1997 or 1998, Tsawwassen, BC:
(5:30 am)
We were driving home to Tsawwassen at
5:30 in the morning on highway 17. We were approaching the intersection of
56th Street and hwy 17 when my boyfriend said: ".........do you see THAT!!"
I said, "No, I'm driving." When we pulled up to the red light I did look in
the direction of the hills of Tsawwassen and saw this HUGE thing in the sky.
It was very shiny, silvery looking, and travelled smoothly in a straight
line towards the ocean (direction of the ferry terminal). I had to pull away
from the traffic light but my boyfriend who continued to watch said:
"..........do you see THAT (again)", I said "No, what is it?" (we were both
VERY excited now) he said there were several lights that came out of the big
"ship" and flew about. I did not see the lights because of the traffic, but
I was able to watch a bit as the "ship" entered the space above the ocean
where it just disappeared.
Now the kicker: when I was on my way
to work the next day, I was listening to the radio when someone came on and
asked the dj's - did anyone else see what I saw over Tsawwassen yesterday
morning?! The radio went silent for about 30 seconds, then a song came on. I
continued to listen to the radio but there was no mention of the caller - at
all. Sometime later - not quite sure how long it was, could have been months
maybe more, but there was something, I believe it was a show on TV, when
someone said that they had experienced a sighting over Tsawwassen. When
asked what they saw, the man said: "I have no idea what I saw, but I can
tell you this, whatever it was, it was HUGE." I'm not sure what the distance
was but if we had been standing outside and stretched our arms wide it would
have just fit into that space, in other words, from where we first spotted
it, it was at least a yard wide.
I read your article in our local
newspaper The Courier, and I just felt the need to tell you about our
Just after midnight K.M. was looking out of
the window when he noticed a "meteor" come into view from the west at a steep
angle, only this one then suddenly stopped. A second later another one arrived on a
parallel course and also stopped. Almost immediately three "stars" (?) came up
from the ground. They were white and appeared to pulsate. Forming into a loose circle all
the objects headed south and moved out of sight. The night sky was clear.
13-Jan-97 Abbotsford
"Ursula" was heading for work in
Chilliwack when she noticed a white, fluffy cloud in an otherwise perfectly clear sky. She
was amazed when the cloud "burst downwards" with a bright white light, three
times consecutively. After the additional portions of the cloud dissipated, what was left
behind was a black bar. After 5 minutes, a solid stream of bright white light came
downwards from the black bar, and then there were two black bars! The second one was
slightly smaller, and about 45 degrees below the first one. The bars retained their
relative position to each other, but started moving east in a "wavy" motion. She
lost sight of them when she got off the freeway at the Sardis exit.
Later that morning, about 11 am, two male
delivery people arrived at her workplace and described seeing, at the same location, a
glowing cloud that was expanding and contracting at the bottom.
14-Jan-97 Abbotsford
About 8 AM, as "Ursula" was
heading to work in Chilliwack (2nd sighting - see 13-Jan) she noticed a strange
pinkish/grey line across the hazy sky. After a few minutes, the line started to move
across the sky. After 10 minutes, as the line "crested the mountain", it broke
apart. Where the line separated was an object that looked like a glowing pink coffee bean!
That part of the sky was clear.
Later that morning, two male delivery
people arrived at her workplace and confirmed that they also had seen a strange pink line
in the sky.
15-Jan-97 Vancouver
A young woman had previously seen a strange
white light in the southern sky. At about 6 AM on this particular morning, she saw it
again, and this time it appeared to approach her residence. Next she knew, a row of
flashing green/orange/red lights were located stationary outside her window. A
"WHOOSH" could be heard from it. Panic stricken, she ran downstairs, grabbed her
baby and then phoned "911". The operator was very interested and asked her a
series of questions. After a short conversation the 911 operator gave her another number
to call. She called it and discovered it was the Chilliwack Air Force Base. This new
operator was very "matter of fact" in her manner. She asked her to stay on the
line while she "patched" her onto another phone line. The next stop was
N.O.R.A.D. in Boulder Colorado. She had no idea what the acronym stood for! Again she told
her story and was told that someone would call her back later in the day. That afternoon,
a captain called her from Colorado (?) to say they had found "nothing in your
area" and furthermore "we don't believe in UFOs, so it must have been a meteor
that you saw".
(N.B. - This is the third report we are
aware of in the past 14 months where UFO witnesses have been connected to N.O.R.A.D.)
(N.B. - One wonders how they checked out
her story, and with what - satellites?)
(N.B. - This lady has two sons 10 and 6.
The eldest boy described an abduction scenario when he was 4 where crystals were involved.
Then at 9 mentioned a "clown wearing a mask" appeared at his bedroom window. The
6 year old has been heard talking and laughing with "someone/something" (?) in
his room at night. The mother is a keen church-goer. Her fellow attendees have described
these events as demonic.)
21-Jan-97 Langley
Around 6 PM, Megan (9) was on the patio
building an igloo in the snow. She heard a loud noise and, thinking it was a helicopter,
looked up to see a large circular craft moving slowly from across the street to over her
home (moving north to south). She estimates the object was at "tree top level"
(about 100 feet?). She called her parents but father was on the phone and mother arrived
from preparing dinner too late to see it. Megan and her mother dashed upstairs to a south
facing bedroom to see a large craft with illuminated windows and flashing lights come to a
halt over a field about 1500 feet south of their home. Shortly after, Megan's father
arrived with binoculars and they took turns watching it for the next four hours. The
vehicle periodically moved slowly south and then returned. It finally receded and was seen
only as a coloured flashing "star". They finally ate supper at 10 PM.
23-Jan-97 Langley
(2nd sighting - see 21-Jan-97 Langley)
Megan and her parents saw the object again from 7 PM to 8 PM. It was moving back and forth
over the field south of their home. There was no accompanying sound.
31-Jan-97 Burnaby
Looking north-west from his apartment patio
at about 5:15 PM, a man saw an extremely bright light above Burnaby Mountain, about half a
mile west of Simon Fraser University. As it was still light out, he took two pictures of
the object(?). It appeared to about 200 feet above the tree line and had no apparent
movement. When using a monocular, it looked like a bright spot on a welding torch. With
the naked eye, it looked to be 3 times larger than a street light.
At one point a ray of bright light flashed
out horizontally, then it resumed its normal appearance. It was as bright, or brighter,
than the full moon. Another time it appeared to elongate then resumed its original shape.
At 18:20 it was still there, but gone at
Back at 18:40, same location, but much
Gone at 22:30, but back at 23:15 (last time
it was seen).
Not there at 02:30 (Feb 1). The witness
reported it to a local radio show at this time. They stated that they had received other
February, Vancouver (2:00 pm)
"The sky is clear and sunny. As I was coming out from my parked
car, about 50 degree latitude West from where I stood, I saw a brown object flying across
the sky. It is impossible to be a plane because;firstly, of its size. If that object is
close to me, it will be really big. Secondly, the speed. I haven't seen anything can fly
that fast across the sky. I can only view it for 2 to 3 seconds. I told my friends about
it ... but I am sure none of them will really believing it. To reason it logically, maybe
its just a military aircraft passing by."
7-FEB-97 Clearwater
At about 22:10, a married couple going home
spotted a bright light on a nearby mountain. They watched it for about 10 minutes
whereupon it relocated from a 45 degree angle to a 75 degree position. The couple
proceeded home and resumed observation through binoculars. These enabled them to determine
the lights were amber or orange in colour, and positioned in a cross (X) formation, with a
grey haze around the lights. A short time later the lights formed a square, and soon
afterwards they regrouped into a triangle. Then the bottom left light moved out of
position, followed by the bottom right. Soon after that, the single remaining light moved
out of sight. The total viewing time was around 30 minutes. Weather at that time was
overcast with low clouds. The mountain in question has no towers with lights attached.
9-Feb-97 Vancouver
A young woman (2nd report - see 15-Jan-97)
suddenly saw a bright shimmery white light with flickering green that flooded her room
about 6:40 AM. She dashed downstairs to find her two sons very frightened. She also heard
a "hiss" like an electrical sound. The total experience was about 15 seconds. On
this occasion she phoned Chilliwack A.F.B. directly, and a man answered. A short time
later she was switched to N.O.R.A.D. in Colorado. A woman answered at first, then she
spoke to a Captain, who asked many questions, for about 10 minutes. When she tried to ask
him about the existence and reality of UFOs, he was very evasive. He later gave her the
number of a public relations officer to call.
(N.B. - This lady recently discovered
another lady in the same complex that has had (is having?) intrusive experiences.)
