Mount Arrowsmith UFO

Mount Arrowsmith, BC - Summer 1962

Canadian UFO Report. Vol. 1 No. 5. Sep/Oct 1969.


I am convinced I saw one UFO in the summer of 1962 over Mount Arrowsmith (on Vancouver Island). To me it looked like a small moon in color, standing for at least 15 minutes between the peaks. I was amazed and alarmed when that thing all at once disappeared behind a peak in the twinkling of an eye. It must have been tremendous in size and speed. Of course, the friend who was with me, and I, did not mention this to anyone for reasons you would know.

There are not many people looking up at the sky nowadays, especially at nighttime; my husband and I have made it a practice, especially since we are living quite far from the more populated areas (Englishman’s River falls are close by) and we can see the stars quite clearly.

Thanks for the interesting paper.

Elsie Graeper,

Errington, B.C.

It is interesting that Mrs. Graeper has overcome her original hesitation and now reports her impressive 1962 sighting. Other readers are doing likewise. Further to this, see the following letter. – Ed.