Flying saucers over Quesnel?
Not exactly, but several mysterious and
unidentified flying objects were seen by five
people in the early hours of the morning
recently in the Baker Creek area.
First report came from student Jean Lavington,
currently at home from UBC who was awakened
about 2 a.m. May 19 by a noise like a jet
Rushing to her big bedroom window, which looks
out over a large field, Jean said she saw
three or four white lights, one green light
and one very bright, red flashing light.
She was unable to see the outline of the
object but it was moving very slowly at no
great height across the field. She watched it
move away to the south until it passed over
the horizon.
As soon as it had disappeared she heard
another and called her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Lavington.
A similar set of lights appeared, but by the
time Mr. and Mrs. Lavington got to the window
it had disappeared behind some trees.
A little while later a third object was
sighted, and was clearly seen by all three
This one had three green lights, one above and
two below it. Mrs. Lavington viewed the object
through powerful binoculars, she said, but was
unable to see much except the lights.
A fourth object was later sighted, which Mrs.
Lavington described as like a 'star'. All
objects were travelling in a north to south
Finally, a fifth object was seen which
appeared to hang suspended in the sky. It hung
as a cluster of green lights with a flashing
red light. Mrs. Lavington said at times it
appeared to turn, showing as an almost
straight line or part of a circle.
The three watched it for 30 minutes. It was
still in the sky when they returned to their
Driving to Quesnel next day the Lavington
family enquired of a neighbour 15 miles nearer
town whether she had seen anything the night
before, and the lady corroborated what the
Lavingtons had seen.
The other lady had awoken her hired hand to
see the strange phenomena (-on) which appeared
as an undulating red light.
So far, the mystery remains unexplained.