PUBLIC Notice is hereby given that the
Government of His Majesty the King of Sweden and
Norway purposes sending, in the summer of this
current year, a balloon expedition to the North
Pole for exploration in the interests of
science. The balloon will convey a party of
three Swedish scientists, namely, Salomon August
Andrée, aged 42; Dr. Nils Gustaf Ekholm, aged
48; and Mr. Nils Stringberg, aged 24. It is
understood that the expedition will start from
Spitzbergen in the early summer.
The Swedish
and Norwegian Minister at the Court of St. James
having, in the name of his Government, invoked
the assistance of Her Majesty's Government with
a view to making it generally known in the
British possessions adjacent to the Polar Basin
that the expedition in question will be
attempted, and the Swedish Government, being
anxious also that the project should be made
known to the authorities in other parts of
Canada and to the general public in the Dominion
through the medium of the press, Her Majesty's
Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies
has requested His Excellency's Government to do
all in their power to meet the wishes of the
Government of His Swedish-and-Norwegian Majesty
in this matter.
Her Majesty's loyal subjects throughout this
Dominion are hereby notified in the premises and
are requested to give the explorers, should an
opportunity present itself, all the help in
their power. If the balloon be seen only and no
communication be had with the exploring party,
it is requested that the following particulars
may be noted and communicated either to a local
newspaper or to some learned body, namely, the
day and the hour in which the balloon was seen,
the direction of the balloon, and the direction
of the wind.
Should any
accident befall the explorers and should they
arrive in any locality having lost the balloon,
c. the inhabitants are asked to give them all
possible assistance.
Dated at the office of the
Secretary of State of Canada, this 16th day of
May, 1896.
Secretary of State