9-Feb-97 New Hazelton
"This a second hand report, as I
thought if you were interested enough you could call the person direct to get the first
hand account. Because of the place I work, he called to see if we had recorded any unusual
The sighting was of a white flashing light
and a bright alternating yellow or yellow-orange light. The light was seen looking WNW
with the light moving toward the north-west at a relatively high speed. The other thing
was that no sound was heard. The person seemed to be quite familiar with the usual
aircraft that transit the area. The sighting was approximately 9PM, Feb 2.
No aircraft were off the Smithers airport
at that time. The time was after sunset, but still twilight till approximately 9:48 pm.
Sounded interesting to me so am passing it on."
March 1997, Kelowna:
(10:00 pm)
I live in Kelowna BC
and back in March of 97, between 10-15th, somewhere around 9:30 pm and 10:30
pm as me and an ex-girlfriend were leaving a friend's as we got in the truck
in town (Rutland) she looked up at the sky and said, "You ever see a UFO
before?", so I looked up and saw a triangle-shaped vehicle with dim
orange-amber round lights on each point moving at a high rate of speed over
our heads at high altitude. It was high in the sky but looked like a large
object. It was heading from east to west; from horizon to horizon in a
straight line, but it was no airplane. Judging from altitude and speed it was
100 times faster that a high altitude passenger jet. I’ve watched them and
they take minutes to go mountains to mountains in the valley. This was over in
approximately 10 seconds, but has always left me wondering what or who was
that. US government or something else? After seeing something like that it has
left me excited but when I share my story with others they seem very sceptical.
I guess you have to see it to know there’s something going on here!!
2-Mar-97 -
A bright orange-red glow was observed
through the clouds over Capitol Hill in the early morning hours Sunday. The light appeared
to be pulsating and hovered near the woman’s apartment for about an hour. She
described it as a "fire in the sky". After interviewing the witness and a
neighbour it was found this sighting was not the first. About a year prior to the March
2nd sighting a silent, triangular shaped light formation was observed to the west towards
downtown Vancouver. The objects three points were lit amber, orange and blue. As well the
woman estimated the craft to be about 5 or 6 blocks in size!
10-Mar-97 Burnaby
At about 3:05 pm, the witness was
travelling southeast on the Skytrain between Royal Oak and Edmonds. He noticed something
shiny, high up, heading northwest. It was cylindrical. or "cigar-shaped",
brownish, and smaller than a plane (estimate). It was moving at a steady pace when it
suddenly "jumped up" at a 45 degree angle, and then continued its original
trajectory. Total viewing time was about 30 seconds.
10-Mar-97 Vancouver
(4:20 PM)
"The sky is clear and sunny. As I was coming out from my parked
car, about 50 degree latitude West from where I stood, I saw a brown object flying across
the sky. It is impossible to be a plane because; firstly, of its size. If that object is
close to me, it will be really big. Secondly, the speed. I haven't seen anything can fly
that fast across the sky. I can only view it for 2 to 3 seconds. I told my friends about
it ... but I am sure none of them will really believing it. To reason it logically, maybe
its just a military aircraft passing by."
14-Mar-97 Surrey
At about 6:30 pm a family was leaving the
Guildford library when the 7 year old boy observed what he called a "swarm"
around the top of a building. Both parents observed a strange dark spherical object that
appeared to be circling the building. It then rose above the building and disappeared. At
arms length it was approximately the size of a baseball (Estimated diameter 30 feet).
Total viewing time 15 seconds.
19-Mar-97 Vancouver
At about 4 PM, Mr. Arthur McLeod was on his
way to have his brakes repaired. He noticed a high flying jet aircraft travelling north to
south. Although the jet was too high to discern the type, or even the number of engines,
one large contrail was observed. At about 85 degrees elevation, facing north/northwest, a
round, very shiny object was seen embedded in the contrail of the aircraft. The observer
also noticed a small gap in the contrail on either side of the shiny object. The object
did not move as the aircraft proceeded south. After about 4 minutes, the object still had
not moved, and Mr Mcleod continued on his way.
1-Apr-1997, Surrey, BC:
details report: Evening of April 1st, 1997. I was leaving the house to
go out with some friends and was out in the driveway chatting with a
friend of my mothers. They were attending university at that time and
she was just leaving a night of studying with my mother. She wasn't a
friend of mine and I really didn't know her very well. No drugs or
alcohol had been consumed by any of us that evening.
of stars were very visible in the night sky above us. We were
distracted from our conversation when we noticed the stars began to
'twinkle' and 'flash' repeatedly all across the sky. I had never seen
stars go from normal stars to that many flashing stars. We were looking
up and across the sky trying to figure out what was causing this to
happen when something came into view in the sky behind us. We were
looking West and the object traveled East-to-West so it came up from
behind us and overhead. There are certain details about this object
which stand out very clear to me but there are also aspects of this
sighting that I have a hard time remembering, almost as if I dreamed
it. The two of us said to each other numerous times, "You can see this
too, right?". The object was gigantic and seemed to be traveling quite
low and far too slow for any aircraft I had experienced in person. It
was shaped like a wide arrowhead. Not quite an isosceles triangle
because the rear of the craft was curved outwards, not a distinct flat
line. I do not recall any lights on this vessel whatsoever. It was
really only visible by the lights in our driveway and the outline of
the ship against the sky.
do not recall any sound whatsoever coming from the vessel. I have seen
commercial airliners come in to land and the sound is extremely loud
from the engines, this craft had no sound and was too slow and too low
for me to comprehend what I was seeing. As the vessel moved over our
heads continuing West, we could make out vague details of the underside
of the craft. Looked like pipes or channels. At the risk of losing any
credibility, the only remotely accurate way I could describe it would
be to imagine looking up at a "Star Destroyer" ship that is so iconic
with Star Wars fans. (note- I myself am not even a fan of Star Wars, I
had to Google the name of the ship just now.) This is what I mean when
I say I could see dim channeled 'metal work' underneath when I looked
up. I am by no means an expert at deciphering air speed or height of a
moving craft as I have no flight knowledge. I would describe the speed
and distance this way.: 1.) If I were to hold up my hand up over my
face, I would still see the craft on all sides. It would not come close
to fully blocking my vision of it. 2.) As for speed, it would travel
the length of my hand (raised over my head and between my line of sight
and the craft) in approximately 3-5 seconds. As the craft continued
slowly west and was no longer overhead of our property line, the back
of the craft lit up white and it flew high and north before vanishing.
The only thing more astonishing with the 'slow' speed of a flying
object so large and low is how lightening fast it disappeared from our
sight. At the rate it was traveling, we should have been able to see it
for another few minutes at least but it seemed to raise higher and
vanish heading North in under 3 seconds.
a few moments of the object vanishing, the stars began to 'blink'
slower and eventually resumed the standard stars in the night sky which
could be considered normal. The two of us were at a loss for words to
describe what we saw at the time, we went back into the house to tell
my mother and other family members. My mother was surprised to see that
her classmate was even still there (she thought she went home some 10
minutes previous). We both told the same story and were believed for
the most part because we were not 'friends' who would collaborate a
story for a laugh, not to mention an age gap of at least 10 years. A
family member said, "Good luck getting anyone else to believe you
though, it's April Fools Day."
awhile I kept trying to make sense of what I saw and decided to call
the non-emergency police line. (Seems odd to not look up online or on
my phone, but it was 1997. We had internet at the time the internet
wasn't really the 'go-to' place for real-time alerts and posted
updates.) When the operator answered, I told her what we saw and said
"You probably think this is a joke because it's April Fools Day, but it
isn't a joke." She said "We've had a few hundred calls about this in
the last 45 minutes so you aren't the only one." She took down my info
and said someone might contact me for more info but nobody did.
A husband and wife were outside watching
the eclipse of the moon. At approximately 9 PM, Mr V. saw three bright lights move away
from the left side of the moon and move rapidly to the south. The lights were in a
triangular formation and moved together. After seeing the objects, Mr V. told his wife to
look. She also observed the lights until they were obscured by a building to their south.
