Victoria Early Morning Sighting

Victoria, BC. March 23, 1967

Letter to APRO

3537 Richmond Rd.
Victoria, B.C.
Mar. 23, 1967

Mrs. C. Lorenzen,
Secretary, APRO
Tucson, Ariz.

Dear Mrs. Lorenzen,

This may not be much of a "sighting”, but here it is anyway.

This morning at 5:15 my son Ron, age 17, was in the Gordon Head area about 2 miles north of here on his paper route when he saw a round blue light traveling fast across an area of clear starry sky almost overhead (a little to the west).

It was going in a north-easterly direction, "three times as fast as a jet, but not as fast as a shooting star". It appeared and disappeared suddenly, as if switched on and off. There was no streak or trail. The color was "like the ultraviolet bulb in a clothes dryer". There was no sound. It had a definite round shape, and looked about the size of something 1/8 inch across at arm's length. He says it was "bright but sort of soft, not too bright to see the shape".

Ron is very interested in observing the sky, and often sleeps outdoors in summer to watch for meteors, and has seen many of them. He is familiar with night-flying aircraft too, which are common in this area. (Victoria International Airport is about 12 miles north of us.)

Being a very new member of APRO (I mailed my application only yesterday!) I haven’t any official form for reporting a sighting. Hope l included enough details.


(Mrs.) Grace Turner