Action In The Alaska Highway Area

Canadian UFO Report, Vol 1, No 8, Fall 1970

(Source: Fort Nelson News)

Now let's have a look at the 1967 action in the Alaska Highway area. Of the numerous sightings reported by the Fort Nelson News, we have selected these three which we carry verbatim as carried by the paper. [NOTE: Only the first two sightings are reported here.]

Report no. 1:

“Flabbergasted, dumbfounded, almost hypnotized by the light, chills up and down my spine, feeling like a porcupine looks.” These were all expressions used by Ed Yamitski as he told us of his mystifying experience the other night.

“He and Jim Marshall were driving north between 10 and 11 p.m. Saturday March 4. On Steamboat Mountain, at Mile 368 of the Alaska Highway they suddenly saw a great yellowish-white light, ahead and quite high. Like the glare from an arc welder the light was so intense that they frequently had to turn their eyes away. Suddenly it disappeared and they continued northward, somewhat shaken.

“Just past the camp at Summit Lake the object appeared once again, across the lake and to their left. Ed describes its position thus: “I could see it at a point in the windshield about two inches below the highest spot that the wiper covers. It hovered for 10 minutes, then zoomed downwards about six inches on the windshield – then moved horizontally to the left and seemed to land on the side of Summit Miountain at a point slightly higher than the micro-wave site.”

“Both men described the object as radiating light as the sun would do; both also saw a red light although it was still impossible to gaze for long.

“Jim tells of stopping a car, a Cadillac with American plates, and in the excitement scaring the driver who thought he must be in for highway robbery. However, the two occupants of the car also watched the bright light and agreed they had never before seen anything like it.

“After watching for an hour and a half the two Fort Nelson men drove on to Mile 408 and told their story to Mr. and Mrs. Les Freeman of the Circle T Ranch. Ed says they were not surprised and they told of a similar sighting on Flat Top Mountain in the area.”

It is interesting to note here the reference to a micro-wave site. In commenting on UFO activity in the Yukon in our first issue, we said: “Ufoperators evidently understand the importance of the Canadian National telecommunications system that skirts the entire length of the Alaska Highway, and perhaps in some way draw propulsion from it. This system, consisting of micro-wave stations that power messages through the atmosphere, is the language link between the northwest and the rest of the continent. As such, it is vital to the whole North American defence complex. To ensure its uninterrupted operation each station has auxiliary diesel-power units that snap on immediately a fault occurs. For size and function it must rate as one of the great communications systems of the world. Apparently ufoperators appreciate this and are interested.

Report no. 2:

“Another report came from a Fort Nelson couple travelling by truck on the Kotcho Lake road from Cascade rig no. 2 on Saturday night at about 10:30 p.m. They saw at first what appeared to be a rig away in the trees ahead of them. Three lights in a triangular formation of red, green color hung motionless apparently in the trees. They approached and passed under the object which remained stationary all the time. The husband was skeptical and said it was an aircraft but the wife reported to the News that she particularly noticed there wasn't a white light, which is necessary on an aircraft.”

In our opinion the wife was right in thinking the lights were something strange, for the triangular formation of red lights (often with a green tinge as in this case) has been observed before in UFO sightings. In issue no. 3 consulting editor Brian Cannon wrote from Winnipeg: "On Oct. 22, 1967 (note the year) we had a good sighting over Charleswood, Man., (a suburb of Winnipeg) where five lights were observed hovering over or on a field about 100 yards from the witnesses. When the lights rose into the air, three of them formed a perfect triangle and hovered over a TV transmission tower a short distance away."