2-Apr-1997, Surrey, BC:
details report: Evening of April 1st, 1997. I was leaving the house to
go out with some friends and was out in the driveway chatting with a
friend of my mothers. They were attending university at that time and
she was just leaving a night of studying with my mother. She wasn't a
friend of mine and I really didn't know her very well. No drugs or
alcohol had been consumed by any of us that evening.
of stars were very visible in the night sky above us. We were
distracted from our conversation when we noticed the stars began to
'twinkle' and 'flash' repeatedly all across the sky. I had never seen
stars go from normal stars to that many flashing stars. We were looking
up and across the sky trying to figure out what was causing this to
happen when something came into view in the sky behind us. We were
looking West and the object traveled East-to-West so it came up from
behind us and overhead. There are certain details about this object
which stand out very clear to me but there are also aspects of this
sighting that I have a hard time remembering, almost as if I dreamed
it. The two of us said to each other numerous times, "You can see this
too, right?". The object was gigantic and seemed to be traveling quite
low and far too slow for any aircraft I had experienced in person. It
was shaped like a wide arrowhead. Not quite an isosceles triangle
because the rear of the craft was curved outwards, not a distinct flat
line. I do not recall any lights on this vessel whatsoever. It was
really only visible by the lights in our driveway and the outline of
the ship against the sky.
do not recall any sound whatsoever coming from the vessel. I have seen
commercial airliners come in to land and the sound is extremely loud
from the engines, this craft had no sound and was too slow and too low
for me to comprehend what I was seeing. As the vessel moved over our
heads continuing West, we could make out vague details of the underside
of the craft. Looked like pipes or channels. At the risk of losing any
credibility, the only remotely accurate way I could describe it would
be to imagine looking up at a "Star Destroyer" ship that is so iconic
with Star Wars fans. (note- I myself am not even a fan of Star Wars, I
had to Google the name of the ship just now.) This is what I mean when
I say I could see dim channeled 'metal work' underneath when I looked
up. I am by no means an expert at deciphering air speed or height of a
moving craft as I have no flight knowledge. I would describe the speed
and distance this way.: 1.) If I were to hold up my hand up over my
face, I would still see the craft on all sides. It would not come close
to fully blocking my vision of it. 2.) As for speed, it would travel
the length of my hand (raised over my head and between my line of sight
and the craft) in approximately 3-5 seconds. As the craft continued
slowly west and was no longer overhead of our property line, the back
of the craft lit up white and it flew high and north before vanishing.
The only thing more astonishing with the 'slow' speed of a flying
object so large and low is how lightening fast it disappeared from our
sight. At the rate it was traveling, we should have been able to see it
for another few minutes at least but it seemed to raise higher and
vanish heading North in under 3 seconds.
a few moments of the object vanishing, the stars began to 'blink'
slower and eventually resumed the standard stars in the night sky which
could be considered normal. The two of us were at a loss for words to
describe what we saw at the time, we went back into the house to tell
my mother and other family members. My mother was surprised to see that
her classmate was even still there (she thought she went home some 10
minutes previous). We both told the same story and were believed for
the most part because we were not 'friends' who would collaborate a
story for a laugh, not to mention an age gap of at least 10 years. A
family member said, "Good luck getting anyone else to believe you
though, it's April Fools Day."
awhile I kept trying to make sense of what I saw and decided to call
the non-emergency police line. (Seems odd to not look up online or on
my phone, but it was 1997. We had internet at the time the internet
wasn't really the 'go-to' place for real-time alerts and posted
updates.) When the operator answered, I told her what we saw and said
"You probably think this is a joke because it's April Fools Day, but it
isn't a joke." She said "We've had a few hundred calls about this in
the last 45 minutes so you aren't the only one." She took down my info
and said someone might contact me for more info but nobody did.
4-Apr-97 Georgia Strait
Observer was travelling to Nanaimo by ferry
from Horseshoe Bay to Nanaimo. The ferry left Nanaimo at approximately 20:00. Because the
steel construction of the ship hindered the reception, the observer went outside on deck
to listen to the hockey game. The observer watched comet Hale-Bopp for a while. At
approximately 20:55 he noticed a meteorite falling in the west. As he was looking in that
direction he saw passing overhead from behind him a bright object with a short bright
tail. The object was moving slowly from east to west on a path slightly south of the
observer. The object was in view for approximately five seconds. The object seemed to be
surrounded by a fuzzy halo. The object and the halo were white in colour. Three seconds
later another object identical in appearance to the first travelled east to west and
directly overhead of the observer.
5-Apr-97 New Westminster
Just before midnight, a woman, lying in her
bed, saw a yellow "star" through the skylight above her (witness suffers from
fibromialga and the pain makes sleeping difficult and irregular). This lens-shaped object
remained in view (in the same half of the skylight) for a total of 3 or 4 hours. A blue
(detached) beam appeared to be drawing something into the craft. The object would bob, or
jiggle, up or down, left or right, but always remained in view. Over the next month, this
object was observed on two other nights for extended periods of time.
6-Apr-97 Port Coquitlam
About 10:15, a woman was looking out the
window (southeast) at the stars and saw a bright blue flash. She then observed a light,
pulsating red, blue and white. Looking at it with binoculars, she saw a disc with red,
blue and white lights on the rim. The object tilted up revealing a white light on the
bottom, then shot straight up out of sight.
6-Apr-97 Richmond?
About 10:15, witness was looking to the
southwest, over Georgia Strait, and he noticed a very bright light, "twice as bright
as any other star". The light was pulsating with bright blue, white and red lights.
Observer contacted search and rescue, airport and police but no one could identify the
7-Apr-97 New Westminster
About 10:15 PM, a young man was outside
observing the comet Hale-Bopp. After identifying other bright objects in the sky, such as
Mars and Sirius, he noticed an even brighter object in the southern sky. At first it was
flashing/twinkling normally, but after 30 seconds it started to sequentially change
colours from blue to red to white and then all three colours together. It repeated this
exact sequence twice, then the object suddenly shifted 20 degrees to the left! At it's new
location it again repeated the colour change sequence before zipping straight up, not
overhead across the sky, but STRAIGHT UP! It was totally out of sight, and no more strange
things to see, so he ran inside to phone UFO*BC.
15-Apr-97 Burnaby
At approximately 1 PM, a man watched a
small bright red object in the sky over Burnaby Lake. Although there was a strong wind
blowing, this "balloon" was only moving slowly, from the southeast to the
northwest. The estimated elevation was 1000 to 1500 feet. After a short period of
observation it came to a halt, wobbled around for a few moments, then began to slowly
climb vertically into the sky, and finally disappearing into the low cloud base.
It was in view approximately two minutes.
Viewed through a monocular it appeared to have "bands" around it's
16-Apr-97 Vancouver
On the night of Apr.16 between 11:30 &
midnight,from their Mackenzie St. location in Vancouver, Lorrie-Ann and her husband Angus,
along with some of their neighbours, watched "several" green coloured lights in
the sky performing a celestial ballet of sorts. The lights appeared to be behind the
clouds,and occasionally one or more would "dart out from behind the cloud
cover". The colour would then change to white. When returning to their original
position behind the clouds,they would assume a green colour again. In addition to rapid,
erratic movements, these lights would also form "formations", such as an oval
shape, with a line running through it, then scatter, then form another formation. The
magnitude or brightness would fluctuate, with the 'formations' being the brightest. The
last formation formed seemed to be the brightest of all, then suddenly it was over.
Apparently B.C. Telephone was
sponsoring a laser light show to advertise their long distance service. Fireworks
Productions was contacted and we were informed that they were using their 40 watt green
laser on the 7th, 8th, and 9th of April in Victoria and in Vancouver on the 16th, 17th and
18th of April. The times of operation were from 8:30 PM until midnight on these days.
18-Apr-97 Surrey
During the evening of Fri.Apr.18, Ted, his
wife and two friends observed in the southern sky, a very bright orange light, described
as smaller than a dime at arms length, moving slowly north. The object then stopped, and a
very slight up & down, & side to side motion was observed. While looking at the
orange object, suddenly a very bright white light shot straight down out of the bottom at
"incredible speed", and then made an abrupt change of direction to the right.
The orange object remained in a fixed position. After this event, the orange object would
fade or 'flicker', then return to it's original magnitude, then fade again, then finally
just "disappeared". Total viewing time was about 5 minutes, from the area of 96
Ave. & 128 Street looking toward the Newton area.
21-Apr-97 Surrey
At about 10 PM, near 96th Avenue and King
George Highway, a man was on his balcony seeing friends leave when he looked up to see an
orange sphere in the eastern sky. The object was about 1/4 of an inch in diameter at arm's
length, estimated to be 2000 feet away and 500 feet above the ground. It continued in an
easterly direction, stopped, then dropped down before stopping again. It then curved in an
arc rising to about 700 feet before "winking out". During the sighting no sound
was heard. The wife of the witness was called out and also saw the object for about 15
seconds. Both were familiar with air traffic in the area and remarked that the object
looked like nothing they had ever seen before.
21-Apr-97 Surrey
About 10:10 PM, "Mr X" was
coming out of the the baby's room ("Baby X") and happened to look out the
upstairs front window. He saw a triangular object with a round white light
in each corner and a rectangular white light in the centre. The
object seemed close and moved past the window quite quickly. He thought he heard the same
sound as a jet plane flying over, but when he put his ear to the door, he heard nothing.
