7:00 PM – noticed what appeared to be a large
bright star to the left of the crescent moon
7:07 PM – found that the object moved from left to
right and towards the horizon – getting smaller
7:10 PM – object appeared as below:
<--- looked like very
bright knobs – still white
7:15 PM – for some reason I cannot focus on it
7:30 PM – travels 1 ½ inches in 5 minutes
8:00 PM – travelling away from us (towards
8:45 PM – 8:50 PM (watched constantly) - found
that the object is brighter at some times than
others. It is shiny white then red. Definitely
oval in shape. Getting smaller. The smaller it
gets the more oval it looks. All brightness lines
have disappeared making it possible to tell its
shape (small though it is.)
<--- hope you can get the
idea from this.
At one point my husband saw it as below:
<--- brightness beams
9:01 PM – disappeared into the sky.
Mr & Mrs K. Pincott observed the object
Friday night (the night I called you) &
tonight. They live in Sointula 973-6923. They
phoned me about it and said to tell you that they
had seen the object again.
I hope the above is of some help to you. Please
let me know what you think this object is!