Another Triangular UFO

Glen Lake, BC - March 31, 1966

FSR, Vol. 12. No. 6, Nov-Dec. 1966, P. 30

By Dan Lloyd

Back to Victoria, B.C., and more reports of mysterious triangular-shaped objects. The following sequence of events has been pieced together from reports in the Daily Colonist of April 1, 2 and 3.

Gordon Young 15 and his friend, Wayne Henderson, of Sooke Road near Glen Lake, were on their way to visit Heather Woods on the night of Thursday, March 31, when a flashing triangular object flew by in the north-western sky. The time was about 8:10 p.m. Frightened, the two boys ran to the Woods home and said they had seen a flying saucer. Heather and her friend Carol van Humbeck went outside with the boys and also saw the object. Carol described it as triangular, flashing red and green lights as it travelled, then white when it stopped. For about 15 minutes the four youngsters watched the object. After about five minutes, the motionless object turned green, then red and disappeared, but it reappeared a few minutes later farther south, then flew south. According to Carol, the object made “a very sharp whirring sound.”

At about the same time, another Saanich Peninsula resident, Mrs. Bea Lamprecht, reporting seeing a light in the sky as she was driving her car. “It definitely was not a plane and was too small to be a helicopter.” she said. “It seemed to hover and change colour before it disappeared.”