2010 YUKON UFO SIGHTINGS15-Aug-2010, Aishihik Lake, Yukon: (1:00 am)
I was out camping on the lake. It was 1am, about 45 minutes after some northern lights ended, I saw a very bright roundish green light at one end of the lake, traveling at low speed along the edge of the lake, getting bigger as it was getting closer, small multi-color lights started spin very fast into circle around the now huge green light, the moving thing is now traveling towards the mountain, the green light is now fading fast and all the small light that was spinning around are now going every direction (similar to firework). Everything did happen inside 1 1/2 min.Odd fact, just after the event I turn my GPS on to have a look at the time, the speed and accuracy of it was exceptionally good, I mean faster that I have ever seen in over 5yrs using GPS for work or recreational use.