As he was the only one home, and the baby was sleeping, he did not go outside. |
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End of April 1997, Vancouver
Bruce and two friends were walking down
Fourth Avenue near Burrard Street at about 3:00pm when they noticed two triangular black
objects hovering over Vancouver's West End downtown area. They thought the objects were
about a mile up, and judging by the size of the tallest apartment building, estimated the
triangles to be about 25 feet in size on all three sides. Despite a steady breeze the
objects continued to stay stationary. Total viewing time about 5 minutes. At this time the
witnesses left.
2-May-97, Courtenay, Vancouver Island
"It was about 7:00 in the morning and I heard a noise so I sat
up and walked over to my window and there I saw a object in the sky it was moving prettey
fast I rubbed my eyes and looked up and there it was the space ship it was coming closer
to me then it stoped and I could not take my eyes away from it I could not even call my
mom but I opned my window grabed my carma and took a rool of film then it got closer to me
until it was so close and it looked like it was staring at me and it looked mad that may
sound crazy but it is true then it was gone I sat on my bed and looked at my clock and it
said 10:00 and I felt funny my whole body was tingling and I looked at my wrists and there
were marks on them. Later that day I decided not to tell anyone but I took the film in and
there was only one picture and it was of me laying in bed and it was 9:45.
10-May-97, Richmond
Marcel and a friend were driving down No. 5
Road at approximately 6:30pm on the way to help a friend move in Steveston. Marcel was in
the passenger seat and happened to look up towards the north (mountains). At this time he
observed what he called "a giant Phoenix" at a very high altitude. The object
was black and half as big as the moon that was clearly visible that evening. He told his
friend to pull over which he did at a near by convenience store. Both men got out and
observed the object transform from the Phoenix to what he said was "like a bird with
its wings tucked in." It then changed to "a black bar" before moving off at
a rapid speed.
Note: The passenger's wife who is of Asian
descent said she heard on the local Chinese radio station the next day, of reports from
Richmond of a giant black object seen in the night sky.
17-May-97, Cloverdale
While sitting in the stands at Cloverdale
Rodeo, the witness looked up into the sky about 10 degrees. She saw a bright object but
could not make out the shape as it was too far away. She then nudged her husband and
glanced away for a few seconds. She then looked back to where the object had been ,and it
was gone! She looked all over the sky but could not locate it again.
18-May-97 Ymir, B.C. (18 miles
south of Nelson)
About 12:15 AM, early Sunday morning, a man
and woman noticed a "flashing" in the northwestern sky. This light was about 10
degrees above the horizon in a valley between two hills. A spotting scope (60 power Bausch
and Lomb) was brought out of the house and focussed on the object. They zoomed in until it
was the apparent "size of a golf ball". The center of the object was circular
and a dull, muddy gray in colour, with four circles of white light around it. About once a
second the inner and outer circles of light would "pulse an orangey colour"
while the middle two would "pulse blue and red". The object continued to pulse
while it moved slowly but steadily from the northwest to the northeast. After about 40
minutes it was lost from site behind the hillside.
19-May-97 Abbotsford
Between the hours of 10 and 11 PM, three
adults and two teenagers watched two white lights play "hide and seek" in front
of, and behind, the clouds. The objects were in the northwestern sky, about 75 degrees
above the horizon. Periodically, the uppermost object would emit a red laser(?) beam from
it's base. After watching the strange behaviour for about an hour, the witnesses returned
indoors. It is also interesting to note that on the following morning, in the same house,
it was found that a watch had stopped, a battery powered clock had stopped, and one
witness woke up with swollen, puffy eyes. This witness claims to have seen strange objects
in the northwest skies before.
End of May, Burnaby
Towards the end of May a man was out
walking and exercising his dog about 2:30 AM in Central Park (he explained that he can let
his dog off the leash at that time of day without bothering anyone). He suddenly found
himself engulfed in a bright blue light. His first thought was that it was from a police
officer’s bicycle patrol light (they apparently patrol the park at night with
mountain bikes), but he quickly realized that the light was shining down from above.
Looking up, he saw a very bright circular light directly overhead, higher than the
surrounding trees. After only a few seconds the light flashed away and was gone. Looking
down he noticed his dog (a black lab) was still looking up, and all the dog’s hair
was standing on end! Afterwards, both the man and his dog found themselves extremely
thirsty and could not get enough to drink.
About 4 AM, witness and husband spotted
large green glowing object moving west to east on a downward sloping path. The object was
moving slowly and emitting white sparks from it's bottom. The object was visible for
approximately 30 seconds. While the object was visible cats could be heard howling in the
neighborhood. The howling stopped when the object disappeared.
A woman and her grandson saw a huge object in the sky near
Queen Elizabeth Park - "it was the shape of a huge hamburger with the lights coming
from the center of the bun". Watching the object through binoculars, they noticed a
"circular black mass" underneath it, with lightning-like bolts exploding in the
center. Then, all of a sudden, a huge glowing red ship (approximately the size of a 40
story building lying on its side) came out of the mass and flew across the sky in about
two seconds! After the red ship left, the lights from the first ship started to fade along
with the large mass of electricity beneath it. They ran inside to phone UFO*BC, but when
they returned, it was gone.
24-June-97, Prince George: (1:30 pm)
An 11 year old boy was about to take a picture of his pet
garter snake when he heard a noise above. He looked up to see a disc shaped object
maneuvering through the air. He managed to take two photos before the object was lost to
For a full report, and photographs, see: "The Prince George Photographs"
(The following witness has a long
history of paranormal events, including seeing and filming UFOs over a period of 20 years.
She so far has a collection of about 350 8mm films!).
Having been "alerted" to the
arrival of a craft, the witness was regularly checking the sky outside her apartment. Just
prior to going to bed, about 2 AM, she saw a huge triangle, stationary in the parted
clouds. The object was without illumination, gray and dull metallic in colour, but with a
"finely chiseled look". The broad part of the triangle was towards the ground,
with the pointed end upwards.
Using her camcorder, she was unable to
encompass the object using her zoom lens. Even on a normal setting she still was required
to film it in sections due to its immensity. She viewed/filmed it for a period of ten
minutes before it departed by shrinking in size over a two minute period. She is not sure
if the "shrinking" in size was due to its moving away from her at high speed or
it "dematerializing". During the whole event she heard no noise but rather felt
enveloped in a vacuum of total silence (Oz factor).
2-Jul-1997, Horseshoe Bay:
(9:00 pm)
A man called his wife out to look at 6-7 huge balls of misty white
clouds moving around over Elphinstone on Bowen Island. They watched them for 35 minutes.
During this time, two of the objects entered the water off Bowen Island without a splash.
The man (a bio-chemist and skeptic) was duly impressed.
12-July-97 Surrey
About 5:30 pm, the witness happened to
glance skyward from his location at 82nd Avenue and 126th Street, in Surrey. In the mostly
clear sky, he noticed a large flock of birds flying at a fair altitude in a westerly
direction, and far above that he noticed a white object moving at a good speed in an
easterly direction. The object appeared to be round, or possibly tear drop shaped. He
reached into the car to get his glasses for a better look, and in the few seconds it took
him to get his glasses on, the object had changed directions and was now heading north,
still at a good speed. Altitude was hard to determine, but he would guess at somewhat
below that of a commercial aircraft at cruising altitude, perhaps 15 to 20,000 feet. While
watching the object for a few seconds more, it suddenly disappeared in a clear blue sky.
15-July-97 Prince George, B.C.
Time: 1:05 am EST. Conditions: Clear sky,
slightly chilly (13 degrees C).
"I glanced up into the Eastern Sky and noticed an object moving from South to North
on an incline of about 20 degrees at a rapid speed, no sound. It was about 30 degrees
above the horizon. It was about 3-5 times brighter than the planet Venus (also visible at
the time) and deep blue (almost purple) in colour. It was bright for about 3 seconds, then
went dim (almost to a pin point) for another 5-7 seconds before I lost track of it."
18-July-97, Burnaby :
(Douglas and Sprott)
About 10 pm, a man spotted a blood red,
pulsating disc in the northeast sky. He estimates that it was about 1/4 to 1/2 mile away
and only 100 feet above the ground. After 30 seconds it faded down to a white light and
winked out. Viewed through his monocular it resembles a small sun. The sky was clear with
no wind.
19-July-97 Vancouver :
(Knight and 63rd)
Around 7:30 pm Saturday, after doing some
work, George decided to lay back in his yard and rest. He lives at 63rd and Knight, and
his backyard looks north. As he looked up he noticed a reddish object at what he estimated
to be at about 50,000 feet (he was used to normal traffic due to his close proximity to
the airport). He called his wife and mother out and they both said they could see it. His
wife went and got the binoculars and when he observed the object through them he was
surprised to see three distinct circles in a triangular formation. He told his wife to
have a look and she said she could only see two circles. He had another look and was very
surprised to see only two as well, however at this time the circles were side by side.
