Formula, Violin Tune Fail To Lure Saucers To Dexter

The Edmonton Journal
Wednesday, March 23, 1966

DEXTER, Mich. (AP) — One man played a violin and another used a “universal mathematical equation” in unsuccessful attempts to entice Unidentified Flying Objects to return.

Hundreds of persons, many with cameras and binoculars, braved an icy rain in hopes of catching a glimpse of the glowing discs that have been reported three times within a week near this small southeastern Michigan community.

Meanwhile, another report of a sighting came from Civil Defence Director William Van Horn of Hillsdale County, about 65 miles southwest of the Dexter area.

Van Horn said he used binoculars to observe a flying object east of Hillsdale from 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. Van Horn said he watched it from a dormitory at Hillsdale College after residents told him they had sighted a mysterious object.

At Dexter, believers and non-believers converged on the area where a farmer and his son said they saw one of the UFOs in a swamp.


Sheriff’s deputies said one man brought his fiddle and began playing; hoping the pilots of the UFOs would hear and come to earth.

Another man sat in his car blinking his headlights in code. He explained that the code was for the universal equation pi which is known and understood, he said, throughout the universe.

Some persons ventured into the swampy area, seeking evidence that the craft had landed there.

The latest Dexter sightings were made Sunday by more than a score of persons, including police officers. A composite description put the objects as triangular in shape, with a V-shaped antenna protruding from their undercarriages. They are said to bear lights which flash in a variety of colors and intensities.

Meanwhile, U.S. representative Weston Vivian of Michigan, planned to ask the U.S. defence department to investigate the reported sightings and Wright-Patterson air force base said its unidentified flying objects office had begun an investigation.


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