Cigar-Shaped Object Over Vancouver

Vancouver, B.C., July 1957

Bob Halishoff
Vancouver, B.C.

July 1957, between 7:00pm and 8:00pm, Vancouver, B.C. object was cigar shaped, but pointed at both ends. It appeared to be heading NW and climbing at the same time. Speed was approximately between 300-400 mph. Object was in sight for about 5 minutes, then it disappeared. This would indicate that it had increased its speed tremendously because if the object had still been travelling the estimated 300-400mph it would still have been in sight as the sky was clear and it was still daylight outside.

The object itself was luminous, with dark blotches on its surface. It was 500-1000 feet in length or possibly longer. Altitude is unknown. Although the object seemed to be heading NW, it was climbing at a 45 degree angle.

There were no other aircraft seen in the sky at the time of this sighting. No noise seemed to be coming from the object.

                        Vancouver Cigar