September 24th, 2016
North Vancouver, BC: (between 1:15 and 3:00 am)
and I were still up on New Years Day 2016 somewhere
1:15 and 3:00AM. He was in the bedroom changing and I
went onto my
balcony which overlooks the ocean and downtown
Vancouver. High in the
sky I saw a bright flashing light that seemed to be a
circular shape.
At first I thought maybe it was just a plane. Then the
object started
moving around erratically all over the place. It could
not have been a
plane or helicopter. I pulled out my iphone and
got a short video of
it. If I zoom in on the video, I can see the bright
light flashing and
moving around erratically very clearly. If I can figure
out how to edit
the video so that it is zoomed in, I would love to
submit it. In the
video (without zooming in) you can still see a tiny
light moving
erratically in the sky, but it looks so small on video
compared to what
I saw with my naked eye. I recently looked on Youtube
and it looks like
someone else saw 2 UFO's on January 1, 2016 in Vancouver
as well
(during daylight). He video recorded it and put it on
Youtube. The
UFO's on his video look like the one I saw a few hours
earlier when it
was still dark.
North Vancouver, BC: (6:40 pm)
I were sitting on the balcony and noticed lights above
that didn't seem like stars. My husband hunts so he got
out his
binoculars and we started watching them. They appeared as
red lights
but it didn't look like a single red light. They appeared
as 3 lights
very close together and appears as a single light. First
we were seeing
5. Then 2 disappears as if they turned their lights off.
Then only 1
was visible. Then they were all gone. Then they started
moving in a
straight line as if they were coming from behind the
mountain. It was a
total of 8. Now they are all completely gone. They seemed
to be making
strange formations. Perfect square and one seemed like an
Sometimes they were all in a straight line. We watched
them for 10 min.
During that time they were continuously moving. Appearing
disappearing and constantly changing formations.
Gibsons, BC: (7:30 pm)
was outside having a smoke actually admiring the clear
dark sky, facing
west. There was a bright light blink, then dark for maybe
10 seconds
then another blink. I waited about 30 seconds and then
another light
blink but it had moved slightly south, another blink and
then another
30 seconds and it blinked again just slightly below where
I had first
seen it. If you could have connected the blinks they
formed a triangle.
There was no sound. Now I am not sure if there was only
one and it was
moving or if there were 3 in different spots. The light
flash was not
normal, nothing I have ever seen before. I wish I could
have caught it
on a camera!
Nanaimo, BC: (9:00 pm)
looked out the window and spotted a bright orange light in
the sky,
then another one followed and he called me to have a look.
My husband
and I looked out the window and then went outside to look
and they kept
coming. We counted six bright orange lights following each
other. There
was no noise and they appeared to stop in the sky and move
slowly and
went higher up into the sky and disappeared into the
clouds. I ran in
to get my camera and my battery was dead, but my son
managed to capture
a bit of a video. There had to be someone else either out
side or
driving in a car that spotted these strange lights flying
over Nanaimo.
We have never seen anything like this before.
Nanaimo, BC: (8:55 - 9:05 pm)
evening of January 23 2016 at about 8:55 - 9:05 pm during
a break,
my partner and I went outside and, after a moment, we
noticed some
orange/red lights in the sky, 2 at first, then 3, then 4.
We noted up
to 7 lights all following each other. The lights were
solid. They did
not blink. They did not produce any noise. They followed
in a strange
pattern towards us and then curved south and went straight
up until we
could no longer see them. I noted weather
conditions, compass settings
and got a full 3 minutes of video of the lights.
have map, video and further details if need be. To the
previous poster
of the same sighting, you are not alone, we did see the
same thing over
Departure Bay at the same time on the same night.
partner Richard mentioned in a previous post, the Nanaimo
on Jan 23 match the description of "Chinese Lanterns", or
Lanterns" perfectly - a consistent orange colour, drifting
following one another, then going up and disappearing.
They each have
their own small lift provided by their candle, but
otherwise just drift
with the breeze.
matters even more complicated, there are reports of people
kites in Nanaimo with lights attached, with the direct
intent of
confusing people.
White Rock, BC: (8:30 pm)
my husband and me, we absolutely saw the same lights in
same pattern yesterday evening around 8:30 pm, as
described by the man
from Nanaimo. We live along Semiahmoo Bay in White Rock
and they were
right in front of our house, very close. They were all
together 7 or 8
orange lights. We've already had a sighting of 3 at the
end of
December. Yesterday we just looked out of the window, we
opened it and
we've heard nothing, no noise.
Burnaby, BC: (9:50 pm)
saw very intense bright blue crown of lights over the
north east
mountain looking east over the north shore mountains. I am
north in Burnaby. The blue light came up 3 times it was
and then white light streaks were in the blue. It lasted
about 2 or 3
seconds and it was over so it was a very interesting
experience for me,
maybe someone else saw this also!
Victoria, BC: (8:30 pm)
was driving towards downtown Victoria from Oak Bay. Was
waiting at the
traffic light at the Oak Bay Ave, Fort St and Pandora
junction. Saw a
very bright light in the sky heading east, towards
Fairfield. I assumed
that it was a plane, but the light was not flashing. I
then thought
that it must be a helicopter with it's spot light on. When
the light
passed, it was soon followed by another light, same hue,
size and
distance in the sky. Then a third followed. When the
traffic light went
green, I drove down Fort Street, turned left on Belmont
and followed
the lights. I could see all three in the distance. I ended
up taking a
wrong turn and lost them around the Government House on
Rockland. They
couldn't have been helicopter spotlights because the light
was solid
from all angles. The light was also too bright for an
airplane - and
again, the light was solid. Airplane lights tend to flash.
thought possibly the lights could have been the
afterburner glow of
three military jet aircraft, however the lights were
traveling much
slower than a typical jet, especially if they had the
afterburners on.
Very strange if you ask me....
Nanaimo, BC:
I was on your recently added sighting page and I came
across the sighting in Victoria (7-Apr-2016,
Victoria. BC: (9:18 pm)).
I have seen this ALOT lately in Nanaimo! I noticed them in
mid February
after I came home from work it got dark and I saw an
orange light on
the horizon towards the harbour it was slowly hovering
north then
another one appeared slowly beside it then another then
disappeared in the same fashion. I see these lights often
I can
distinguish the difference between planes coming in and
these weird
orange-yellow orb lights. One night really has me weirded
out: I was
staring at these lights (and this was the first night I
saw them.) and
I was trying to get photos on my iphone but couldn't
capture the orbs
in the dark from the distance I was at. But I noticed the
orbs were
circling the city slowly and looked like they were
hovering over the
town . No noise. Just hovering. It started around 9:30 and
I they went
out of my view about 30 mins later. I first thought they
may be drones
but drones are unsteady in wind and you can hear them.
These were
noiseless and seemed to almost float across the sky all
three of them.
I haven't seen them do that since February. But I
periodically see them
over the horizon doing their strange dance.
Abbotsford, BC:
and I (color-blind) saw an elongated yellow/white object
that was
being circled by a smaller object in the southern night
sky. This went
on for several hours. This could not have been an airplane
given the
stationary position of the larger object and the circling
of it by the
smaller one. The distance from our observation point in
Abbotsford, BC,
to these lights was also much higher, I believe, than that
of an
airplane. In addition, we spotted two more bright objects
that were
stationary and close to the larger object. Airplanes do
not remain in
one spot no matter how high they fly. We can not account
for these
objects and their activities.
