Dear Friends:
U.F.O. in Our Own Backyard!
This writer, with the help of Wm. Grant, a
Club member, was able to get details of a most
interesting incident which allegedly took
place on Lulu Island on February 24th. It was
witnessed by Grahame Langton, a boy of 12, and
his account, received by mail, follows. We are
indebted to Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon for the
report to Mr. Grant, Mr. Sheldon being
Grahame’s Scout Master.
Grahame Langton, 778 Montana Road, Richmond.
Age: nearly 12, Time: approx. 9 p.m. Monday,
Feb. 24, 1958. Weather conditions - Moonlit,
slightly cloudy, stars visible.
Upon returning from a Scout meeting I noticed
a bright light in the sky. This appeared to be
coming from an object like a full moon which
was situated in the South (the actual moon was
in its first quarter and was in the West).
About 50 yards from my house, which is at the
corner of Blundell and Montana, I noticed that
the back garden appeared to be illuminated
with a red glow as though a fire was burning
there. I then proceeded up the drive at the
front of the house and upon turning the corner
at the rear of the garage, came face to face
with an object.
This object appeared stationary,
approximately three feet off the ground and
was about ten feet in diameter, and
approximately seven feet in height. It was
whitish grey in color with a dark red centre
light about three feet in diameter. This
centre piece, although it was round, appeared
to be in four sections. At the precise time
that I turned the corner and saw the object, a
car was going along the road and the red light
appeared to be concentrated upon the car,
following its progress along the road. At this
point, the section of light directed upon the
vehicle was brilliant, while the remainder of
the centre piece remained a dull glow. I tried
to creep past it to get into the back door,
and kicked a stone on the path, whereupon the
light shining on the road immediately became
dim and the section facing me became extremely
bright. The light was so brilliant that I
could hardly see. Then, the whole centre piece
went dark, a few seconds elapsed and it became
bright again and at that instant the balls on
the ends of the projecting arms started to
buzz in a signal-like fashion. Those balls
appeared to have lines on them. Then with a
swish that seemed to come from the funnel-like
piece, it took off at a slightly tilted angle.
I watched it approach the moonlike object in
the sky, then the red glow faded and the
moon-like object also seemed to
diminish.During the afternoon of Monday 24th
February, when walking across the garden, I
noticed a funny buzzing sound on the ground.
At first, I thought it was an insect, but the
AREA OF GROUND AFFECTED was too large. The day
after, Tuesday, I told my parents about this
and we wondered if it was in any way connected
with the episode which occurred later. This
object appeared to be right over the section
of ground where this sound came from, and the
buzzing seemed to be identical. The windows in
the outer circle of this object seemed to be
in square sections thus:

On the evening of Tuesday, Feb. 25, an RCMP
constable paid an unofficial visit to our
house and I related my story to him and he
said he could find no reason to disbelieve my
story and yet he could not give any
explanation, also later that evening my mother
and dad told a gentleman from the RCAF who was
visiting here, my story, he agreed without
doubt, that I had told the truth.
Following receipt of the above letter two
members of the executive of the club visited
the Langton home on March 14 and interviewed
Grahame. Their impression was that the boy was
telling the truth, as, if he had been put up
to it, it would have been extremely difficult
for him to have related as much detail as he
The space in which the object was said to
have hovered between the house and the two
fruit trees was very restricted. Grahame’s
mother said that she examined the site the
next day and found some twigs apparently
broken off one of the trees.
Well, there it is, friends, make what you can
of it.