UFO*BC Magazine - Vol 4, No 3 - Summer 1999

summer99.jpg (58097 bytes) TABLE OF CONTENTS:
1 - "Look! Up in the Sky!" - by Christine Boyd, East Kootenay Weekly
3 - "The Kimberley Diamond" - by Gavin McLeod
4 - "Close-Up Sighting Documented" by Des Clark and Martin Jasek
6 - "Puppets On a String" - by David Powell
7 - "It Must Be in the Water" - by Bill Oliver
8 - "The White Rock Sightings" by Bill Oliver
9 - "Strange Lights Reported Over White Rock" by Tom Zytaruk
10 - "Contacts" - Communication from our readers
13 - "Heavens Above" - A look at the Summer sky with Gavin McLeod
14 - "Investigating the UFO Phenomenon by Reverse Speech Analysis"
15 - "All Buckled Up" - by Graham Conway
17 - "Contrail Controversy Comes to BC" - by Paul Anderson
19 - "The Experiencer Report" - what other UFO groups don't talk about
19 - "The Sighting Report" - latest cases to cross our desk


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