4 groups of inexplicable, multi-colored lights that were
and moving around the object. They were more or less
stationary, with
some up & down movement, in a square formation on a
plane at an
angle. The one closest to us was the lowest one. It was a
clear night,
but clouds started to move in, & we couldn't see them
Abbotsford, BC: (8:45 pm)
2016 at approximately 8:45pm over Highway 1 at Whatcom
Road in
Abbotsford...a sighting of a ufo. It looked like a large
sheet of red,
white and blue lights. Imagine a huge sheet of plywood
(about 20 meters
by 20 meters) hovering above the traffic, moving very
slowly. There was
little or no sound from it. About 80 meters high in the
air. It then
disappeared near Sumas Mountain. This lasted about one
minute as we
were driving east in the rain.
there been any other reports of this kind?
for your time and consideration.
Vancouver, BC: (6:35 am)
was driving to yoga yesterday morning along Broadway
heading East
towards Renfrew. The sun was rising in the distance and as
I was
driving I noticed an illuminated bright orange spot in
cloud and then
it illuminated itself out of the cloud and shot straight
up. I was
driving but I grabbed my phone and hit record and when I
looked back it
was gone. I am wondering if anybody else reported seeing
am wondering if it could be a UFO that would normally not
be visible
but because of the sun rising it illuminated it to look
like a fireball.
Courtenay, BC: (5:30 am)
and I were sitting on our deck at about 5:30 in the
Our deck faces west with a panoramic view of the Comox
glacier and
Beaufort mountains. The moon was bright enough to let us
see the
outline of small clouds over the glacier. We noticed a
very bright
white light that was travelling up in a vertical line from
where we
first saw it above Comox Lake or the glacier. It continued
going up and
disappeared through a low cloud. When it was visible above
the cloud,
it was one bright light and three more bright lights
trailing behind.
We watched them rise up until we couldn't see them
anymore. This
all took place within 2 minutes. The lights in the sky
went from about
2000 feet to 10,000 feet and traveling straight up. We
have tried to
understand what we saw. Particularly peculiar was
the direction
of travel. We have seen jets, helicopters,
satellites, and none
have ever travelled up, most things move across the night
sky, not up.
would like to know what we saw.
Surrey, BC: (10:35 pm) (near 176 Street and
Fraser Hwy)
around 10:35 pm I noticed an airplane flying in the
over a treeline from my bedroom window. The lights were
odd as they
flashed between red, white and blue but later switched to
a solid very
bright white. It moved unlike an airplane or helicopter.
It could hover
or change direction on a dime. I watched for 2 minutes as
it flew a
strange pattern, then ran to get my husband to look. He
watched and
agreed that it likely was a ufo, however it was no big
deal to him.
What caught me off guard was that it changed direction and
flew towards
me. It flew directly over my house, quite high. It's not a
drone, plane
or helicopter. It looked to be more triangular in shape
and completely
silent as it flew past. It was a seemingly full size
Hopefully I never see it again. A good set of blackout
curtains will
make sure. Good luck to anyone else trying to figure it
out. I for one
am not a fan. Memory wipe please!
Nanaimo, BC:
saw a large bright light in the sky, almost like a
He told me to come out and I looked at it. By the time I
got out the
object got smaller, but still really bright. I noticed
soon after a red
flashing light on it - small, but noticeable. The object
moved closer
and faster in the sky. It looked like a helicopter or
plane-like object
but it had lights only on one side of it and when it flew
over it moved
faster than normal and made no sound. Before we knew it,
the object had
disappeared. I heard the other day about strange lights in
the sky so
this isn't the first time this week that strange objects
have been seen
in Nanaimo. The mystery continues...
Burnaby, BC: (00:10 am) (facing Surrey)
bright light with the height of about 20 something floors
Witness Information:
sent message to you last night when I saw UFO.
16, 2016 around 2320-0020 PST
was close to Metrotown Skytrain Station, looking at the
direction towards Surrey across Fraser River. Extremely
bright light
obviously seen at the height of about 25th floors
building. It just
stayed there for more than an hour. 3 people in my family
had witnessed
the light.
attached pictures, never edit.
1, UFO
2, Picture at 0200. Disappeared.
3, Shows there is nothing around that area during daytime.

Armstrong, BC: (1:00 am)
outside. We saw two super bright yellow flashes over top
of the
mountain and then our stereo which was playing the radio
shut off for
about 3 seconds and then came back on.
Parksville, BC: (8:30ish pm)
rathtrevor beach in parksville, myself and another person
lights dimming and brightening while hovering over an
unknown island
location between nanoose and nanaimo...first 1 , then 2,
then after a
while a third ....they moved side to side and up and down
forming a triangle for a couple minutes then dimming out
till only 1
remained...the one that remained moved side to side
rapidly then lower
just above the island eventually moving upward and dimming
were there for over an hour ...sometimes flashing
between red and
white lights ...the way the lights were they didn't
resemble planes or
helicopters as they were solid and wide. Though there
is/was someone
missing since sun in the area on gabriola island but I
don't know if
you can see that far from parksville. The lights seemed to
large to be
helicopters over nanaimo's islands.
Witness Information:
my report... We saw the lights over "Mistaken Island" off
Nanoose....we definitely couldn't see all the way to
nanaimo from where
we were.
Langford, BC: (10:30 pm)
took my dogs for a walk up behind my house in a dark
field. I happened
to look up in a south west direction and I saw what I
believe was a low
flying cloaked ship. The sighting only happened for about
3 seconds, it
came into view on my left and then disappeared. The only
thing you
could see were what I believed to be the propusion system?
They were
about 5-7 purple and faint pink chevrons. They appeared
the be seamless
and did not independently move. It was absolutley silent
and moving in
a east to west direction. It was about 30M off the ground
and moving
about 60-80 kmh.
Surrey, BC: (9:00 pm)
was looking towards the south when I saw a tear-drop
shaped object
travelling from the east. The rounded front was a blue
colour, the
middle third was a maroon colour and the tail was orange!
Very strange.
After a few seconds it just disappeared.
Salmon Arm, BC: (11:51 pm)
thereabouts in April 1st we (4 of us) witnessed a bright
yellowish light that looked like a flare travelling from
the east to
the south. It was brighter than anything else in the sky.
It looked as
though it was a very bright flare but huge and eventually
heading off to the south while trying to get pictures of
unfortunately all of our pictures look like you're bright
moon because
we couldn't get a Camera aperture that could take an
exposure that
would register it properly. We have one picture that gives
a little bit
of the flair to it and also had a trail behind it and it
was nothing
like any of us who are very avid stargazers for fun have
ever seen
before. Extremely strange. Over salmon arm bc.
Surrey, BC: (6:10 to 6:30 pm)
I noticed a very bright light coming from the west,
towards me (East). The bright light was extremely high in
Probably around 50-60,000 thousand feet in elevation. The
object was a
small as a star doubled in size and was shimmering. I
watched it as it
got closer. It kept it's elevation approximately the same
as it was in
my view. The object's speed seemed at a steady pace but
not fast.
told my partner what I was seeing and he looked up and saw
it too. I
went into the house and brought out my binoculars. The
object now was
going left, towards the north. It then hovered. I was able
to see the
object fairly clearly. I saw a round shaped ring. The ring
was a dark
silver colour that was spinning counter clockwise very
fast. Above the
spinning ring looked like numerous bright gold flames of
light shooting
upwards. I could see spaces in-between each section of the
gold lights.
The inside top of the ring was a dark thin layer of black.
What amazed
me was the ring was spinning but the gold bright flame
lights were not.
Just the ring below it was spinning, while the bright gold
lights were
monetary in movement.
passenger airplane then flew underneath it at it's
30-35,000 feet. I then saw the two objects compared to
each other and
realized how large this UFO actually would be. It would be
roughly the
size of a stadium or football field.
