Map of Fox Lake and Braeburn Lodge
Figure 13. Map of Fox Lake, the Klondike Highway and locations of UFO observation points by FOX1. At point A FOX1 first observed a light in the direction of Point 1. At point B he passed the Fox Lake Campground where FOX2, FOX3, FOX4 and FOX5 saw the UFO about 20 minutes later. At point C he could see the light was illuminating a smooth curved surface in the sky as depicted in Figure 14 (towards Point 1). At point D he passed two vehicles heading southbound. At point E he observed three rows of rectangular lights drift over a hill towards Point 2. At Point F he got out of his vehicle but didnt see anything unusual. He then continued on and was the first of at least 5 witnesses who stopped at Braeburn Lodge (Point G) to describe his UFO sighting to lodge owner, Steve Watson. FOX4 and 5 noticed a tow truck parked at point H and wondered if he had observed the UFO as well.