UFO Clue Seeker Missing

The Edmonton Journal
Friday, November 3, 1967

CALGARY (CP) — A search party aided by an RCMP tracking dog, a helicopter and a single-engine aircraft had found no sign by late Thursday of Lorne Grovue, 30, of Calgary.

He was reported missing on a hunt for something he believes fell from an unidentified flying object.

Spokesmen for a search party that went into the area about 50 miles Southwest of Calgary

Wednesday said they planned to stay until they found him.

Four inches of snow overnight hampered search operations and snowmobiles brought into the area were severely limited by rough terrain.

Two feet of snow has fallen in the area in the last few days.

Mr. Grovue was one of three prospectors who last July reported sighting a UFO. He went into the area alone and on foot Sunday carrying a limited food supply.


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