I called our local news radio and reported it.
called our local R.C.M.P. and reported it. I was then
transferred to
another officer to repeat what I was seeing. They seemed
to be
extremely interested on what was happening.
videotaped the object with my cell phone and was able to
get a few
seconds of footage. The UFO was now traveling eastward. It
then looked
like it went higher and went out of view. A few seconds
later, it came
back into view and continued eastward for about six
seconds then went
out of view completely.
received a call from the R.C.M.P. They wanted to come over
and talk
more on what I had seen. They arrived within minutes and
interviewed me
on what I had seen. They created a file and I received a
file number on
the case.
was, it was not a weather balloon, satellite or plane. The
altitude was too high for any object like that to travel
through. Also
the pattern was too indifferent to be a regular craft that
we know.
Also, it was too slow to be any type of comet, specially
when viewed
through the binoculars, it was not asteroid material.
Coquitlam, BC: (12:39 am)
April 2 a few friends and I were at the local pub named
Roose... We came outside to have a cigarette, when one of
my friends
says what is that!!!?!? I look up in the sky and
immediately think it's
a nice big shooting star because of the speed it was
flying at. Then I
noticed that it came under the clouds and levelled out and
flying with a slight right turn and disappeared off in the
Both my friend and I looked at each other in shock when we
realized we
both saw the same thing. It looked like a ball of light or
a big orb
about the size of a 747, maybe a bit smaller, but it was
hard to tell
at night, but I'm judging from the distance of the clouds.
Did anybody
else see this?
Vancouver, BC: (1:30 to 2:00 am)
am up reading and looked out my window at 1:30 am .....it
is now 2:00am
and I still see the lights in the same place....hovering
over Vancouver
BC. The lights are pinkish and a very light whitish blue.
They seem to
pulsate and expand at times so the circle looks bigger....
At times it
seems like the circle is stretched like an elastic band.
It seems
closer at times and distant at others.
Ladner, BC: (11 pm)
bright orange orb like a fireball in the sky moving slowly
over a
field near the entrance to the Massey Tunnel. Stopped the
car and
watched it with my daughter for a few minutes, then kept
our eyes on it
the rest of the drive home until the road turned away. Got
my husband
and came back out to find it again but it had gone. Very
Surrey, BC: (12:45 am)
outside when my boyfriend noticed something in the sky,
"What is that? It can't be a plane or helicopter." It got
closer. It
obviously wasn't [a plane or a helicopter]. It was way too
small and
low. It had a bright orange light.
Victoria, BC: (9:18 pm)
live a few blocks away from the ocean at Dallas Road in
Victoria BC, in
a south-facing apartment. Me and my girlfriend were
relaxing on my
couch tonight, when I noticed an orange light rising into
the sky in
the distance. The colour alone caught my attention,
seeming different
from the usual airplane lights, but then we noticed
another similar
light following below it and then another. After a few
seconds of
movement, all three came to a stop and hovered for about a
resting in a wedge formation, then disappeared one after
the other. I
got the impression that there were three separate vessels
as opposed to
a single large craft. I got it on video with my phone, but
the quality
is pretty bad as my phone's camera is not good in low
light conditions.
Neither of us had ever seen anything like that
Cloverdale, BC: (9:50 pm)
at approximately 9:50 pm I saw a strange object in the sky
traveling west to east. I just moved into the cloverdale
area with my
family and was taking a break on the front porch and saw a
ball of
bright white light about the size of a tictac held at a
distance. It
was much larger and brighter than any of the surrounding
stars. It
traveled west to east and vanished overhead, like just
disappeared. The
light didn't blink like a plane, or have a trail like
something burning
up in the atmosphere, it was solid and very bright. I
thought it might
have been the quad copter I saw 2 days prior but that had
flashing red
and green lights. This was nothing like that.
seen a lot of things in the night sky, but never something
like that.
North Vancouver, BC: (11:30 pm)
noticed the very bright light about 11:30pm. I recognized
it as I saw
and reported it earlier this month. I live in North
Vancouver. I am
looking south. It moved very slowly across the sky...like
the speed
would be a crawl at times and almost stop. I could tell it
was moving
because it passed clouds. It also was closer at times and
then would
rise. It disappeared above the clouds for awhile. It is
back again but
more distant now and stationary. There is a full moon. It
seems to be
light pink and pale blue lights when it is closer and more
like a
bright white light as it moves to a higher position. It is
still there
now 12:40am - stationary and distant.
Surrey, BC: (10 pm)
am interested to know if any other people in Surrey saw
what I saw last
night at approximately 10:00 pm on a southeast to
northwest trajectory.
(Friday, April 29th) at about 10:00 pm., I happened to
look out
our back window and saw 2 bright objects in the sky
approaching our
house at a slight angle.
continued to watch from the window trying to understand
what I was
seeing. They were at the same height and basically side by
side with
some good but undefineable distance between them. They
were very orange
in color with some slight hint of red. As they approached
I was
wondering what they were as they made no sound and looked
like 2
independent flames in the sky. They were coming as if 2
slow flying
aircraft until they came to a complete stop in the sky
above and
slightly in front of me. Their height I could not
determine, but at
this point they appeared the size of nearby street lights,
so they were
fairly easy to see. However, their appearance was still
like burning
flames in the sky, and very bright. I was trying to
distinguish a form
within the flame and went for my binoculars. When I
returned there was
only one remaining in the sky in the same spot. It looked
exactly the
same through binoculars and was impossible to see any form
within the
bright fire appearance. It sat there for a while longer
and then faded
with a slight fragmenting appearance as the light went
have had occasion in my 68 years to see occasional ufos at
distance, and in a field outside of Edmonton, Alberta many
years ago,
but nothing gets your attention like 2 flaming objects
stationary in
the sky before you, and large enough to see that they
cannot be defined.
would love to hear back on this and particularly from
anybody else who
saw the same thing. I should add, that strangely, there
were no visible
aircraft or sounds of aircraft anywhere else in the
vicinity at the
time. I say this because we seem to be pretty much on a
flightpath all
day and night, and the sky isn’t usually devoid of
aircraft or the
sounds of same for very long, and I was watching them for
about 10 minutes.
North Vancouver, BC: (9:40 pm)
wife and I stepped out on our back deck only to see
multiple silent bright glowing orange spheresmoving
from east to
west to the south of us. The main cluster moved out of
view but a few
more kept coming for few more minutes. I took a couple
shots on my
phone and a short video. I own a pair of image
stabilizer binoculars
and they looked like small bright suns with a solid glow.
Nanaimo, BC: (2 am)
was on my normal route home, a route that I take almost
every week
night. I have to cut between two hills along a path to get
from one
part of town to another. Usually I ride my bike but that
day I was
dropped off at work by my roommate and he was asleep so I
had to walk
was walking up the foothill and as I came to the top I
seen these two
lights (steady white not blinking) going in a straight
line along the
horizon. I thought it was a plane at first because they
kept the same
distance between them. All of the sudden, as I was trying
to figure out
what they were... they made an abrupt under 90-degree turn
at the exact
same time and started travelling diagonal to the horizon.
