Date: June 25/'65,
Location: Canada, British Columbia, N.E.
of Vernon
Time: Pacific 3.20 pm.
Duration: approximately 30 min.
* Principal witness plus five
others, five teen-aged or younger children.
My friends and I had gone, via bicycles, to the
mountain lake, due east of Vernon, to do some
raft fishing. The others were at the rafts on
the west end of the lake while I bicycled to the
east end of the lake to a small beach. A bright
light appeared in the sky - brighter than the
sun at an altitude [elevation] about 30 degrees
above (the) horizon and seems to be over a flat
top mountain 27 miles away. The light seemed to
expand and clearly a shape grew or was formed
within seconds to completeness, at which point
the brightness disappeared. A grey dark object
was "left materialized", momentarily hovering.
As if gravity affected it, it began to fall,
faster until it began to spin and flutter like a
leaf briefly. Its flight smoothed out, increased
in speed and began to level off. Very quickly it
disappeared from view behind the low ridge
surrounding Becker Lake. Amazed, I was still
looking in the same direction when it
re-appeared very close above the ridge directly
in front of me, across to the eastern and
deepest part of the lake. It hovered about 50'
above the lake. Its edges glowed reddish hot and
made almost no sound until it started to whine a
high pitched sound and made small waves vibrate
on the smooth lake water. The whine became
louder and the waves began to whirlpool at first
downwards and then suddenly spun upwards to the
underside of the craft. The column of water was
several feet thick and I watched a large fish
briefly appear and disappear in a
counter-clockwise motion. Within a few minutes
this activity had begun and ceased while the
UI(sic) [UFO] maintained its hovering position.
Then I saw that it had been spinning like a top
as it slowed its turning until completely still.
The water column fell back to the surface of the
lake, causing a loud splash and large waves
spreading out over the lake. At this point I
heard my friends faintly signal by whistle that
they had seen the object hovering at "my" end of
the lake. I whistled very loudly once, then
three times signalling (1) extreme danger (3)
run for your lives (part of a pre-arranged
code). I was still standing in the middle of the
beach area in plain view of the object. It moved
slowly into a tilt and slid in a side slipping
motion to a hovering position about 10' high and
less than 30' directly in front of me.
* I could see my friends run for their bicycles
at the far end of the lake as I stared at the
Through two main windows I could
clearly see 3 occupants and what they looked
like as they stared back at me. I wasn’t sure if
my friends had made a getaway yet so I decided
to keep its attention. I took one step foreword
and stopped. Slowly lifted my right arm from my
side to a level position with my elbow still at
my side. I turned my palm upwards and at the
same time said "Peace". The object hesitated at
that. Then extremely bright blue red and yellow
"spotlights" turned on from the top of the
object. The flash from the lights caused me to
start to blink and turn my head at the same
time. I was momentarily blinded and off balance.
As I fell backward I started running towards my
bicycle lying beside a bush about 15' away. I
knew the direction but couldn't begin to see
anything until I was able to reach over as I ran
and upright my bicycle. As I got on my bicycle I
glanced back to the object and saw that it had
moved right over the beach to where I had stood.
As I saw the object moving closer, I saw a small
silver ball, approximately 2' across, drop from
underneath the object and swoop directly towards
me. I jumped on the bicycle pedals and raced for
my life down the road towards my friends. I
looked back to see the silver ball following me
until I met my friends. It stopped and hovered
invisibly as soon as it was aware of my friends.
I yelled to them "go for your lives" and kept
pedalling fast. They soon caught up to me and
kept pace together until we reached an
intersection in the logging road about 2/3 of
the way down the mountain in the direction of
Vernon. At that intersection we stopped to catch
our breath and plan what next. We quickly
decided to split up. While standing there I
realized I was looking at something "wavering"
in the air about 1' above the grass near a bush
about 20' away. The others were talking quietly
to themselves as I asked my best friend if he
would carefully look over my shoulder. He said
he saw something funny. I said OK, let's get
home. The others were unaware of the object
nearby. They left in a south direction. My
friend and I left in a north direction. It was
soon evident the ball was following me, so my
friend accompanied me all the way home as did
the sphere. We went inside my home but no one
was there. We locked the doors and silently
rested and waited. About an hour later my
friend‘s dad drove up in his truck looking for
my dad. He waited for a while and then took my
friend and his bicycle home. We dared not tell
of the encounter because it seemed to be
something we couldn't bring ourselves to do.
Later my family came home and I acted if nothing
was out of the ordinary. I stayed inside the
rest of the day and went to sleep early. The
next morning I went out to the back of the house
and sat on a lawn chair. I was enjoying the
sunshine and looking at an apple tree that dad
had grafted grape vines onto its branches. when
I realized I was seeing the invisible sphere
again. I ran inside to my bedroom window and
looked out. The sphere went to the window I was
looking out of. I went to several other windows,
it was there each time. I sat inside for a bit
and then went outside again. It followed me but
didn't do anything. It became a "follower" of me
for almost 2 years.
After a month the first sphere was replaced by a
new one. The old sphere introduced the new
sphere which was replaced or recharged at least
every two months. Their main purpose was to
observe and learn. Then in 1968, I moved out of
the Okanagan Valley. The spheres did not follow,
nor have I seen them since.
This is a preliminary unsigned
report provided by the individual principal
witness. The original date was given as 1966
(initial phone interview) revised to 1965 as being
more accurate. The original incident was observed
from the shoreline of Becker Lake. A personal
meeting was arranged between Henry McKay and the
witness who wishes to remain anonymous for the
time being. The witness believes there was no
official report to any agency or research group.
A further meeting will be proposed as there are
implications this event is quite extensive.
Henry McKay