After hovering for around twenty minutes the object(s) proceeded westerly before turning
north and then out of sight
20-July-97 Wasa, B.C. (20
minutes from Kimberly)
Before going to bed, about 3:30 am, Tom
opened his window to get some fresh air and noticed a bright orange - white light moving
north. He estimated the elevation at about 5,000 feet. He observed it for about 8 seconds
before it "dimmed out" in front of him. He is familiar with the night sky and
satellites and said it was definitely something else. (Also read July 21 sighting)
21-July-97 Wasa, B.C.
At about 12:30 am, Tom felt an impulse to
go outside and noticed a brilliant white light approaching him from the northwest, at
about 2,000 feet. The light became even more brilliant as it travelled to the southeast.
He described it as having the intensity of a large car headlight and about the size of a
golf ball held at arms length. As the object approached even closer he felt uneasy and at
that exact moment the object faded out in front of him which left him dumfounded, as he
could not see how something that large could just vanish. The witness has stated he will
spend much more time looking up.
Note: The witness, and his mother
and father, had two daylight sightings in Woodstock, Ontario in the early 70's.
24-July-97, Vancouver
6 am: A man on the second floor of a house,
with a northern exposure, awoke to see the "sun" shining in the window. A white
ball, with a golden rim, was about 30 feet away, and about 3 feet in diameter! This
gentleman has a lifetime of psychic/paranormal experiences.
26-July-97, Burnaby/Vancouver
(Saturday, 12:40 a.m. Boundary and
Grandview Highway) "Outside my house with a friend, looking to the north at the big
dipper, talking about the comet and satellites etc. Clear night, lots of stars. Saw a
large dark orange object flying east to west. No sound, no lights, not an airplane,
helicopter, falling star, comet... I noticed it at about 1:00 position to 10:00 o'clock
position. Took about nine seconds then blocked by trees. Flew lower than commercial or
private aircraft and was much larger...First time I ever saw such a thing. Same went for
my friend."
27-July-97, Vancouver
: (Knight & 33rd) (probably UBC research balloon)
A man, his wife and two neighbours watched
a light stationary in the southwest sky with very bright phosphorescent type lights,
strobing downwards. Two small white lights were circling the saucer shaped object..
Binocular observation provided little additional detail. One man watched it from 11:30 pm
until 1:30 am. "I have never seen anything like it before."
27-July-97, Vancouver :
(Fraser & 31st) (probably UBC research balloon)
A woman and three companions on their way
home watched a very large object (or 5 objects in a straight line) with red, blue and
white lights blinking sequentially. The object was high in the southwest sky. Observation
time 15 minutes.
27-July-97, Vancouver : (UBC
Both witnesses were on the swings in
Shedacott Park when a dark coloured rectangular object was seen at tree height (100
feet?). It had a rotating(?) red light. This silent vehicle moved silently out of sight,
silhouetted against the night sky.
28-July-97, Surrey
At approximately 12:05am, a woman observed
from 68th and King George Hiway, in the Newton area, a brilliant white light hovering in
the southeast sky. The woman believed the object was hovering over Cloverdale. The object
pulsed and faded, at times getting extremely bright, at other times the size of a small
star. Several unconventional movements were also observed during the 30 minute viewing.
31-July-97, Richmond
At about 11:15pm, Heather and her husband
were out on the sundeck in their Richmond home. Looking up she observed an extremely
bright, orange, white object shaped like a boomerang moving from the northwest to the
southeast. The object was silent and about the size of a dime at arms length. In her own
words "It was an incredibly beautiful sight." She lost sight of it after about
10 seconds due to large trees in the area. Her dog during the time of the sighting
continued to whimper and act strangely. Other dogs in the neighbourhood could be heard
barking during the brief sighting. Both Heather and her husband are familiar with air
traffic as they live so close to the airport.
2-Aug-97, Burnaby
"I was looking out from my balcony. I live in north
burnaby and I was trying to see if I could catch any glimpse of the fireworks last
night. So I faced out towards english bay at around 10:15 PM. Then I saw this
huge object flying northwards. It was very bright and big. Compared to what an
airplane light flashing in the night sky, this thing was problably 15x bigger than the
airplane lights put together. I think it was only flashing one bright white light in the
middle while the whole craft was illuminated in white. I think many people would
have seen this if they were looking at the fireworks from Burnaby mountain park. I
think the object was flying near east Vancouver and headed to North Vancouver."
We believe this object to be the FIDO blimp, which
is flying around the Lower Mainland. It is 128 feet long, 44 feet in diameter, with
internal lighting and external navigation lights and strobe.
11-Aug-97, Pouce Coupe
" opened the door to my back porch in the late evening and saw
a light in the south very high up. A storm was moving in very quickly but half the
sky was still clear. Anyhow around eight pm I saw a very large light in the sky - about
half the size of a full moon - that moved in a slow methodical zig zig pattern. It
gave me the impression of a mechanical movement. It didn't flicker, but it looked
like a light inside of a light - the outside being lighter of the two. It also had a
distinct shape to it. I watched it uncomfortably for a few minutes when a small
light almost pinprick like emerged from the large zig zagging light. It moved
quickly, not like a shooting star though - in a straight line towards the ground. It was
the first time I have seen something that I could not explain away - believe me when I say
I wanted to."
August 12 - Maple Falls,
Washington - Time: 10:25 - 10:45 pm
A family out viewing the Perseid shower were treated to another viewing that they were
not prepared for. A bright white object as bright as any of the stars and about 3/4 the
size of Jupiter that was also in view that evening was seen approaching from the Northwest
heading to the Southeast at a steady pace (not especially fast). The object drifted and did
not appear to be on a straight path. As it reached a point of about 80 degrees it stopped
and let off a rapid sequence of strobe for a period of 3 or 4 seconds. At this point the
original white object was now stationary. It then began to move about the sky doing various
movements (triangles, circles, etc). At arms length it appeared to move in the sky 5 or 6
inches. After 5 or ten minutes another object was seen coming from the same direction as
the first and this one stopped approximately overhead and then proceeded to mimic the
original objects movements. We observed the UFO's for about twenty minutes before leaving
the area due to the children's unease.
13-Aug-97, Coquitlam :
(7:30 pm)
A man and his wife were sitting outside in the early evening when they spotted a dark
coloured object low in the northeast sky, towards Maple Ridge. They watched it for over
one hour while it hovered, slowly moved back and forth, up and down, and eventually went
over and down behind a tree. Watching with binoculars, they thought they saw lights at one
point, and possibly a second, similar object before losing sight altogether. |
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13-Aug-97, Hope, BC
11:00 pm: A man was sitting in his yard
observing the night sky when he noticed a brilliant white light move across his vision
coming from west to east. The object was silent and seemed to be lit from within as if it
was "hot". As it reached a point directly in front of him it turned a
"brilliant cherry red" colour before totally vanishing from his sight. Total
viewing time was about a minute.
18-Aug-97, Delta
Witness observed a large tubular shaped craft at a high altitude(?) travelling northeast
to southwest on a horizontal path, without any detectable noise. This vehicle had four
white strobe lights arrayed in a straight line underneath it, but no red or green
navigation lights. It crossed a 25 degree arc of sky in 2 minutes. When the body of the
craft could no longer be seen, the lights could!
23-Aug-97, Garden Bay : (near
Pender Harbour)
The 3 witnesses were camping at Garden Bay when they saw a pulsing red stationary light,
with alternating blue (about 10:30 pm). It was located about 45 degrees above the horizon
and visible for 10 minutes before departing at high speed in a southwesterly direction. No
sound was heard and the sky was free of clouds.
24-Aug-97, Surrey
9 pm: The 15 year old witness was sitting
outside with his mother when he saw a silent gray ball (size of a basketball) pass low
over the house then change into a seagull with flapping wings! This family has a long
involved history of repeated sightings and paranormal events.
7 pm: A man and his wife were driving north
on Scott Road when they spotted a brief reflection high in the evening sky. A dark, small
ball (?) could be seen against the light wispy cloud cover, then again a bright reflective
light. The circular object travelled slowly on a horizontal path from the northwest to the
southeast and was seen for a total of three minutes. "Not a plane or the FIDO
8-Sep-97, Whitehorse
Noon: Looking northwest, the witness
spotted a "jet trail" moving past the nearby trees at a slow speed, apparently
heading earthwards beyond the nearby mountains. The object and accompanying jet trail were
unlike any she had seen before, but identical in description to the object filmed on Oct
11th and shown on BCTV (see entry for Oct 11). She is familiar with normal air traffic in
the area.