They kept on
like that until they disappeared behind some clouds or
trees in the
very strange, there was no noise or eary feeling with it,
just the
fact they changed their travel path so quickly I knew it
wasn't an
Prince George, BC: (about 8:30 pm)
all I am very far up in one of the tallest buildings in
town, and I
have very large windows overlooking half the city, keep
this in mind.
down on the floor about to play with one of my cats when I
glanced up out the window and saw something big traveling
through the
sky with what seemed to be a very unusual jetstream, it
seemed to jump
out in places like sparks, or swirling energy blots. The
other thing
that caught my attention, is the jet stream dissipated
almost instantly
and the craft could change speed at will, going from
incredibly fast to
slow enough to turn 60 degrees and veer nearly overhead as
it went past.
claims other than this as to what I saw, I have my ideas
on what
this was but it could have been many things so I just
don't know -
military test jet?/spaceship?/ufo? cosmic beings from a
dimension? maybe. Confused meteor going the opposite
Kelowna, BC: (1:10 am)
my brothers where looking at the stars and right beside
Leo a
flourescent boomerang-shaped UFO went gliding by slow and
clear as day.
We where sceptical at first but nothing else could explain
what it was.
Abbotsford, BC: (10:15 pm)
night in Abbotsford I took my dog for a quick walk around
block at 10pm. As I was looking up at the stars I noticed
a star which
is what it looked like, but a lil brighter than usual. I
then noticed
it moving at a mediocre pace, then it then began moving in
a strange
wavey pattern, moving backwards, forwards, up and down,
eventually it
began staying in one spot and then began to do tiny
clockwise and
counter clockwise circles. I ended up watching this for an
hour as it
was strangely doing these maneuvers, very strange don't
know what it
could of been maybe something of ours in space maybe...
But the
distance it covered and the maneuvers it was doing in that
short period
of time were very strange. I called my mom and sister
outside to check
this werid light out and to make sure I wasn't tripping
but they
watched with me too and got freaked out. Lol, that was one
of the
weirdest things that I ever seen going on in the night
Victoria, BC: (10:10 pm)
was near Thetus Lake tonight when I saw a large star like
object flying
South West from me, at extremely fast speeds. It was
bigger, and
brighter then your average star, but with a similar hue to
it. It
looked to be flying at a height just outside of Earth. It
was not as
fast as a comet, but much faster then anything I know of
that people
can fly. I watched it fly towards me from the northeast,
and it was
heading to the southwest direction. This experience lasted
until it
flew out of my sight range, about 15-20 seconds. I wish I
had my cell
phone at the time, but I know it wouldn't do it near any
compared to actually seeing it. It maintained a solid
light, with no
blinking. Did anyone else see this??
Victoria, BC: (11:00 am)
my friend walk to the exterior gym in the park for a
little work
out suddenly I see something in the sky that was not
normal. A long
light ( like a neon light) brighter than anything else was
glowing and
started moving slowly toward east and vanished??? Usually
I don\\\'t
believe In that stuff but... This thing can not be from
here.. It was
massive. Like couple kilometer long
Victoria, BC: (2:20 am)
was walking up a hill and it was parallel to the ocean and
on the other
side you can see the mainland. I saw a huge orange flare
directly ahead
of me on the horizon It was coming from the ground very
wide and went
very high up in the sky. Kinda like the shape of a flame
from a lighter
or candlestick. When I first saw it I thought a nuke just
hit Seattle.
It lasted for about 2-3 minutes then it kinda turned into
a big giant
orange moon (I am confident it wasn't the moon since it
shouldn't have
been in that location at that time) and then the clouds
started to
cover it.
I'm sure it was just a military test from the US. But I
would be curious to be able to figure out what it is.
Vancouver, BC: (around midnight)
have a video I would love to send to you guys as well,
it's about a
minute long. There were about 7 or 8 orb like lights,
orange/red in
color hovering over the ocean over sunset beach. They were
moving in
strange patterns, going up and down and back and forth.
They were
incredibly bright and would rise up, very high and then
fade out. Some
would sink low and fade out. The whole event went on for
about 20
minutes with various orb like objects appearing, moving
around the sky
in strange patterns and then fading out. Can't explain it
and would
love someone to take a look at the video and let me know
what they
think. It was truly breathtaking.
Vancouver, BC: (8:30 pm)
porch notice black small single engine size airplane type
but not a airplane had no sound fly from over yvr headed
straight line
towards surrey called my brother to make sure I wasn't
seeing things.
no sound and flew at one speed steadily across the sky was
thing see so many aircrafts of different types but this
was different.
definitely not first time seeing odd things in the sky
flying around
Surrey, BC: (11 pm)
was not witness to this personally, but my wife was.
Around 11 pm as
she was about to retire for the evening on Saturday night,
June 11,
2016, my wife observed a large spherical shaped craft with
around the periphery of the craft, visible through the
evening’s thin
cloud cover as it hovered over Green Timbers forest in
Surrey. She said
it appeared to be massive. It moved a little, but unlike
conventional aircraft, then slowly ascended further, and
further away
until it was no longer visible at all. By the time she
alerted me to
what had happened it had disappeared altogether. We live
on 101A Avenue
facing west toward 149th Street and toward Green Timbers
Curious to know if you had any other reports on this
occurrence? FYI,
my wife does not drink, and does not do any drugs, so I
believed her
when she told me what she saw.
the report. I know the area quite well, and it is
certainly an
interesting sighting. Does your wife think it could have
been some type
of “quad copter” – however unlikely given the time of the
day, there
have been reports of one flying around with LEDs on it,
something like
be possible to have your wife draw us what she saw – and
(time permitting) we could come and talk to you both in
the reply. I showed her the video of the quad copter and
she said
it was nothing like that at all. She said there were no
red or green
coloured lights, only a slight yellow-ish green hue to
them. The ring
was about the size of two city buses end to end across the
middle so
maybe something like 80 feet across and really couldn’t
see the top of
the craft due to the clouds. She said she wouldn’t even
attempt to draw
it, because she can’t draw.
North Vancouver, BC: (9:30 pm to 10:00 pm)
live in North Vancouver and from my balcony I have a view
of the north
shore mountains particularly around Grouse Mountain. It
was cloudy and
I was scanning the horizon to see if the weather was going
to break. I
could see the mountains under the cloud cover. Suddenly I
saw two red
orbs rise above the apartment building across from me.
They appeared to
be following a path going up the side of the mountain.
They initially
were in line one following the other. When they reached
the top next to
Grouse they changed their position and were flying side by
side and
started into the clouds. eventually they disappeared. As I
was standing
there I noticed another wave of these red lights. There
were four of
them this time and took the same route as the first two.
They were in
single file and as they approached the top of the mountain
they spilt
up and headed into the mountain. I had called my son to
come and see
what was happening. We stood there watching and tried to
figure what
they were. As they disappeared into the clouds another
wave started up
the mountain. They were following the same route as those
before. The
light were all uniform and were flashing intermittently. I
was baffled.
This was the first time I had ever witnessed this. It has
made me a
believer. Really don't know how to explain. Unfortunately
I was unable
to get photos. But my son is my witness as I am his. Wow!
Do you think you are seeing Sky or Chinese Lanterns? They
come is
various shapes, sizes and colours and are often released
in groups.
Sadly they have become the de facto explanation for many
lights in the
sky, as they often fly "in formation" and slowly move up,
appearing motionless and then "disappear" (simply burn
out). So as for
a mundane explanation, on the balance of
probability, I do think
this may fit the bill.
we did not see it, then ours is just an "educated" guess -
ultimate take-away from this encounter we will leave up to
you. Here is
a link:
Logan Lake, BC: (1 pm)
who is nervous to be named in this small community took
photo with his cell phone and emailed it to me. I
personally did not
see this but he swears this is true. I could have him call
you I think
if you want to speak to him. He noticed this only after
taking pix of
the deer which is seen in the foreground. I would NEVER
hoax anyone. We
are professionally employed and we think this is really
unusual. Photo
is attached. It was taken on a cell phone so the
resolution is not

for the photo!
at it, as you mentioned the resolution is very poor. So we
only go on the visual cues to determine what it may be we
are looking
at in the photo. Given that he didn't see it himself at
the time (a
good indication that it wasn't just hanging there) I would
have to
wager that we are seeing a bird heading across the frame
and mid-flap.
