Mysterious Light in Sky


Vancouver, BC - August 10, 1965

The Vancouver Sun, Wednesday, Aug. 11, 1965

Even some experts saw mystery lights in the sky about 11:30 p.m. Tuesday.

RCAF search and rescue officials at the rescue centre at 4050 West Fourth saw an unidentified light hanging above Grouse Mountain on the North Shore after receiving calls from several residents.

“We looked out for it ourselves and saw it hovering above Grouse Mountain. It was much brighter than a star and appeared to be airborne. But we were convinced it was not a plane,” an official said.

The calls about the flashing light coincided with several other calls reporting a bright object that officials believe was a meteorite.

First reports of the object came from Whitehorse residents in the Yukon early Tuesday.

Observers there said it travelled northward then stopped and finally appeared to head south at an increasing altitude before disappearing.