I was
driving to work as I normally did at that time.
I was driving from my home in black mountain
down towards Rutland, shortly after I passed the
corner by the small pond I saw over the Belgo
area a very large object. It was greyish black
in color and shaped like a triangle and it had 1
steady pale white light on each point of the
triangle and on one side of the triangle was a
steady red light. I stared at the object as I
drove slowing down at some points the object
seemed to be moving to where at any time it
stayed either directly to my front left or front
right and the size stayed the same as well, as I
hit the straight stretch of road the object was
to the front right of me and I saw a police car
pulled off to the side of the road, I continued
on still watching the object it was now over
towards the north west Rutland area. As I pulled
into work the police car was behind me and I
took my eyes off the object to speak with the
officer who wanted to let me know I was going
fast and I apologized to him that I wasn't
paying attention because I was watching the
thing in the sky and I looked up and the object
was gone. The officer said he saw it as well and
was trying to figure out what it was too. His
conclusion was it was a blimp, but I know for
certain that is not what it was. I had seen the
one and only blimp we have here flying at night
and during the day on many occasions, I also
went home and did some research to see if I
could find something similar to what I had
seen...no blimp photograph I found was even
somewhat similar - the closest thing to what I
saw was a stealth bomber...but why would one of
those be hovering around where I live? I've
never seen this object again and I've never
heard of anyone having a similar sighting at
that time. There was no noise from the object
and as it moved I couldn't even tell it was
moving other than it stayed on either one side
of me or the other depending on the direction my
car was on the road and I could see its shape
and color very very clearly.
Thank you for your detailed
report. Would you be able to provide us with a
drawing of the object? What was your total time
for the observation?
Kind Regards
Martin Jasek
I watched it
for about 7 minutes over a distance of about 6
km. I've attached a picture I made of it - took
a photo of the stretch of road and made it
darker as it was at that time of morning and I
put what i saw in it so you could see the
approximate size of the object - tell me if it
is good enough picture.

Wow, that's a great picture and
artwork! It really shows that you saw something
unusual. BTW, Stealth Bombers can't hover so it
wasn't one of those. Thank you for the picture
and for answering the questions. I really like
how you darkened the image to get it to look
like night time. Usually we just get a pencil
line drawing of a craft outline which is always
great to have but this is is really superb.
Thanks, I
don't have a scanner so had to Photoshop it.
Showing my friends that picture kinda put it
more into perspective for them, being they can
now see a physical image of what I've been
describing to them since I saw it. There were
times before where we've all questioned what
we've seen in the sky around here but this one
that I saw there was no question I saw something
not normal - if I see anything again I now have
a camera phone and I will contact u a lot