Fireball Sighting - with no Trail ?
Mile 737.5 Alaska Highway near Teslin
October 7, 1964

The following two declassified records were obtained from Canadian Government Department of National Defence Documents from National Archives in Ottawa. These records in microfilm format are available to anyone. Names of witnesses have been blanked out prior to declassification. The specific microfilm is RG(Record Group) 24 vol. 17984 S-940-5, parts 1-2 On REEL T-3291


YOUR No._______

OUR No.    64 G 400-88

Ottawa – 13th October 1964.


"A" Building,
Carteir Square,
OTTAWA, Ontario.

Dear Sir:

            Re: Sighting of Metereors or Fireballs

            Attached for your information is a copy of my
Letter of even date directed to Dr. W. F. SLAWSON concern-
ing the sigthing of a meteor or fireball by Mr._______

                                    Yours truly

                                    Signed Ed Lysyk

                                    E. R. Lysyk, Insp.,
                                        I/C C.I.B.




64 G 400-88
                                       Ottawa – 13th October 1964.


Dr. W. F. Slawson
Institute of Earth Sciences,
University of British Columbia,

Dear Sir:

            Re: Sighting of Metereors or Fireballs

            Mr. ________________, an Airman with the United
States Air Force, contacted our Detachment at Teslin, Y.T.,
and reported sighting a meteor or fireball at Mile 737.5 on
the Northwest Highway System in the Yukon Territory while
travelling by automobile. He sighted this object at
11:23 P.M. Yukon Standard Time on 7 OCT 64 and states he
believes it fell to the ground approximately 300 yards
south of the highway. At the time of this sighting the
weather was clear. There was no occurrence of bursts,
however, the object was a very bright blue-white light
which cast shadows and he observed it for only one or two
seconds. He observed no trail and heard no sounds. No other
unusual observations were made.

             Although this sighting took place sometime ago,
We are forwarding the above information as it is felt the
Observations made by Mr. _______ would be of interest to

                                          Yours truly,

E, R. Lysyk, Insp.,
I/C C.I.B.


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