Meteor Bursts Over Penticton

  July 15, 1922

Penticton Herald, July 19, 1922


Explosion Is Likened to Light Clap of Thunder by Local People

About 15 minutes to eleven last Saturday night a strange meteor attracted the attention of a large number of local people who were on the streets at that time.

The meteor appeared to fall directly toward the earth, but, instead of striking, burst into spray of sparks like a sky rocket. This was accompanied by the “sound of an explosion, which several people likened to a light clap of thunder. The main portion of the meteor, after the explosion, passed away to the southward, leaving behind it a trail of sparks. This would appear to be the same meteor which was seen at Greenwood and about which the Greenwood Ledge says:

“Last Saturday night at 10.55, , a hissing sound and the sight of a flying meteor engaged the attention of those of our citizens who were up at that time. The meteor passed in a northeasterly direction over the city and its descent occupied fully forty five seconds. Those who saw it state that it was very bright and that its progress was marked by a hissing sound. Two minutes after it had passed from view a thud, or rather what sounded like an explosion, from the direction of the place where the spectators thought it had fallen, was heard distinctly. People in Rock Creek, Bridesville and No. 7 Road have reported that the strange visitor was visible to them, and as far away as Carmi come reports that the explosion or thud was distinctly heard there at that hour.”