In 1972 Wendy and Edward Cairns owned 160 acres
close to Prince George airport. They raised cattle on this property.
One morning they noticed that a heifer was missing. A short search found
the animal dead at the end of the pasture. This situation upset Edward who
coveted the heifer as he felt it had good breeding potential. He was also
angry in thinking that the neighbour's boys had shot the animal with a .22
rifle he had seen them with, despite the fact close examination revealed
no entry wound. Approaching the parents of the boys he was assured they
were not responsible for the animal's death.
However some other things puzzled him. The rectum of the heifer had been
removed, leaving a gaping one foot hole. No sign of blood, no entrails, no
flies, no maggots. Predators didn't even approach the animal. All very
strange indeed.
The Cairns didn't report this event to anyone, but simply dug a large hole
and buried the carcass. It wasn't until many years later when they saw
some colour photographs of, by then, all too frequent cattle mutilations,
did they realize that is what very likely took place on their farm.
The names of the couple have been changed and the precise location of the
farm omitted to protect their identity.
also, "Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch."