ROAD VICTORIA B.C. 30 March 1967
7:55 P.M. A red flashing
object was seen from Mt. Tolmie. Object came
from the east over Georgia Strait near Gordon
Head. The craft flew over the Victoria peninsula
and disappeared over Juan de Fuca Strait.
8:05 P.M. Brilliant orange
flashes of light were seen by many. There were
about twenty-two flashes of a brilliant orange
color. The flashes were not regular but followed
a pattern: one flash, five second delay, another
flash, 35 seconds later another flash, five
seconds later, flash. These lasted about 1 1/2
seconds each.
8:18 P.M. Red flashing
object flew from Victoria to Saanich. Object had
whitish yellow, green and red lights.
8:22 P.M. Red object seen
hovering over Saanich near Mt. Douglas. Object
hovered almost for two minutes, then very slowly
moved eastward toward Victoria. As object began
to move it began to flash brilliant red lights.
At times the flashing would cease and would
change to a steady red, green and yellowish
white light. The object continued towards
Victoria, stopped and turned to a steady red
light and hovered for almost 15 seconds over the
Channel 6 television station then continued
towards Victoria flashing red. Then the red
flashing stopped and the object gave a steady
red, green, and whitish yellow light. When the
object reached Victoria it reversed its
direction back towards Saanich flashing red.
Another red light came up from behind Mt.
Douglas doing the same thing the first object
had done. It hovered with a steady red light,
then headed towards Victoria flashing a steady
red green and yellowish white light. Then it too
reversed its course and headed back towards
Victoria’s Mt. Douglas. Both objects climbed and
were soon over Gordon Head. One of the objects
reversed its course and headed back towards Mt.
Douglas. Meanwhile a small aeroplane was rapidly
approaching the object. Suddenly the object
stopped and hovered while the aeroplane passed
over it. The object changed from a brilliant red
to a whitish yellow. Finally, after the
aeroplane had gone, the object once again headed
toward Mount Douglas and changed from a whitish
yellow to a brilliant green and then back to a
steady red, green, and whitish yellow light. I
lost sight of the other object, perhaps because
of the aircraft appearing. Five or so minutes
later a red flashing object came up from the
east face of Mount Douglas and joined the other
object. They separated from each other and the
object performed the same manoeuvres and hovered
over Mount Douglas, showing a steady red light.
Then it moved very slowly at what appeared to be
about thirty miles per hour toward Victoria.
Meanwhile the other object which was cruising
about, headed south, showing a bright green and
whitish yellow light. I could not see the red
light because it was on the other side of the
craft. When it was about 2000 feet away from me
it turned and headed towards Mount Douglas. The
other craft was about two miles from me and over
Victoria. The time now was about 8:55 P.M. The
objects were flying too slowly to be aircraft.
The objects soon passed over the district of Oak
Bay and headed directly towards me at a height
of about 1500 feet. As it came closer it
gradually descended to a height of about 1000
feet. It then turned slightly to the northwest.
I could the see the shape of the craft quite
clearly even though it was dark. It was the size
of a dime held at arm's length and shaped like a
football with green and white lights at the
ends. There was a red light on the other side.
It was close enough for me to hear any noise
from the craft. Soon another object came from
behind Mount Douglas, hovered, then cruised
around occasionally flashing green and red
lights. It was 9:15 P.M.
Drawings by the witness: