Cigar and Deltavolants

Shawnigan Lake Forest District, BC - March 25, 1966

FSR, Vol. 12. No. 6, Nov-Dec. 1966, P. 30

Dan Lloyd, “Are they really seeing things over Canada?”

A cigar-shaped UFO made a brief appearance on Friday, March 25, according to the Victoria Daily Times of the following day. It was seen flying at tree-top level by truck driver Albert Kershaw about six miles south-west of Duncan while he was out of the truck checking his brakes. It came out of the trees at about 200 feet travelling very slowly. Then, according to the witness, when it saw him it took off very fast, two puffs of smoke coming from the underpart of the front end. Mr. Kershaw described the object as metallic, about 50 feet long and looking like an overgrown cigar. It was orange-coloured at both ends with a bright silver band round the middle. He saw two small hatches at one end but there was neither wing nor tail.

On the same evening, two weird triangular shaped objects were seen over Saanich Inlet, near Victoria, B.C., by three local residents. The Saanich Peninsula and Gulf Islands Review of March 30 reported that the object hovered about 40-50 feet above the water. Mrs. R. H. Chappell, who watched the objects with her sister, Miss Janie Kidd, said the objects were motionless for about two minutes and then moved off “slowly and gracefully”. They made no sound. Mrs. Chappell noticed that ruby-red lights were flashing between the UFOs as if they were signalling to each other. Both the objects were triangular in shape, but one was much bigger than the other. According to Miss Kidd, the lights changed to orange before the objects moved out of sight. A neighbour, Mrs. L Austin Wright, also reported a yellowish flashing light in the same area about the same time. She had seen the light through her front window but had not attached much importance to it until hearing from Mrs. Chappell. The strange light, she said, was very bright and stationary. It was not from an aircraft and was too bright and too high to be a light on a ship’s mast.