It could be a bug, but the level of blur and lighting
something 50 feet from the camera (give or take). So
although I cannot
say for sure, I would have to guess bird. But great photo
of a doe!
Courtenay, BC: (3:05 to 3:50 pm)
was working in the back yard, a semi-rural setting, and my
wife and her
friend were present. I sat down on a chair in the
shade and was
talking with Alene about birds and my birding skills, when
a Turkey
Vulture came into view overhead, and was soaring on a
thermal, doing a
straight shot past us, and over the house. We were
both looking
at this bird, when we both saw a glint in the clear blue
sky, very
distant. I commented that it looked like a star, perhaps I
said a day
viewing of the ISS? I asked her to keep an eye on
it, as it was
approaching us, from the NNE, while I went to retrieve the
I came out and found the shining light, and with optical
aid, saw a
pulsing, more intense, less intense light (white to
orangy, sodium
vapour-like light) emanating from what? The path
seemed to slow
for this anomaly. My wife went in to get the 20X
birding scope
with tripod, and I set this up, as they took turns with
the binoculars.
finally got the object in view, I couldn't believe my
eyes. It was
definitely emitting light, there were 2 lights, sometimes
3. The object
was silverfish, platelike (no discernable wing-tips, rough
edges), oval
and appeared to be flipping continuously. (sometimes the 2
lights were
horizontal, then immediately turning to vertical, then
back). We took
turns with the scope. None of us could explain what
we were
of 2 Air Canada jets went by, almost due west My
best guess
at the altitude of the passing was 20-25 thousand feet, as
I could see
the fuselage colour of Air Canada plane (blueish-gray).
Using this as a
reference, I stared as the lines of travel intersected,
and could see
that the object was much further distant (30-40 thousand
slowed and changed direction, heading NNW, about 80
degrees of
travel directional change. It seemed to linger a spell. We
describing location with referencing the tree top from
next door. My
wife went to call the air tower at our local air force
base, and was
told, they had nothing in the air at this time. Second Air
flight now passing same height as previous, approximately
direction. Did either of these flights see this thing on
radars? Was there any reports by them or their
passengers, being
much closer?
this object retreat to the NNW, for the next 10-15
minutes, the
lights still doing the flipping thing, now only visible in
scope. And then it was gone. A full 45 minute of
unobstructed, star-like light, from an oval shape,
travel, in a clear blue sky, by 3 adults on a sunny day in
June. Wow!
Nanaimo, BC: (10:50 pm)
lights blinking over the straight off Georgia right now
been there
for about an hour cameras not good enough to take a pic.
North Vancouver, BC: (11:00 pm)
was watching the Canada Day fireworks last night with my
boyfriend from
a friend's place in North Vancouver, At the end of the
fireworks, at
about 11:00 pm) there was a lot of smoke in the sky and
two very bright
red orbs, the colour of the red fireworks, suddenly
appeared just right
of all the smoke in the sky. They were very close together
but it was
clear there were 2 red lights, not one, yet they both
moved in unison.
They first appeared on the right side of the smoke in the
sky then shot
out in a horizontal line away from the smoke then back in
towards the
smoke in a very direct and quick fashion then suddenly
dropped down
towards the ocean in more of a curved fashion than a
straight line, but
on about a 45 degree angle to the right. Then it
disappeared. My
boyfriend and I both noticed it and have definitely never
seen anything
like it before. It was clearly not part of the fireworks
and it was
definitely not an aircraft.
wonder if anyone else saw this? Was it a drone? Or
something else? The
red lights were relatively large in size compared to the
firworks we
had just seen. So I can't imagine it was a Chinese lantern
or someone
playing around with laser pointers. Thanks!
Vancouver, BC:
(2 pm)
was on the Locarno Beach yesterday around 2 pm, enjoying
the sun and
browsing the sky to find flying birds. I saw an airplane
passing just
over my location, heading west. It seemed whitish at that
Right after the plane I noticed a small, round and dark
object flying
at the same speed to west but probably in a higher
altitude. I followed
it for 7-8 seconds until clouds concealed my sight. I am
mildly myopic
and wear prescribed and ultimately dark sunglasses but my
vision is
20/20 when armed. I enjoyed the whole afternoon watching
seagulls, ravens and even small swallows flying very high
in the sky.
Surrey, BC: (11:30 pm)
was out on the back deck at our farm (48th avenue and 152
street) and I
thought I could see some strange lights as if they were in
a row but
spaced apart in the shape of a crescent shape! I called my
to come see and he freaked out, there was about 5 lights
that we could
see and I went to get my phone and as soon as I went to
take a picture
the lights went out, we stayed outside and right after I
put my phone
down is was like they were turned on by a lights twitch it
was like
Boom! Lights back on but this time there was 7 not 5! So
we are just
staring off in to these lights! Can't believe what we are
seeing. I'm
calling my mom to go look outside and she couldn't see
anything! The
lights stayed in the same area never a different area some
times they
went side to side or up and down but never left that area,
then I came
in and my boyfriend screamed for me to come see and the
lights were
gone but there was a bright green light beam across the
sky! Then there
was 2 of them! Then they vanished! Then they would come
back but there
would be 4 and they started strobing!!! Nothing I have
ever seen
Surrey, BC: (2:30 am)
is just a curiosity to know about a light that we saw
early morning at 2:30 am. Yesterday while travelling
through Fraser
highway in BC near 96 avenue, we saw a blurred image of
blue lights. At
first it was not clear; later this began to increase and
it formed a
semi circle and later this light changed to fluroscent
green and then
to light red still in the shape of a half-circle.
taken some photos in our mobile, as we were travelling in
the car
we were not able to stop the car immediately to take the
picture, hence the fotos are not that clear. Hereby with
this mail I'm
attaching you those photos. Could you please check and let
us know what
these lights are?

you were travelling northwest
on Fraser Hwy, near 96th Avenue, you would be facing
directly towards
Holland Park, which was hosting a concert on July 2nd and
3rd. Possibly
they had coloured spot lights operating? We are trying to
confirmation of that.
Vancouver, BC: (1:30 am)
wanted to get my sighting report on your website. On
monday July 4 at
around 1:30 am I saw what appeared to be a blue crown
shape in the skies
above Vancouver BC. I live in Surrey, and it appeared to
be above North
Vancouver somewhere. I know someone else must have seen
this as it was
huge and you just couldn't miss it. I didn't take any
videos, but
I saw a video on YouTube that someone by the name of Phil
Can managed
to capture. She lives in Guildford.I know this is what I
saw but I
haven't found any other reports on it, have you recieved
anything on
this? Check the video out at
website we have posted a couple of photographs taken on
July 3rd.
We believe the lights shown may have something to do with
a concert
taking place in Holland Park in Surrey. Does this photo
look like what
you saw?
that's exactly what I saw. I thought it could be
spotlights from a concert but I wasn't sure.
Nanaimo, BC:
(3:30 am)
house looking up having a crafty smoke, when I saw a
light, like a
star....I watched it for about a 1 min 30 sec. It started
as a star
then moved and darted about towards Nanaimo town, high
up...was weird
as nothing I know moves that quick...I want to know if
anyone else saw
it!! I recorded a voicemail on my phone shortly after to
record the
time...and went up and told my husband who was in
bed....which i think
feels I'm not seeing things right......but I saw it! I
hate conspiracy
nuts and and was looking up and bam....little
light.....darting around.
