Stenia's Description:
I met John a few years ago and once
in a while we would bump into each other. He
would tell me about this area (near Mission)
and that it was called the twilight zone. Any
ways, he used to tell me the things that he
saw and I was skeptical because I have never
seen anything before. But now that has changed
with what I have seen and heard. I've been
living here for over a year now renting a
On Aug 24, 2001 John was up and about. That
was around 1:15 am and for some reason he just
happened to look out the window that night and
he spotted this object in the sky. He then
came into my room and woke me up and he asked
me to take a look at this. I have never seen
anything like this before and the object was
clear to the naked eye, that's how bright it
He asked me to take a picture of it.
I stood there arguing with him that it won't
work, there was no light. The distance was
also the other reason for arguing. I was sure
that the camera couldn't see it because it was
pitch black and there is no flash for it, but
I took a few pictures of it anyway.
John and I were watching this object
go up and down, left and right, sometimes fast
and other times slow, then it would just stay
in that spot for a few minutes. Then the
object would move again at a great distance.
I didn't stay up for long as it was
cold and also I was tired and had other things
on my mind. I didn't really believe what I was
seeing and I was sure that the object wouldn't
show up on the film. I was told that the
object was there till about 3:00 am and then
just vanished in the blink of an eye.
I know that these things exist but
until you see one for yourself, people will
think that you are crazy or on drugs or what
ever may be.
A few days later I went and got the
film developed. When I got the pictures back I
was quite astonished to see that my camera did
get the object as I thought it wouldn't.
About a week ago John and I came
across a picture nearly identical to mine and
that was taken in Chilliwack
BC in 1997 and seeing that, I was
totally floored to see a image on the internet
of a similar if not the same UFO.
Analysis by Martin Jasek and
Gord Heath, Scans by Dwight Atkinson
The witness lent the negatives to
UFO*BC who had two images scanned at 2700 dpi
(dots per inch). The images were brightened to
bring out details in the shadows as well as
darkened to bring out details in the
highlights as shown below.

Frame 6 - original scan |

Frame 7 - original scan |

Frame 6 - brightness
increased |

Frame 7 - brightness increased |

Frame 6 - darkened |

Frame 7 - darkened |
The following conclusions can be
- It is apparent
that motion of the object or camera occurred
during both exposures as there is a
difference in the shape of the light between
Frame 6 and 7.
- The original and
brightened scans indicate a reflection of a
solid object to the left of the light.
- The exact shape
of this solid object could not be determined
as it is also blurred by its motion.
- The top of the
light in the darkened Frame 7 shows two
bright spots indicating that the light
source was made up of multiple light
- There is
insufficient detail in the images to
determine what the light source or object
could be.
A further analysis was performed by
looking closer at the darkened Frame 7 below:

The above image shows that there
could have been multiple flashing lights. A
possible shape of the light sources is also
shown although inconclusive; the object may
have had one larger light with two flashing
ones near the top.