Mystery Object Seen Over Strait

December 10, 1949

The Daily Colonist. Victoria, British Columbia, Sunday, December 11, 1949.


A mystery aircraft flashed through the sky south of Victoria yesterday afternoon.

Thousands saw the silver-white, pencil-shaped object between 4:15 and 4:30 p.m. Apparently wingless, it seemed to be traveling eastward over the Strait of Juan de Fuca at great height and speed.

Frank Le Feuvre, 970 Market Street, was one of those who saw it. He said it looked "like a meteor. " W. I. Love, Elliston Avenue, thought it was a comet.

Said another observer: "At first I thought it was a vapor trail from a jet aircraft, but then I saw it was a solid object. Then I thought it might be a dirigible, but it was traveling too fast. "

One watcher thought it was flying at least 400 miles at a height above 15,000 feet.

Patricia Bay airport and United States Coast Guard at Port Angeles had no report of the mystery ship.

Some observers guessed that it was a guided missile or a "hush-hush" new aircraft from a field in Washington State.