Too Close to Mount Tolmie

Victoria, BC. March 29, 1967

Daily Colonist, March 30, 1967.

Youth Ran Home

Flying Lights Too Close To Mt. Tolmie

A display of floating objects over Victoria Wednesday sent a young man running all the way home, scared.

The young man was standing on top of Mount Tolmie with several other people when he saw them. He said he hadn't believed what he read in the paper about flying objects and had purposely gone up the mountain to see for himself.

He asked that his name not be used.

Three other young men - Gary Calder of North Vancouver, Ted Waring of 4038 Braefoot, and Terry Rose of 3973 Blenkinsop - saw a single object coming out of the west and kept it under observation between 9:30 and 9:45 p.m.

The three were on Blenkinsop Road near Braefoot when they saw it.

"It would accelerate, then slow down. It was orange but would flash red from time to time. It seemed to get bigger, then smaller. It made no noise," said Mr. Calder.


The youth on top of Mount Tolmie said he saw between 11 and 15 objects all somewhat the same:

The first appeared over Gordon Head at 7:55 p.m. and was flashing red as it flew over the city and disappeared over the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

Ten minutes later he saw a series of orange flashes that "lit the Victoria sky."


About a half hour later he saw a lighted object come from behind Mount Douglas flashing red and green lights. When the object hovered, the objects stopped flashing and became a steady red.

He saw several similar objects.

What really scared him was an object that flew over Mount Tolmie at an estimated 400 feet. It made no noise and was oval-shaped.


"I could tell it was oval-shaped because of the lights reflecting on it. It carried two bright green and two white lights. I think there was a projection coming from the bottom of the craft," he said.

There were other craft, he said, but he didn't stay around to see them.

"I was scared. I ran all the way home," he said breathlessly into the phone.