Indian Office
Hazelton, B.C. July 10th, 1896
I have the honor to report
that this day at 7:55 P.M. (local time) an
object by description in shape of a balloon
was seen by a boy about four miles to the west
of here Lat. 55” 15’ Long. 127” 40’.
In an, at the time, NNW
wind it was seen to emerge from out of a heavy
bank of white clouds, swerving in an
intermediate clear space in semi-circular
line, to disappear in another at an altitude
of about four hundred feet above the timber
line on the mountain.
It had a black appearance
having been seen between the setting sun.
The boy's description of
the balloon and its actions, leaves me no
doubt as to its reality, and is no doubt, the
Andre balloon expected to have left
Spitzbergen for the North Pole on, or about
the 1st Inst.
I have the honor to be:
Your Obedient Servant
(sgd) R.E.Loring
Indian Agent