UFOs Sighted at Deep Cove;
Color Them Red, Green, Orange

Deep Cove, BC - March 25, 1966

Victoria Times

By Bill Chatterton

Bea Chappell and her sister Janie Kidd have been keeping a nightly vigil on the skies above Satellite Channel since they saw unidentified flying objects last Friday.

Mrs. Chappell, a widow who lives with her sister at 692 Birch Road, Deep Cove, said they have been out every night watching but the objects have not returned.

“I don’t know whether it was the Russians, the Americans or Martians, but it was something.” Said Mrs. Chappell of the two triangular objects that hovered in the sky near their home.

“I was outside shortly before 10 p.m. when they first appeared.”

“One of them was much larger than the other and both flashed ruby-red lights on and off as if they were sending messages between them. There was no sound.”

Mrs. Chappell said she watched them for a moment then ran inside the house to alert her sister.

When her sister went outside the objects were still hovering but they had changed colors to green and orange. They were still blinking at each other, she said.

“They must have stayed there for about three minutes,” said Mrs. Chappell. “Then they moved off, first slowly, then very fast.”

She said she was always been interested in unidentified flying objects.

“My sister was a doubting Thomas but now she has changed her mind,” said Mrs. Chappell.

A neighbor of the sisters, Mrs. L. Austin Wright, also saw what she described as a yellow stationary light the same night when she looked from the window of her home at 682 Birch Road.

Mrs. Wright said she first thought the light came from a ship’s mast but decided it was too high and too bright. It was not an aircraft light, she said.

Air traffic controllers at nearby Patricia Bay Airport said they saw nothing and had received no reports of UFOs in the area.