I stood there thinking just clear my eyes for 30
sec....... I could not
believe it....but I saw it.....man do we have cool engines
out there?
Maybe so!
Mission, BC: (11:30 pm)
walked out to deck for a smoke, I light cig, heard
plane, looked up,
saw plane, heading east...and out of the corner of my
eye, towards
west, was a bright pulsive flash, I seen it all, and it
was like
welding flashes, burn out before hits floor...like this,
hung for about
a sec...then no light...I was looking for it, thinking a
traveling would light up again in 5
sec....didnt....about 30 sec later,
it did it again in a different spot, lost it in a sec,
as light faded
to nothing....and again and again...4 times, 4 different
spots, in 4
min....I was thinking, and absorbing it, and it was
overcast, I can see
stars in between clouds, and it was above the clouds,
which was at low
this day...so im thinking maybe object was 2-3000 feet,
maybe....but by
the time I saw the 3rd and 4th flash....I didnt hear
anything, as the
plane noise was gone by then....so no sound, jumped
arround...and after
the 4th sighting, the clouds where closed in more and I
totaly lost it
for good...so I went back in the house and right away
told a girl I was
talking to, and I reported it to Mufon just after
midnight.....so ya,
this was a single craft, hovering on spot, flashed,
moved to different
spot, flashed....or it could of been 1 big craft, with
different lights
flashing different spots...but majority of craft was
hidden behind
clouds...so i am confused and shooken still...Mufon
won't come talk to
me, and i need some one to talk to...but no
doctors....if u can somehow
contact me, come over and look at situation I was in, I
would like it a
lot...I had to confirm with texts, that I wasnt abducted
time...because I was gone for 5 min....this wasnt my
first sighting,
and it wont be my last...thank you.
Nanaimo, BC:
bright objects hovering around the Nanaimo Hospital
Area. This
went on for probably over an hour. Two were pulsating
and the rest were
steady. I took a bunch of vidoeos with my blackberry
phone. I uploaded
the footage to my google account.
Cowichan Lake, BC: (between 12:00 am and 1:30
Dawson, my aunt barb and I were watching the meteor
shower last
night, a very very bright orange then green star like
object fell
through the sky. A couple minutes later we noticed what
looked like a
star but brighter flew out from behind the trees. It was
flying in a
very strange manner doing a couple circles around and
going up and down
repeatedly for around 30 minutes. All of the
sudden, another star like
object came out of no where and flew up very very
quickly right up next
to the other one. With no flashing lights, no noises and
the odd flying
manner we thought there was no way it could have been a
plane or
satellite. After a few seconds of them doing circles
next to each other
one of the objects hovered off across the sky slowly
while the other
one disappeared into no where. We would love to hear
your professional
Rutland, BC: (about 11:00 pm)
object moving very quickly and then darting in all sorts
different directions in a split second.. and then
disappeared. For sure
this was not a plane or a star. We were looking from
Rutland towards
the mountains on the west Kelowna side of the lake.
Vancouver, BC: (about midnight)
was walking my girlfriend's 15 year old husky late at
night in a
Vancouver neighborhood that I've visited numerous times,
but I wouldn't
say I'm overly familiar with the area. It was about
midnight on the
evening of August 1st, 2016. The dog and I had been
walking around the
immediate neighborhood for about half an hour, and the
route I was
currently taking (west along 48th) brought us to the
entrance of a
trail at the corner of Alma and 48th that both the dog
and I have
walked through several times previously. But since it
was midnight, and
the trail was pitch black, I started to go north on Alma
instead. The
dog didn't care that it was pitch black and wanted to go
onto the
trail. The black arrow on the attached Google Street
View image
indicates where she was located while at the end of her
leash. We were having a standoff. The dog, being a
typical husky, was
being stubborn. We were in no hurry, so I was giving her
a couple of
minutes to come around to my way of thinking. I was
about 20 feet north
of the hound looking south towards her.
a sudden a very bright red light appeared in the sky
just a bit to
my left. It was moving very fast towards the west. At
first I thought
it was a shooting star, but I quickly ruled that out. It
wasn't moving
in a straight line, it changed it's speed slightly as it
swerved, and
the light had a very distinct outline or edge to it.
What I mean by
that is that the light didn't appear distant and/or
"fuzzy". Although I
was looking in the general direction of the airport,
there was nothing
to indicate this was anything like a plane in the
distance. If I had to
guess, I'd say it was maybe 100 feet away and perhaps an
inch in
diameter. (But yes, it is possible it was a larger
object further
away.) It was deep red, and it was bright, but it wasn't
casting any light. In other words, it was very easy to
spot, but it
wasn't illuminating anything with its own light. I only
saw it for
maybe one second, two seconds max, before the light went
out... just before it would've disappeared from view
behind the trees.
The area was very quiet, there was no wind, (no cloud
cover either that
I recall), and no sound was produced by whatever it was
that I saw.
There was no evidence of fireworks or flares. I'm 60
years of age, and
have never previously witnessed anything like this. It
was very strange.
I was completely sober, and my vision is good. The dog
didn't appear to notice anything, but she is 15 years of

Blind Bay, BC: (about 8:15 pm)
looked like silver glint coming right toward me high
in the sky
like a vertical oval then I watched it start dropping
toward the hills.
It appeared to have changed direction and the shape
changed. I took 2
pictures but I cannot see the object in the pictures
even though I
could see it with my eyes. I grabbed the binoculars
and it looked like
one of those safe lawn darts falling but dazzling
white and no middle
piece. It moved at a steady pace downward and dropped
behind the hills.
I have been coming to the Okanagan for 40 years and I
have never seen
anything like it.
Night, Surrey, BC:
and I see this every night. It is always in the southern
part of
the sky. What caught our attention was the large orange
glow which
appears to be the front of this craft. The orange light
can be seen
slowly turn right and left up and down but as my son
pointed out behind
this orange ball there is another one quite a distance
away. They seem
to move with each other and with closer and a long time
watching you
can see two other glows but more starish but again move
with the
others. We think it's one giant ship because it moves
like a boat. The
night we saw a commercial plane fly behind the light
confirmed that
these illumination's are in the sky not atmosphere or
space. I've taken
several pictures but to be honest it can't be seen the
same as with
your eye.
Vernon, BC:
am not sure what I saw tonight, but it sure as heck was
not a
plane...and was too large in size to be a satellite.
There were many
planes in the sky tonight and it was rather cloudy, but
I spend a lot
of time star gazing so the night sky here is not
unfamiliar to me, what
I saw was nothing I have seen before. My mother and I
were at "Vernon
Secondary School" in Vernon, BC Aug 6 2016, we were in
the school field
watching the thunder and lighting that was taking place
and I said to
my mother "look at that! is that a planet or something
?? ". It was a
large orange orb looking thing about the size of
....half a full moon
i'd say, and we thought nothing of it just that it
looked really pretty
orange colour and that it was a possible planet or
something, then
around 10:30 pm about 10-15 mins after we noticed the
orange orb, the
big orange orb started to move up then down at a slow
pace, then as it
went back up it kind of shot up and blinked in and out
almost like an
electrical short out, the orange orb turned into two
small white lights
that were sporadically moving around and making the same
short out
spark then shot up and was gone and we stood there and
looked for about
a half an hour after to see if we would see anything
again but there
was nothing. I did not get any photos as we were quite
excited and
overwhelmed, not knowing what we were seeing but I wish
I had! I hope
my mom and I were not the only ones who saw this
incredible orange
beauty what ever it may have been.