18-Sep-97, Surrey
7 pm: Looking west, a young man and his
mother observed a brilliant silver-white "lemon shaped" object. As it moved to
the south it appeared to pulse and flash before disappearing. The total viewing time was
less than a minute.
NOTE: In a recent magazine,
"Encounters", there was a report of a bright silver "lemon shaped"
object seen travelling over the English countryside.
21-Sep-97, Burnaby
"About 12:24 PM, I was proceeding south on Willingdon,
just approaching Canada Way. I turned into the left turn lane and stopped. The sky was
clear and cloudless. A flash of light caught my attention. I looked up and saw a white
cylindrical object moving west to east approximately 50 degrees above the horizon. No sign
of wings, tail assembly, or navigation lights. The shape was a constant cylinder, not
tapered. If object had been the size of a Cessna 172 it would have been approximately
three miles away. Speed was appropriate to a light plane. As I watched the object it
vanished completely and instantly."
24-Sep-97, North Vancouver
Email report: I was unable to sleep and happened to glance out the window noticing a very
low, bright star that should not have been in that portion of the eastern sky. As I
watched, it appeared to be moving, and due to atmospheric conditions, seemed to be moving
from side to side slightly. As it approached, it became clear that the object had five
very bright lights in a row in the shape of a V, giving the impression that it was
Intrigued, I grabbed my camera and ran out
to the deck. It flew directly over my house, totally silent at an approximate elevation of
2500 feet. As it was passing, I took one picture that probably will not turn out, but I
noticed that the five bright white lights in the front gave way to five red lights facing
backwards in the same location as the white, as it passed. The direction was from ESE to
WNW. The actual shape was impossible to determine, other than the front of the craft was
in fact in a flying Vshape.
Still unable to sleep, the second craft at
3:54 a.m. appeared in the exact same spot as the first, exactly the same forward light
configuration and travelling exactly the same flight path. I woke my wife, and retrieved
my camera and binoculars.
My wife reported that it was sparkling
white to red to white while I was getting the binoculars and she felt it was moving gently
from side to side. This time, I took several pictures of its approach and again went out
to the deck and took a number of pictures as it passed overhead.
The shape of the craft was triangular at
first, but as it passed above my house in total silence, the rear pointing five red lights
were replaced by one flashing red light and a small white light following behind
approximately 100-150 feet to the rear of the craft as if it was being towed.
At 9 a.m. I placed a call to the Vancouver
Airport to confirm that what I saw were two aircraft, and I was intrigued that they were
both totally silent.
The public relations gentleman I talked to,
Peter, was kind enough to call me back in the afternoon after they had checked radar and
tapes, and reported that they have a contact at exactly 3:27 a.m. when a military mail
plane flew overhead on the North Shore, and that there was a second aircraft, Not over the
North Shore at 3:34 a.m. At the time of the second sighting, there were no aircraft in the
air, and they had no radar contact. It was strange as I was sure that the second craft was
in fact an airplane and that the first was something else. As soon as the film is
developed, if anything turned out at all, I will forward it for comments.
25-Sept-97, Aldergrove
" On September 25, I was out on my back porch, letting the dog out before bed. It was
cloudy with large clear patches. I noticed a very large object flying from the south east
and heading north west. It was going so fast it only took about 5 seconds to cross the
sky. It was very long, lights were visible at each end and a vapor trail was clearly
visible. I have never seen anything prior to this. It was really a spectacular
30-Sep-97, 100 Mile House
7:30 to 9 pm : A family was driving north
on Highway 97 from Clinton to 100 Mile House when they noticed orange flashes of light low
in the northeast sky (about 7:30 pm). At first they thought it was a forest fire, but they
never saw any flames or smelled any smoke, and they continued to see the flashes, always
in the northeast, for over an hour. After they passed 100 Mile House and were heading
towards Lac La Hache, they saw a round silvery object, with a white vapour trail,
travelling from west to east. The object’s path was horizontal and lasted for about
10 seconds, before turning red and fading away (2 seconds). After viewing this object,
they no longer saw any of the "ground flashes".
30-Sep-97, Burnaby
8:30 pm : The witness was in east
Burnaby, by Robert Burnaby Park, and noticed something unusual coming from the northeast.
There was no sound but bright "scintillating" lights, flashing in some kind of
rhythm. The object disappeared in the west. He says it was faster than the FIDO blimp, but
slower than a jet.
6-Oct-97, Kelowna
Saw the very same thing as that to be recorded in the BCTV video of Oct 11 (See notes:
Langley). Moving slow in southwest sky, in mid-afternoon.
6-Oct-97, Whitehorse, Yukon (3:00 – 4:00 am)

The witness got up in the night and came out to the living room of
his home in Takhini Subdivision which was situated on the bluff edge, offering an
impressive view of the skies through his big front window. There was high cloud in the
area and the stars were not visible.
He had just gotten comfortable lying down on the floor facing the
window when he caught sight of a glowing green orb or ball streaking through the sky and
out of sight in what seemed to be no more than 1/2 second. "What the hell was
that?!", he wondered.
Having lived near an airport at one time made him familiar with all
sorts of aircraft, which in no way looked or moved anything like what he had seen. Nor did
satellites, shooting stars, comets, meteors or northern lights, and concluded that he
didn't know just what he had seen though whatever it was, was incredibly fast.
The Witness was most amazed at the incredible speed it was moving
The object was 70 degrees above the horizon when first noticed and
disappeared behind Grey Mountain towards the southeast. The object was perfectly round and
had no trailing tail. At arms length it was the size of a dress shirt pocket button.
9-Oct-97, Maple Ridge
5.30am: While preparing to leave for work
the witness observed two white lights, each with the apparent size of a 25¢ coin at arms
length. They were travelling parallel to each other in a horizontal plane, tracking south
west. Total viewing time was 4-5 seconds.
10-Oct-97, Whitehorse, Yukon (4:00 am)

A man was star gazing as he walked through a back alley in downtown
Whitehorse when he spotted a bright craft shoot between the buildings of the mouth of the
alley he was walking through. The object moved north to south quickly towards Grey
Mountain. It flew level and straight. Moved silently with constant speed and direction.
Flew at jet speed. Estimated elevation above ground was 4000 to 6000 ft. If held at arms
length the object was the size of a gelatin medicine capsule.
The craft was also shaped like a gelatin medicine capsule, same
shape at both ends, had a strong glow, had 5 bright red spikes around its vertical
midsection, and short pinkish bristles of light covered the rest of its body.
Though only seen briefly, the witness was able to recall a
surprising amount of detail about the craft, and is firm that it was not a plane or
meteorite, and felt somehow weird all the way home. He just couldn't resolve what he'd
just seen.
11-Oct-97, Langley (known as the "BCTV Video" case)
On Saturday, October 11th at approximately 4PM what
was believed to be a UFO was video taped over Langley by a local man. Several witnesses
viewed the object under perfect conditions travel in a south easterly direction. What was
believed to be a sonic boom sound was also heard by the gentleman videotaping as well as
other observers. At this time a jet was seen approaching the object before the UFO went
out of view. A NORAD spokesman was quoted as saying if he had to guess he thought it was
probably a US Military exercise involving two US Military jets. It appears this time we
have to agree with NORAD as the said object never seemed to characterize typical
"UFO" movements and traits. It travelled in a steady path with a contrail
observed at all times the object was in view. With the hoopla surrounding this event, we
only wish our friends at BCTV would give some of our more mysterious cases and reports as
much coverage.
Was it the Aurora? - On October
28 we received the following e-mail:
Hi, I wondered if you
were aware that the US airforce has been doing test flights of it's ultra secret Aurora in
the Pacific NW. In September on BCTV there was an article about some high flying V shaped
craft that was noticed by several people. The Aurora is the shape of an arrow head (in a
general term). In the first week on September I noticed a tell-tale rope-of-knots contrail
at a very high altitude. Once my high powered glasses were zeroed in on it, there was the
Aurora. It was heading north to southwest at about 70-80,000 feet and probably mach 5. As
much as the airforce tries to hide it, the Aurora has been seen on several occasions
around the world. It is easily mistaken for a UFO because of it's very strange shape and
signature contrail. Bye for now, Dale.
Many thanks to Bill
Krech for Aurora illustration.
11-Oct-97, Saanich Peninsula
"Saturday last, at approximately 10:30 PM, while we were out walking we noticed a red
glow, (with some yellow) in the sky. It appeared to be covered with light cloud, also a
weird shaped cloud seemed to stretch across the sky. We live on the Saanich Peninsula in
Central Saanich area. We stood and watched "the thing" for several minutes, than
continued walking and it just vanished....."
