The Vancouver Sun has released
the news that on April 29 at 10:30 pm Alex
Gillis and Jerry Monkman were driving to the
latter’s home at Grassy Plains, 360 miles
north of Vancouver when, in Monkman’s words:
“We just topped a rise and there it was in
front of us. It was about 14 feet across,
egg-shaped, and there appeared to be a light
shining through the top.” Both men agreed in
their account that the slate-grey object was
plainly visible in the centre of the road. It
was a clear moonlit night. After a few
moments, it disappeared without a sound. They
said it must have risen straight up at a
terrific speed. This account was not reported
for a whole month. Both the witnesses kept the
matter a secret for fear of ridicule. Finally,
they were persuaded to report the landing to
the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.