April-2001, Vancouver BC :
(7:00 am)
Two brothers, aged 7 and 9, were getting dressed
ready for breakfast when they saw through their
bedroom skylight two "brown Idaho potatoes" flit
past their view about 3½ metres above the window
travelling East to West. For ten minutes
afterwards Wolfgang complained to his mother he
could hear "mumbling conversation" in his head!?
There was no noise accompanying the sighting of
the "potatoes".

7-May-2001, Vancouver BC :
(7:00 am)
Two brothers, 7 and 9, saw a large "jelly
fish" type object that was bluish-gray in
colour. The object appeared to be about 25
feet across and between 25 to 30 feet from the
house. They watched it for about 15 seconds.
The texture of the "craft" was wobbly like
jelly or hair gel.

4-Jul-2001, Vancouver BC :
(8:30 am)
A seven-year-old boy saw a single object that
was the shape and colour of an "Idaho potato",
travelling from west to east about 2 metres
above the rooftop of his house.