31-Oct-97, Greenville (8:00pm)
A Nass family reported having seen a bright light the size of a house in the sky on
Halloween night.The family said the object passed over their car as they were driving
along the Nass road just outside of Gitwinksihlkw. The huge light passed closely over the
mountains and didn't make a noise.
31-Oct-97, Beaverdell
"October 31, 1997 early evening and just after dark, a
group of us were camped in back of Beaverdell on Wallace Lake Road...there wasn't anyone
else in the area...we were all sitting around the campfire when a tilted light in the sky
caught my eye...it was luminous green and shaped like a square cigar with 4 very bright
lights around it. I just caught it as it was disappearing behind a hill. There
was no sound associated with it. I asked if anyone else had seen it but they didn't so I
just chalked it up as an airplane or possibly fireworks although in reality I feel it
could have been a UFO because its shape and lights were different from anything I've seen
before and was not consistent with fireworks or an airplane." (e-mail report by Deborah)
November 1997, Colwood:
(8:30 pm)
"In 1997 I had another sighting [see 12-July-2002] of a solid, white light
that flew right over our house. Strangely enough, I had spotted it flying
towards our neighbourhood while leaving a local shopping mall and briefly
wondered if it was a UFO. It too was up around 1,000 feet. I drove home
(about a 5-minute trip) and when I got out of the car I instinctively looked
up. It was flying right over the house and I knew immediately it was no
conventional craft. I could see it very clearly against the background of
stars, and it seemed smaller than an airplane. I sometimes get annoyed when
witnesses are unable to estimate height and size of a UFO, but from these
experiences I can tell you it is no easy task. You have no idea exactly what
you are seeing and without reference points, meaningful estimates are very
difficult. Anyway, I got back in the car and chased it but soon lost sight
of it."
UFO*BC Responds:
Thanks for your two sighting reports. Yes, estimating the size and
elevation of an unknown object in the night sky is virtually impossible, but
it is human nature to try. Do you remember the time of year and time of day
of the 1997 event?
Witness Responds:
I believe it was late November 1997 and the time was around 8:30 p.m. I had
been at the CanWest Mall on Jacklin Road grocery shopping and the light was
about a mile east of the mall flying south towards our neighbourhood. When I
got home, what I saw when I looked up is burned into my memory because it
was so ethereal -- just a soft white glowing object floating silently along
against the backdrop of stars. There was something in its silent motion that
was just awe-inspiring. I got back into the car and raced around to
Metchosin Road above the gravel pit because I expected to see it flying
across Juan de Fuca Strait. From this point there is a panoramic view of
Victoria and the Olympic Mountains in Washington State. I was probably there
within two or three minutes but it had completely disappeared.
A friend of mine who also lives in this area has had four sightings in the
last two years, mostly from his front porch. His first sighting was in the
summer of 2000. He saw a spear-shaped object that paced a military jet for a
few seconds and then angled upwards and disappeared at lightning speed. If
you'd like, I can ask him to provide details.
November 1997, Apex Ski Resort BC Canada:
Please follow link for full sighting report. Click
3-Nov-97, Delta
11.25pm: A small, white light was seen over the Fraser River,
reported as moving erratically up and down like an "insect". A short while later
a second light joined it and they moved in "tandem". At times the lights
disappeared, reappearing in a different position. No sound was heard during the 15 minute
observation. The lights finally "faded" and were not seen again.
8-Nov-97, Surrey
3.30pm: Proof that shopping is not always
dull. Two witnesses outside Wal-Mart in Guildford, one an experienced light aircraft
pilot, observed a white cylindrical object in the sky that was apparently lacking
"appendages". A 'metallic' glint first attracted their attention. As hard as
they looked they could make out no visible wings on the object and they could hear no
sound. It was a clear blue sky, the object about 75 degrees above the horizon and moving
at a speed and in a mode comparable to that of a light aircraft. It was estimated by the
light aircraft pilot to be about 3000 feet above the ground (provided it was the size of a
light aircraft). It was 'lost' after 5 minutes viewing, tracking eastwards. (See also New
Westminster sighting, 11 Nov).
11-Nov-97, New Westminster
3.20pm: The witness, driving east down
Columbia Street, noticed a reflective flash high up in the clear blue sky. A tiny, white
indistinct 'dot' was seen, apparently positioned at "high altitude" between the
Patullo and Port Mann bridges. It tracked SSE towards Langley. The object did not engage
in any erratic motion. No wings or other appendages could be seen. Compare with the Surrey
sighting a few days earlier (8 Nov).
12-Nov-97, Vancouver/Burnaby border
"I left work at 3:12 approximately. Clear blue sky. I
was looking around, and I saw a white cylindrical object due north on Boundary
approximately 45 degrees up from the horizon. The object seemed to by about one mile away
if the size of a light plane. The object was moving extremely slow. I could not see wings,
tail,or navigational lights. Time was 15:15. I looked away to watch for traffic (2 or 3
seconds), then when I looked up I noticed what seemed to be a large rounded vertical
stabilizer on the left of the object (object was moving from left to right (west to
east)). I intended to get to my van and observe through my binoculars. This seemed
possible as the object was just crawling along. I waited for the traffic light on Boundary
while watching the object. When the light turned green I hurried across, then turned to go
north on Boundary. I looked up to where the object had been. Nothing. It took me 3 seconds
to cross the street. I continued to look as I quickly walked north on Boundary. Then off
in the distance I saw a white object, moving slowly from east to west. If it was the size
of a light plane it would be 4 miles away. I had been walking for approximately 15
seconds. I continued to watch the object as I walked toward my van, only looking away to
cross the road. I looked back, nothing. When I was first looking at the object I thought
it might be a dirigible or blimp, but the shape and size were wrong."
Refer to: 12 July 97, 21 Sept 97, 8 Nov 97 and 11 Nov 97 . GMc
14-Nov-97, Brilliant, streaming
lights over the Pacific West Coast
On Friday November 14 as UFO*BC's Graham Conway was speaking on Jeff Rense's "Sightings On the Radio" a caller reported a brilliant light display
seen over Bellingham, Washington which lies just south of BC. Our own hotline began to
ring and we received many calls throughout the area confirming the same object was being
seen in British Columbia. Reports came from Campbell River, Langley, North Vancouver
and Vancouver. Some spectacular video was filmed over the Maple Ridge area and shown on
VTV (Vancouver Television). The object was seen travelling slowly moving from west to east
and appeared as one witness described as a " landing strip in the sky".
Early reports had it pegged as a meteor shower, a satellite and a Russian
rocket. However one conflicting bit of information had it crashing in the Pacific
ocean. This does not match with the countless reports of the aerial phenomenon
travelling inland over BC and Washington in a definite west to east direction.
We at UFO*BC believe this really
was debris from a Russian rocket.
14-Nov-97, Deep Cove
"I witnessed the most incredible things in the sky. It
happened about 9:09 Friday evening. I looked up to the WSW and saw what appeared to
be fire works. However what ever it was kept on heading to the east and passed directly
over Deep Cove. As they passed overhead there appeared to be about of dozen or more
of them with long tails and they continued towards the east and eventually disappeared
over the horizon. They were very bright and made no noise. I wouldn't mind hearing
if someone else witnessed the same thing. I saw a small plane fly over just to the
south, they couldn't have missed it."
Also believed to be Russian rocket debris.
20-Nov-97 Delta
6pm: Four workers outside for a smoking
break noticed a flickering/pulsating yellow/orange light at tree top height to their west
'above' the Massey tunnel (Fraser River crossing). It appeared to be stationary. They
returned to work but watched it for 15-20 minutes more until is faded from view. Sounds
like a bright star or planet sighting.
23-Nov-97 Burnaby
7.20pm: The two witnesses were standing
outside their basement apartment when a black, 5 foot tall figure passed about 15 feet
before them "at very high speed" along a concrete driveway after coming out of
the bushes of a park. There was no accompanying sound or odours. It was dark, and the
figure was determined by the way it blocked out the lights behind it. One of the witnesses
has recently lost 3 cats in the area (incidents involving lost or mutilated cats are
beginning to be uncovered in our investigations).
24-Nov-97 Coquihalla Highway,
3.05 pm: The witness was driving home when
he spotted a bright white light "the size of a pencil stub" at arms length. On
arriving home he, his wife and children watched the light brighten and dim. He later drove
to a high elevation on the Coquihalla Highway to view the light better. The light was lost
to view about one hour after first sighting. The witness is an ex RCAF employee.
