UFO*BC Magazine - Vol 3, No 4 - Fall 1998

fall98.jpg (53216 bytes) TABLE OF CONTENTS:
1 - "Crop Formation at Vanderhoof" - by Chad Deetken
3 - From the Archives: 1958 - "Who Were Watching Whom"
3 - From the Archives: 1957 - "UFO Over Blazing Fishing Boat"
4 - From the Archives: 1965 - "Saucers Visit Phenomenon Meet"
4 - UFO*BC Report - "West Vancouver and Beyond"
6 - UFO*BC Report - "Just Passing Through"
10 - "Contacts" - Letters, e-mail, etc.
13 - "Buffalo Mutilation Report" - by Don Vanden Hoorn
14 - "Tagish Lake Photo" by Martin Jasek
18 - "Heavens Above" - Astronomy section by Gavin McLeod
19 - "Sightings" - latest reports


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