Westbank Has Its Flying Saucers Too

April, 1950

The Penticton Herald, Thursday April 6, 1950

Westbank Has Its Flying Saucers Too

KELOWNA—“Saucers”, flying in pairs and in opposite directions, were seen here recently by Allan Davidson, of Westbank.

Sitting in his living room recently he saw an object sail across the sky and disappear behind the hills behind Okanagan Mission.

The object was bright and about the size of a dinner plate. It was sailing south at an angle of about 45 degrees before it disappeared.

Half an hour later a second object appeared, this time sailing north at about the same angle. The second “thing” was not so bright as the first, nor was it visible for such a long time.

Neither seemed to leave any tail or light behind, according to Mr. Davidson, nor was there any way of telling their altitude.