British Columbia has it's share of "experiencers", our files show us many strange stories which we will share with you here. If you have a story we want to hear  from you. There are a few interesting ones from outside BC as well.

Missing Time and Snow Forts - Oct, 2005
Aliens, Hospitals and Glasses - June, 2005
Missing Time in Kelowna - July 31, 2003
"I Did Not See My Ceiling, It Was Gone!" - An Experience in White Rock, 1995
Aliens Bring Message of Hope - Study of Abductions by Krista Henriksen
Strange Markings - by Graham Conway, July 2002
Not A Fairy Story - by Graham Conway, June 2002
The Guardians - by Graham Conway, 12th January 2002

Who Goes There? - by "Susan", September 2001
A Strange Dream? - by Graham Conway, September 2001
Continuing Education: A Lifetime Experience - by the "experiencer", August 2001
Unidentified Swimming Objects - by Graham Conway, April 2001
Drop Outs and Pop Outs - by Graham Conway, January 2001
Surrey Strange Happenings - by Steve Adair, January 1998

Surrey Strange Happenings (part 2) - by Steve Adair, April 1998
Strange, Strangers, Strangest - by Graham Conway, December 2000
A Cut Above the Rest - by Graham Conway
Darren Skaalrud's Story - by Graham Conway
It was the summer of 1975 - by Monica Montague
All Buckled Up - by Graham Conway
High Tension by Graham Conway
The Dark Side of UFOs  by Graham Conway
It is Indeed a Puzzlement   by Graham Conway
An Emerging Epidemic?  An article from FSR by our own Graham Conway
Let's Close the Gap Attention medical health professionals!
Sex, Surgery and Space Aliens
Are they really out there ? Abbotsford woman says yes
Abduction  by aliens ruins your day. Article from Vancouver Sun
Abduction  belief brought woman grief. Surrey woman speaks out 
David Hamel: Contactee With a Plan
"Missing Time" at Taharti Lake