1. Name: Mrs. L. M. Blanchard
Address: New
Westminster, BC
2. Date of Observation: August
24, 1957 12:30PM
3. Location of Observer: Easterly direction
4. Duration of Observation: About 30 minutes, maybe
5. Weather: Clear
6. Description and Behaviour: Pulsating
movement coming forward and going backward.
a. Appearance - Sharp or blurred - Shape? Sharp & round
b. Sound? No sound
c. Colour? Blue & white, very brilliant
d. Did object change shape? From large to small
e. Did object change colour?
Slightly when
larger, an orange tinge
f. Give off smoke? No
g. Did object fall like a
leaf? No
h. Flicker and pulsate? Yes, very much
i. Any other points of
interest? The movement of this object was very
pulsative in movement. It would go up and then down and
then from side to side as if it were travelling in a pattern.
7. Apparent size of object by comparison with
penny held at arm's length: About
a 50 cent piece
8. Direction of travel: East to southeast then on to south
9. Estimated speed: Slow in speed as if
10. Estimated height and
distance: It's height rather low.
This is hard to judge because of its movement up and down.