4297 Gordon Head Road
Victoria, B.C.
Area Code 604. Tel. 477-4749
Jan 25, 1966
Dear Mrs. Lorenzen,
I trust you have by now rec’d my
$3.50 subscription safely. I am writing to you
for three purposes: -
I. Are you at all able to get me
the correct title of a magazine which reportedly
contains an article by Ed. Moffatt called
"Flying Sauces are landing in America"? An
elderly lady with a rather muddled brain told me
of this, and said she thought the name of the
publication was something like MARS CONQUEST.
I've never heard of it, have you? I’d very much
like a copy of that article, if it can be
tracked down. Can you possibly help me, with a
postal card?
II. I see you wrote an article in
January FATE magazine called "UFO's Blanket
South America", and I am going to try to get
myself a copy of that one.
III. The other day, through a
gentleman who is collaborating here with one of
our professors in compiling a Canadian
Dictionary, I came into contact with an elderly
lady who saw a UFO 3 years ago with two or three
witnesses, near Nanaimo. I called on one of
them, who gave me the copy of the color slide.
The picture is NOT at all spectacular, however.
But through them I found a dentist's assistant
at Sidney, north of Victoria, on this Island,
who saw a 5 ft. UFO land in a field at Duncan,
40 miles north of Victoria, 3 years ago. I
lunched with her, and got her story: Mrs. Helen
Campbell, 1875 Graham Ave., R.R. 2, Sidney V.I.,
B.C. Canada, dentist's assistant, married, with
children, good eyesight, saw in May 1962, around
6.15 a.m. (Sun just rising, early summer) an
object land in a vacant lot opposite her house
in Duncan, where she was then living. She was
standing between the house and that vacant lot,
on Trunk Road, Duncan, just less than a block
east from the Trans-Canada Highway running north
out of Duncan. Slightly to the left, opposite,
about 150 ft. away, on a vacant lot being
considered then for purchase as a carpark by the
Canadian Legion, she saw an object reflecting
sunlight at the height of a telephone pole,
descending slowly. She drew a sketch for me
(enclosed facsimile), and described the object
as silvery-pearly in color, fuzzy, glimmering.
It swayed before it touched down. It had
apparently come from South-East. Weather was
fine and clear. No side-effects noticed. She
badly wanted to run over to see it, but felt her
feet were glued to the ground as though in
hypnosis. After a few minutes, she was able to
turn and walk back into the house. I asked
whether she then had any headaches. She replied,
"How did you know?”. She had to go as an
out-patient to the hospital for 2 months to be
treated for a mysterious headache ever since
that day. She says that it looked exactly like
pictures one sees of jellyfish. It was small, 5
ft. across, and with a dome on top. Husband and
friends laughed at her, so she clammed up.
Hearing the elderly lady speak of UFO’s in my
connection, the other day, while the lady was
being treated by the dentist (Dr Gray), Mrs.
Campbell opened up and told her story, and that
is how I found her out.
This story is not very
interesting; but as you repeatedly ask for all
details, no matter how trivial, I am sending it
to you for what it is worth. She added that,
Jan. 12, 1966, on the upward incline of the main
Patricia Bay Highway here, half a mile north of
Mow’s Farm Market at the corner of Keating Cross
Road, at 6:45 a.m., her car’s headlights failed
for 2 seconds. No other similar reports have
come to my knowledge.
May I suggest that Eugenio
Douglas’ case at Monte Maiz, Argentina, could
with benefit be investigated thoroughly. It is
reported by London’s FSReview, as well as in the
CODOVNI Bulletin from Buenos Aires, recently.
The facts that are interesting are:
The enormous size of the craft
(30 ft high). And the size of the beings
(Douglas said 5 metres or more!) in it.
The change in the electric
lights, and candles, in the village, from normal
to red, to green, and then to give out an
asphyxiating odor which compelled people to run
outside for fresh air. What “on earth” could
produce such side-effects?! Chemists and
physicists could well be brought into this for
With best wishes to you, and
congratulations on your fine work.
Yours sincerely,
P M H Edwards
P.S. You may be
interested to know that today I am to give my
9th talk on UFO’s to North Victoria Kiwanis
Club. And on Feb. 3rd, my 10th talk, to Faculty
Women’s Association, Univ. of Victoria. I hope
this will close the series! But interest is
running high, and at each talk I make a point of
showing copies of your book and other important
publications in the field.
Please may I hear from you soon,
by airmail if possible, about that “Mars
Conquest” thing, so as to secure a copy before
it goes out of print? (Meanwhile, of course, I
am conducting an enquiry also at this end).