Glowing Object Seen

100 Mile House, BC - First Week of May, 1960

While travelling by car, my own, at about 11:00 p.m., near a small community called 100 Mile House on the Cariboo Road, in British Columbia, I observed on my left through a roadside fringe of jack pines, an object shaped like a rifle cartridge faintly illuminated of a reddish color or glow. It was at what appeared about a thousand feet high visible through the tops of the trees which were about 100 feet tall. There was a luminous glow from the rear of the object with occasional sparks or flashes. It was traveling very fast because before I could stop the car (Mercedes Benz diesel 180D) it had disappeared to my right front. The same object was seen about the same time at Sicamous on the C.P.R. about 150 miles N.E. by my son and others of a survey party who were making a stellar observation by transit in Polaris [Editor's Note: a very awkward sentence. I believe that the survey party saw an object transit across the star Polaris]. Their observation of the object was reported but mine was not except to some of my party. I was the resident engineer in charge of a road construction project at that time.

The object was definitely not an aeroplane and showed none of the regulation flashing red and green flying lights. There were no flying surfaces or aerofoils either vertical or horizontal. It was very clear and not so far away as to be in any way vague.

1960 100 Mile