Victoria "Sea Gull"

Victoria, BC, March 4, 1967

Witness Narrative Taken From APRO UFO Report Form

At almost exactly 2:45 PM on Saturday 4 March 1967 I was standing outside my office which is situated at ground level, facing east. The sun was bright, and because of this I was wearing aviation type sunglasses. There was no discernible haze and the wind was moderate from the north. I chanced to look up and immediately saw a silvery object which I immediately took to be a white sea gull drifting along. Then the strange angle of the wings caught my attention, they being swept back at a very sharp angle. I next noticed the wings were not moving, this ruling out a bird. Then I became conscious of the terrific speed at which this object was moving across the sky. I mention these reactions in this sequence as they impressed me in this order. The object was silvery white, and appeared to be round and bulging in the centre. The wings swept back past the circular rear portion of the object. The front part of the object was rounded. The object appeared to be terrifically high as the angle of its flight did not drop as it drew towards the south. Its speed remained constant, which I would estimate at four times that of a B47, which pass over my home constantly. At a level of about 35' [degrees?] above the southern horizon it jumped sideways 90' which placed it behind a sign on top of the building across the street. During this maneuver it did not change its attitude of flight in relation to its direction.

A freehand drawing of this craft appears below.


Barney Kent