Victoria, BC: (10:30 pm)
orange orbs over Victoria BC Saturday night. One was
away from
the other two and they were in a row. My Dad and I were
both in the car
at the same time and questioned each other if we had
both really seen
them or if we were seeing things. The military noted
last year they
would be training with drones, but these were not
flashing or moving.
We tried to look for them as went down the road, but
they were only in
the sky for a couple of minutes then vanished.
Surrey, BC: (8:01 pm)
in front of us driving, this was off to the right side
of car...It
was very large and kind of a square shape, and fairly
low, & bright
orangey-yellow colour, and it didn't seem to be
moving....3 people in
car saw it...We were heading home from Langley BC to
Surrey BC.....(we
were on the free way) it was 8:01 pm....
White Rock, BC: (11:30 pm)
was outside on my deck in White Rock watching the
Perseid meteor shower
and was sitting with my head on the back of our deck
lounge looking
straight up watching for meteors. All of a sudden there
was a bright
flash between the stars, about twice as bright as the
stars around it.
I kept watching and a second or two later there was
another flash a
little further over so I grabbed my binoculars and could
see the object
between flashes moving very quickly to the south and it
looked like it
was either tumbling or turning as it moved. The flashing
was not a
constant pace. It was difficult to tell the exact shape
because of the
tumbling appearance. I watched it until it disappeared
to the south
which lasted about 8-10 seconds. I was wondering was
this space junk
that the sun was reflecting off of as it tumbled or some
kind of craft?
Trail, BC: (10:05 pm)
was on the roof of our RV and we had just watched the
full moon rise
not too long beforehand. I was thinking of of all the
and I noticed a bright star then as I stared longer a
humming sound and
movement occurred. I watched longer to ensure actual
movement and
called to my partner. It continued, he couldn't see it
but it's there.
Port Alice, BC: (10:30 pm)
18/16 I was watching the sky for the meteorite showers.
Due west I
saw a very bright light (4xbrighter than the stars)
moving at a very
steady slow speed across the sky. It was heading south
with no noise,
Port Alice is a very small quiet town and there was no
town noise to
interfere. As this light traveled slowly south the light
seemed to be
non directional like a globe. As I was viewing this
light through my
Pentax 7x50 field binoculars looking for the signature
of an airplane
with it's flashing red/green lights running lights of
which there was
no sign. I followed it with the binoculars listening for
a sound of
which there was nothing for about a half a minute the
light shut off,
not behind anything just shut off and no trace of it
White Rock, BC: (about 10:20 pm)
and I frequent this beach on a regular basis. Late night
are great because we have a dog and it allows him some
freedom from
always being on leash when there are crowds of people.
As we were
walking down the beach heading north/west I happen to
look up and see a
very large, extremely bright red light in the sky. My
husband's first
guess was a helicopter. For a minute or so we weren't
focused on it having already decided what it was but it
soon again
grabbed our attention. We noticed that it looked as if
it was standing
still but was actually heading directly toward us. What
at first seemed
to be one red light was actually three in a triangle
formation bright
enough that the halo from the light made it appear as
one from a
distance. There were no other lights at all, no
anticollision lights,
no flashing lights at all. No other colours. No noise.
We are
relatively close to several airports including one major
one and as we
were watching a commercial airliner flew below and in
front of this
object. In comparison the plane was a grain of rice. The
continued in the same direction for maybe three minutes
and then moved
90° sideways like a backwards, laying down "L". Within
30 seconds of
this direction change it covered a massive amount of
space and suddenly
shrunk from a massive red object to literally what
seemed like a
pinpoint and was gone. There was no sound. We could hear
the planes. It
was not a plane. We live in whalley, we see helicopters
all the time,
night and day. It was not a helicopter. We are familiar
with drones,
this was massive. To have the spread of the three lights
so clear at
such a high altitude way above the planes it has to have
been the size
of a football field. We thought Japanese lantern but
this was
completely in control of its movements. Not a lantern.
We literally
stood there for at least an hour after watching all
other air traffic
and it did not even come close. This was really hard to
put into words
as it was something beyond what I can describe properly.
It was
difficult to wrap my brain around what I was seeing/had
seen. Also it
was a completely cloud free, clear nighttime sky.
East Vancouver, BC: (9 pm)
saw a light in the sky bobbing up and down over
Grandview Highway and
Skeena, dipping up and down moving faster than any plane
of helicopter
could. It was changing colours green and than red, then
entirely. It could bob side to side and up and down. It
was moving
above my neighbourhood. (Searching) I was scared it was
coming for me
since I am a highly sensitive person. So I booted it to
Walmart. It
started to kind of follow me. But then went to the
right. And kept
going. Its colours were best described as light green.
Not the kind you
would find on a plane. Also Its lights were covering the
whole... orb?
craft. I don't know. Tell me if you saw it too.
Ucluelet, BC: (10 pm)
this week in Ucluelet I witnessed and photographed
something I
am unsure of. Around 9:55pm I headed to the small beach
that the
walk-in campsites back onto with a tripod on digital
camera to capture
some long exposures of the Milky Way. After roughly 5
minutes while I
was taking a photo looking roughly South towards the
Milky Way, I
noticed to my right a bright light. The light was
roughly SW, maybe 1
mile away, and appeared quite bright. It looked as
thought it was not
quite on the horizon and the light seemed to dance and
be the same
color as a campfire seen from a distance. I realized
that the
reflection of this light off the ocean was quite bright
and noticeable,
however I did not hear anyone on the beach mention it
aloud from the
position I was in. There were at least 3 groups of
people having beach
fires and the light was very noticeable but perhaps not
so much when
visiting w/ friends around a fire. In any case I found
it odd. The
light was brilliant and slightly dancing for maybe half
a minute to 1
minute in duration and then suddenly it was no longer
there. As I took
another long exposure photo it came on again in the
exact same
position. I do not recall the duration but it was not as
brilliant this
time but did come on abruptly and turn off abruptly.
After this I
turned my camera and tripod and set up to capture the
light if it came
on again, which it did. I have 2 exposures at 30seconds
of this light.
The first exposure captured the light for nearly the
entire exposure if
not all of it (30secs) and the light was brilliant and
shimmery for the
duration and simply turned off. The second exposure of
30secs captured
maybe 10seconds of it at the start of the shot and it
seemed to have
lost it's brilliance and the light kind of swayed and
flickered much
like a campfire flame would, kind of dying out within
2seconds. I have
not real way of telling how far away the light is but
when I zoom into
the photo it appears, as I had suspected, to be above
the horizon line
of the ocean. I would guesstimate that with the
perceived distance it
must have been at least 30-50 feet above the water. I
also took a
30second exposure of the area without the light and
could not determine
if there was a boat in the area and I do not think this
was a buoy,
although there does appear to be something on the water
in the
immediate area where the light was but it is difficult
to make out what
it may be, if anything. During the day there is no
discernible water
marker in the area. The skies were probably the clearest
I have ever
seen in the area and in the photo there is a visible
layer of water
vapor on top of the water which the light is clearly
have RAW format image files for inspection if required
and I can also
provide a rough mock up on Google satellite of my
position. I am hoping
there is some rational explanation for what this might
have been. I did
not time the intervals between the light being on,
however it did not
seem to follow a particular pattern. Of the 4 times the
light came on
it ceased to come on in any regularity after my last
exposure. I waited
another 10 minutes and headed back to camp amazed at the
lack of light
pollution that night, as well as feeling very curious as
to what I may
have captured on my camera.