28-Nov-97 Vancouver
"On Friday November 28 1997, at around 1400h in the West End of
Vancouver, I noticed what appeared to be a vapor trail from a very high flying aircraft
(>30,000 feet). There were no clouds in the surrounding airspace. With my hand held at
arms length from my body, the length of the vapor trail was close to 1 inch. It appeared
to be traveling east to west over the area between downtown Vancouver and the North Shore
Mountains. I saw it only for about 5 seconds. As I went to look through my telescope, only
6 feet away, it had disappeared from the sky. The vapor trail was not to be seen, nor any
other vapor trail or cloud." (report by Nuri Grundig)
28-Nov-97 Vancouver
As reported by the gentleman prior: Myself and a workmate were
working at Vancouver Tech school Friday afternoon when we noticed a contrail at a fairly
high altitude. Although unable to make out any detail of the object, the contrail remained
consistent for the whole time of viewing (well over a minute). It moved from the northwest
to the southeast until it was out of view. It looked very much like the BCTV (11-Oct-97)
footage and must have been seen by anyone who was looking up at the time. It did not seem
to match the characteristics of the recent "white orbs". (report
by Bill OLiver, UFO*BC)
4-Dec-97, Sheldon Lake, Yukon (5:10 pm to 7:30 pm)
On a clear and cool evening two men were travelling on snowmobiles
on the North Canol Road, Yukon Territory, about 125 km northeast of the small community of
Ross River. The road is closed to normal vehicular traffic throughout the winter.
They arrived at a trappers cabin near Sheldon Lake. The trapper
mentioned that he had seen a strange light (lights ?) moving about the day before and
asked the two men if a helicopter had been in the area. The two men replied that they
didn't know of any. They would have likely known or noticed if a helicopter had been
dispatched the previous day from Ross River.
They continued on their journey in a north-northeast direction and
looked back towards Sheldon Lake and spotted a huge bright light, white in color at around
5:10 pm. Other colors were seen from time to time and the light was the size of a nickel
or a quarter at arms length. No noise was heard. At one point a pole protruding from the
original object with another light on it was seen. The light did not appear to have any
sudden movements while the men observed it.
The object appeared to follow the men but kept its distance. It
appeared to be moving in an easterly direction and gaining altitude and brightness as the
evening progressed. As they travelled they kept checking about every five minutes to see
if the object was still there. It remained with them until about 7:30 pm when they decided
to check for it again and it was suddenly gone.
The two men have extensive experience in the outdoors and are
adamant that it was no star or planet.
Investigators Note:
Although the planet Venus was exceptionally bright in December 97
and in the south-west portion of the sky, the size of the object seen in this case and the
unusual pole with a second light does not agree with a sighting of a bright planet.
Previous Sightings in the Area:
An (object or light ?) followed a man from this area all the way
back to Ross River in September 1997.
Strange lights were photographed over Sheldon Lake by a trapper on
December 20, 1994. The story appeared in the Whitehorse local Paper (Whitehorse Star Dec
30, 1994) on the front page and continued on page 3 along with the photo. The trapper was
not the same person as in the above case. Chris Rutkowski the compiler of the annual
Canadian UFO Survey was also interviewed for the article.
On Monday, December 8 at about 10:45 pm a brightly lit object as big
as a nickel at arms length was seen in the eastern sky by a couple driving into a
cul-de-sac in Surrey, BC where one of the witnesses (Sarah, age 20) lives. As they turned
and approached to park across from her house they kept their eyes on the object as it now
moved at a steady pace heading west. It seemed to make several unorthodox movements (ups
and downs) as it went across their vision. It was at this time Sarah became somewhat
agitated and her only thought was to get her key out of her bag and get into the house.
While she was looking down at the seat and her purse, her boyfriend Craig (age 22) said
"Look! Another one!". Sarah looked, but the second object had vanished, although
Craig said it followed the same path as the first light. Both of them were very excited
and Sarah said "I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I could feel my heart
beating through my sweater".
It was now the main event was about to begin. What Sarah called "The Grandaddy"
appeared in their view, approaching again on the same path as the prior object(s). They
both said it was very large, the size of two $2.00 coins held at arms length, about a mile
north from them and about two inches above the tree line, the trees being about 50 - 60 ft
high. They could plainly see it was a disc shape, pewter in colour, with a row of white
lights around the centre. Sarah said she was absolutely amazed how well she could see the
object's shape and colour in the night sky and how its lights enabled her to make it out.
She said it looked like it was "out of a fifties movie" and she was surprised
that a UFO "would really look like that".
It was spinning and seemed to dip in the sky as it spun, and
according to Craig, at one time "looked like it turned on its side". Sarah told
Craig to turn off the headlights of the car as the object grew very bright. They were not
sure if it was coming closer or just glowing brighter. It was also at this point the
object started to make up, and down and back and forth, movements. They at this time
decided to follow it and went in pursuit of the UFO. They drove to Crescent Beach where
they thought they would be afforded a better view of the sky. However they could not see
anything and after waiting 15 or 20 minutes left for home. One particular strange note was
when asked why they decided to follow the object after being so frightened, Sarah became
puzzled and said "You know, I don't even remember it leaving".
At the time of the interview (Dec10) Sarah still had not eaten and was having a hard time
sleeping. It was important she said to talk to someone and she thanked us for listening to
her. She had called the local RCMP who brushed her off saying " lady we haven't had
any calls like this for a while". Her sister then phoned the airport and was given
UFO*BC's number.
Sarah had two previous sightings each being remarkable themselves. A full report will be
written and posted on our website soon. Once again we find ourselves back in the Surrey
Corridor where so many of our cases are reported.
14-Dec-97, White Rock
(12:30 - 1:00 AM) The seven witnesses were coming up from the beach near the pier and
about to leave in their cars when they first observed the object. It was coming from the
southwest near Boundary Bay and appeared very small, about the size of a match head. It
approached at a rapid pace and came to an abrupt halt about 1000 yards directly in front
of them and about 1500 ft up. It was shaped like a slightly rounded reverse six (6), and a
very dense reddish orange colour. The only place any reflection could be seen was off a
silver pyramid shape on top of it. The object hovered for a few seconds then flew to the
right about 50 or 60 ft. It then moved forward about 50 feet then to the left at the same
distance. It now hovered for a few seconds before making movements like a "wimpy
yo-yo" slightly fluttering, up and down about 60 ft. It stayed still for
another 5 seconds but now the silver pyramid was on the bottom of the reverse six. Then,
like someone turned off the light, it was gone. Total viewing time - 5-10 minutes
14-Dec-97, Surrey
"I was driving up King George Highway shortly after 9:00 pm and
noticed out of my front window a bright yellow -white light moving at a rapid speed to the
south, slightly southwest. It was below the cloud cover which I estimated at about 2,000
ft. Total viewing time was probably less than 5 or 6 seconds. I gave a call to a work mate
of mine (Bill Oliver) who I knew to have an interest in UFO's."
14-Dec-97, Surrey
(9:04 PM) Driving south down King George Highway (from Patullo
Bridge to Whalley), two people witnessed a small(?) gold white light with flashing red
travelling at high speed below the clouds. In view 2-3 seconds. The car windows were open
but there was no sound of possible jet noise. This particular flight path is not the
customary Vancouver arrival route.
18-Dec-97, Revelstoke
"I have to interview the three train crews that
witnessed a sighting while working the mountain sub-division of CPR. The information I
have so far is that two train crews operating in the area and another crew deadheading in
a taxi, heard a very large booming sound. Then instantly the whole valley east of
Revelstoke, BC lit up as if daylight. A large ball of light was seen hovering above the
peak of Mount Sir Donald. After about 10 seconds, the ball of light shot straight up in to
the night sky and disappeared. The event happened at 01:30 on December 18th 1997. Being
that 3 separate train crews and one taxi driver, (a total of 7 people), saw the event, I
will be able to collaborate the information and compile a report. I will keep you all
Alan M. Young, Locomotive Engineer
On January 23rd we received the
following update:
Regarding the sighting by several employees of CPRail in December:
I have contacted one person so far. He was reluctant to converse with me. He was
embarrassed when talking about his experience. This is what I got out of him:
"We were travelling westbound at Flat Creek (35miles E of
Revelstoke). We heard this very loud bang, like an explosion. The night sky light up as if
it were daylight. We saw a large glowing ball of yellow light streaking across the canyon.
It then stopped for about 10 seconds and hovered. The ball of light then streaked away and
everything went back to night again."
I asked him if there was any other sounds and he said that all he
could hear was the roar of the locomotives after the initial bang. This fellow was the
conductor of the train. I am trying to make contact with the Engineer to compare notes. I
will keep you informed.
Sincerely, Alan M. Young