Yukon UFO Sightings Archives
These pages that are a part of the UFO*BC website contain a collection of UFO sightings and encounters from Yukon Canada that were compiled by Martin Jasek and others. Martin lived in the Yukon from 1993 to 2001 and started investigating UFO sightings in 1997. The UFO Yukon Research Society was formed in 2001 after the October 2000 UFO Conference held in Whitehorse. About a dozen individuals became interested. The founder Martin Jasek, moved to British Coumbia in 2001 and Hans Grasholm became the cornerstone of the organization until he passed away unexpectedly in 2005. Today, Martin Jasek continues his interest in Yukon as well as BC UFO sightings and maintains this Yukon portion of the UFO*BC website. Not having an investigator "on the ground" has caused the reporting of Yukon sightings to dwindle. However, they are very likely still occurring and Martin would be very much interested in posting new reports. If you have have seen or experienced something (new or old) please contact him at:
Martin Jasek
Martin Jasek was born in the Czech Republic in 1963. In 1970 his family immigrated to Canada and settled in Edmonton, Alberta. He attended the University of Alberta where he obtained his Bachelors degree in Civil Engineering in 1986 and his Masters degree in Water Resources Engineering in 1992. In 1993 he moved up to Whitehorse Yukon to work for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Water Resources Division. In 1997 he started to investigate UFO cases in the Yukon. In 2000 he helped organize the first Yukon UFO Conference. The event was sponsored by the Yukon Government Millennium Program. Shortly after the conference, several members approached him and said that they would like to be involved in some way. Martin was elected president of the UFO Yukon Research Society in the organization's debut year. Since then he has moved to the Vancouver area maintains the Yukon portion of the UFO*BC website.
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