Victoria, BC: (12:52 am)
and I live high up in a building downtown and spotted a
blue orb light with a white light tail flying at the
speed of a drone
flying low over the buildings but then disappeared into
thin air. It
left us both in complete shock. Wanted to know if anyone
else witnessed
this. Thanks.
Richmond, BC: (9:30 - 10:00 pm)
and I were walking at the park near our home in Richmond
dinner under a cloudy sky at around 9:30 on Aug 28,
2016. I saw some
white illuminating objects moving around the cloud and
my wife
confirmed she could also see them. Shape is round
like a coin and
there were 3 of them chasing one another in a circle
constantly and arrived at the same position of the cloud
about every 5
seconds. The objects did not appear on any part of
the clear sky and
it would not move to another cloud. We stood there
and watched for
about 10 minutes. There were planes travelling
occasionally and the
moving speed is at least 10 times faster than the
planes. We went home
and got our son out to watch 10 minutes later. We stared
at the cloud
and we saw some vertical light moving from right to left
and we know
the moving objects still exist as the light also
appeared before. We
finally saw them again at another cloud further north
with exactly same
number of objects, same shape and movement. We
tried taking pictures
with our phone, but failed due to the very small
contrast. We stood
there and watched for another 10 minutes as the moving
objects became
less and less visible in the cloud. This is the
first time that we saw
UFOs and it was so real that all three of us would not
have any doubt
at all.
4-Sep-2016, Langley, BC:
hovering lights go back and forth and circles no noise
got video.
Burnaby, BC: (5 pm)
5:00pm on Sunday, September 18, 2016, I witnessed a very
point of light in the sky due north of where I was
sitting at a picnic
table behind McGill Library, Burnaby, on the north side.
From my point
of view, it was above Cypress Mountain... but in
distance seemed
outside of the atmosphere. It was like the brightest
star you may see
in the night sky, but much brighter than that, in broad
daylight. It
remained in the exact same position in the sky for
approximately 20
minutes. It was not an airplane which have flashing
lights and either
leave jet trails or detectable movement and sound. The
light dimmed and
brightened at very random intervals. I considered that
it could be a
rotating satellite in geo-synchrous orbit. However, the
varying degrees
of brightness of this object at random times completely
this theory. As well, it did not relate to any
geo-synchronous orbit
that would correspond this particular position in the
sky. At times it
was brighter than any planet or the brightest star in
the night sky...
once again this was broad daylight. I pointed out this
object to
passersby including a group of Italians playing bacci
ball very nearby
me who are regular in this area. Most people found it
interesting but
then dismissed it shortly. At approximately 5:20pm the
object flashed
very bright 4 times and then disappeared. I was able to
record a short
amount of video of it's position in the sky but didn't
record times of
its extreme brightness, due to error in thinking I was
recording on my
camera phone at the time but was not. My battery was
also very low and
when I realized my mistake I waiting for a more
spectaular display
worthy of record, however it vanished at 5:20pm. This
object was not an
aircraft or a satellite. The levels of brightness
and how random it
was suggests otherwise.
relay this information to you in complete truth and
Comox, BC: (8 pm)
sea, just off Kye Bay. This was a UFO, simply because we
identify what it was. It looked like the headlights of a
plane coming
towards us to start with, but then they became bigger
and it was one
big light with irregular streaks coming off it. We
watched it and it
didn't move, just hovered there with the light
reflecting over the
water all the way to the beach. We turned away to look
in the other
direction, just for a couple of seconds and when we
looked for it
again, it was gone without a trace. There was nothing to
see in the
sky, no plane, no helicopter, lights, nothing. It was
strange and I am
hoping that someone else in the area saw it and can tell
us what it was.
Victoria, BC: (1:31 am)
dog out for a walk at Topaz Park in Victoria BC and just
saw a UFO.
Triangular. A perfect equilateral triangle. About 1000
feet estimated
altitude. 3 equally spaced apart amber coloured lights
on the bottom.
Flew NE or NNE almost right right over top the park
facing Finlayson
Street. Very fast speed estimated 300-450 km/hr.
Approximate "wingspan"
was about that of a DH3 seaplane (that we have fly over
head daily).
Completely silent. Called Victoria Police to report it.
I saw it for
about 30 seconds before I lost sight of it behind
trees/houses. I was
wearing velcro gloves at the time I was playing fetch
with my dog so by
the time I took out my phone, threw my glove, slid my
camera open and
slid to video mode to record a video it was nearly gone
behind the
houses and I only got 3 seconds of black sky. I'm
literally still
freaking out and can't believe I'm even writing this
post. I'm also a
marine engineer in the Navy posted to CFB Esquimalt. I
know what I saw.
And I have never in my life seen anything like that
before. Saw it at
01:31 and was on the line with the local police by
White Rock, BC: (11:30 pm)
was outside on my deck in White Rock watching the
Perseid meteor shower
and was sitting with my head on the back of our deck
lounge looking
straight up watching for meteors. All of a sudden there
was a bright
flash between the stars, about twice as bright as the
stars around it.
I kept watching and a second or two later there was
another flash a
little further over so I grabbed my binoculars and could
see the object
between flashes moving very quickly to the south and it
looked like it
was either tumbling or turning as it moved. The flashing
was not a
constant pace. It was difficult to tell the exact shape
because of the
tumbling appearance. I watched it until it disappeared
to the south
which lasted about 8-10 seconds. I was wondering was
this space junk
that the sun was reflecting off of as it tumbled or some
kind of craft?
English Bay, BC
: (10:11 pm)
Hi! I was with my dad yesterday (October 20th, 2016)
enjoying the sunset at the sunset beach next to English
Bay, Vancouver. We sat there for a while, taking pics
and enjoying the beautiful sight. Suddenly, I noticed
two orangy still lights in the horizon. I asked my dad
if he sees them and he says that he's been wondering
them for a couple minutes already.
We both sat there wondering what it could be. Then I
decided to take pictures of them with my camera, which
was a good camera for our luck. When I was taking the
pics, we noticed that the other light disappeared in the
horizon all of sudden, but the other one just slowly and
unnoticeably moved down. When I took the pic and zoomed
in, we could see that the light was in a shape of the
letter 'U'. It was really weird and we just couldn't
figure out what it was, other than an UFO. It was
definitely an UFO, because what else could it be? A
meteor? An 'U' shaped comet? An orange plane that didn't
move? Ha. After a couple of minutes, the light faded
away completely.
East Vancouver, BC
Hello , I seen this about an hour or so a go.. Just
wanted to share this with you .. there were like ten of
them in the sky , when i took the pictures they started
to disappear .. Thank you
Victoria, BC
: (5:01 pm)
i have a ufo sighting to report in Victoria, BC. i was
at bartholomew's pub when my friend pointed out
something strange in the sky.
how do i manage this?
Victoria, BC
: (5:06 pm)
Sir or miss,
I've seen a flying object in Victoria, BC. I was
bringing my boat back into harbour when I noticed a
strange thing floating just near me, over the land. I
was going to pop in to Bartholomew's pub to have a drink
with some guys, but it shook me so much that I just went
straight home and prayed.
I've never been one to believe in ETs, but a friend
recommended I contact you, because something happened
that I just couldn't deny.
Lord be with you,
Beacon Hill Victoria, BC
: (5:15 pm)
Help! I saw an UFO, it was bloody real, flipping shit
right now. I was in Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, British
Columbia having a lovely night with some bros then saw
some strange lights in the sky, we all lost our shit.