Mrs. D.
22563 - 2nd Ave.
R.R-3, Langley, B.C.
This morning
about 9 - 9:15 AM, Richard called my attention
by saying “That’s funny! It can’t be an
aeroplane. Or is it, Mum?" I looked out of the
window but could see nothing, nor could R. for
a second, then he said “There it is over
there!" but I still couldn't see anything. R,
was very sure he had seen a cream coloured
disk, about the size of a 50¢ piece at arm’s
length, move swiftly across the sky. It turned
in its flight and, when he last saw it, it had
a black dot in the middle. He is positive that
it was not a plane. It was not the correct
shape and moved far too quickly.