President Elect Barack Obama
There certainly is a buzz in the air and on the
internet that this could be it. It is possible that the new
administration will take steps to move towards UFO disclosure. I key
figure in the middle of all of this is John Podesta, who is
currently the Co-Chair of the Obama Transition Team.

John Podesta
Watch YouTube Video stating John
Podesta's Opinion on UFO disclosure "we ought to do it because it is
John Podesta was also the fourth and
final White House Chief of Staff under President Bill Clinton from 1998
until 2001. He has been on record numerous times in support of UFO

John Podesta as Clinton's White House Chief of Staff
Readers are encouraged to do further
research, just Google: John Podesta UFOs.
Do you want to encourage the new
administration to disclose the UFO issue? The following external link
provides a way you can. See
Fax on Washington:

(Letters, Faxes and E-mails from outside the US are also encouraged).
Please note that letters have the most influence,
faxes second and e-mails the least.