probably have the strangest story to tell. I know
that more and more people are going to think that
my whole family has lost their mind. Since
November, 2007 I have become obsessed with what is
happening in our tiny town. I am not sure where to
go with it. We have lost a lot of sleep since
November of 2007. I am totally shocked at the
Texas ufo being such a huge deal when we have had
so much more happening here.
On November... I
believe 29th of 2007, I was driving home from
town. I had my daughter and her boyfriend with me.
It was a perfectly clear night between 6:30 pm and
7 pm. Suddenly there was a fog that came up around
us in which we all started talking about because
it was so odd. Then, a very bright bluish light
lit up around us which really startled us. At that
very moment a bright white light shot from the sky
at low altitude and could have hit the ground in
front of us, but not so that we could see. We were
very startled, and nervously chatted along the
drive. We drove a ways and there were very bright
lights that appeared in front of us. It looked as
though I might run right into them and I began to
come to a stop. It looked as though they zipped
sideways and disappeared. When I thought I had
passed the spot where this occurred I wanted to
turn around and look for the lights but my
passengers were too frightened so we continued
home. Since this occurred, the whole month of
December has been somewhat like a nightmare that
won't end. I have made a journal of what has
happened and continues to happen. My story is
probably too much to believe even for your site. I
have video tape and photographs unlike anything I
have seen on the internet. I have seen more things
going on around our two closed down mines than
anyone can believe. I have made many comments on
Youtube about what has been happening simply
because of some of the idiotic comments people
have made about what people are reporting they
have seen and it makes me angry that people don't
believe them.
So, I
wonder if someone hasn't picked up on this and is
either checking out what is going on here, or are
they actually ufos mistaken for aircraft, or has
our military been sent to this area to make people
believe that is what I have been seeing because
suddenly, just as of this week, we have possibly
been having fighter jet type planes in our area.
Now I cannot confirm this but I have been told
they are being seen, which is totally unheard of
in this area. I know the difference and I know
what I have seen here almost nightly since
November 29th. This includes a craft the size of a
football field and much more. I know you are going
to find what I have to tell you very crazy, but I
swear on my life and on my family it is all true.
I definitely don't trust this in the hands of
police, (even though two of them witnessed one
above our mine a few years ago). Neither do I
trust the military or any government official to
look into this. In fact I believe they already
know. I have not shown my photos or video to
anyone and will not send them out over the net.
Among others we have excellent clear footage of a
saucer carrying below it what looks like a pod
type thing or capsule. The capsule has flames. We
have had orbs everywhere. I am not going to go on
about everything but just when I thought they may
have left us, I saw another the night before last
hovering over the mine again like a strobe light
of red and white. Believe it or not it is true or
George Bush is flying around in his "Black Craft"
stealing our resources, looking like Mr. Burns of
the Simpsons counting his money.
Below are Samantha's Diary Entries
December 9th
my husband had to go back to camp and we had a
very horrible night. Before my husband left, he
mentioned that we should sleep in the living
room downstairs and take the dogs with us. We
set up camp down there and prepared to watch
movies until we fell asleep.
made myself a bed on the couch and he drug a
mattress in on the floor. He sat on the couch by
a lamp to draw while we watched tv. I was
feeling confident that we wouldn't have to leave
for much of anything and began to say as much. I
said, "Well, we have our phone, we have our
bottled water, we have tissue, we even have our
kryptonite!......" When suddenly I was grabbed
on my butt!!!! I jumped up screaming. When I
settled down enough, I put my thickest blanket
over the couch to lie on, because it felt as
though it was coming through the crack of the
sofa. My son had been going through this already
but not as intense of a touch. We put out a
video camera, which kept shutting off.
about 12 pm heading into December 10th, 2007,
there was a BANG, BANG, BANG on the door. We
almost jumped out of our skin. My son crept to
the door with his knife. It was my daughter, who
was almost in tears and her b/f. They were
hollering and my son yelled for me to come! They
told us that they were chased by a UFO and
wanted us to go out and see it. They did not
want to go with us. They were so upset and said
"You have got to be kidding!" Where the sky had
been perfectly clear was now fogged!! Like I
said these strange fogs just show up, and then
leave as fast as they came.
story they told was unbelievable. They were
watching tv in my daughter's apartment. Now they
had been hearing strange things for days, but
this was different. There was something making a
lot of racket in the attic. They took a
flashlight and stacked a chair on top of a trunk
in the spare bedroom where the attic door is
located. My daughter is too short to get up
there safely so her b/f went up alone. He got in
and he says he saw a very tall, dark figure that
darted away fast as he looked at it. This scared
him so bad, that jumped out of the attic not
caring if he missed the chair or not. He yelled,
"Get out! Get out of the room! Go, Go, Go!" My
daughter says, "Why? What's going on?!" He says,
I saw something up there! It was fast, it didn't
even make a sound! It moved without a sound!"
were standing outside the bedroom door. It was
closed. My daughter says, "I don't want my cat
in there B! The attic door is still open." He
responded, "Are you kidding me? I am not going
back in there ever again!" Finally she convinced
him to open the door a crack enough to see the
cat, who was sitting under the chair on the
trunk staring up at the hole. When called, this
kitten always comes. She wouldn't even look at
them. It took what seemed many minutes to get
her attention and out of there. After closing
the door it suddenly started shaking. Someone
was on the other side rattling it hard and the
kitten darted away, spinning out in the kitchen.
There was a hiccup coming from the room with the
attic!! They grabbed the kitten and ran out the
front door.
running, my daughter noticed these strange
striped clouds just over the apartment building.
Her b/f said, "That is strange." She thought he
was talking about the clouds but he was talking
about the object in the sky with sparkling
lights coming toward them. They were running as
fast as they could and my daughter kept looking
back at it. Her b/f told her not to keep looking
back because it was slowing them down. It
followed then stopped, and so on. They made it
to my house. She said it was round and sparkling
but I do not remember the color.
pulled another mattress into the living room (in
basement) and watched a movie. At about 4 am we
turned off the tv and were about to sleep when
there was what sounded like footsteps crunching
in the snow and a huge BANG! like someone
hitting the wall. It was either in the house or
up against it. We all ran upstairs and searched
and saw or heard nothing. Back downstairs and
just settling in and the same thing. Crunch,
crunch, BANG!!! We went to sleep.
day, I took the kids over and we looked in the
attic. I didn't bring a ladder and I could not
pull myself up into it, so the b/f and my
daughter got in there. I helped her up. I was
tall enough to see in there and there was
drywall broken out from the side separating the
apartment on the right with my daughters. The
insulation had also been disturbed in places you
aren't able to step. No activity though that I
could see.
decided to try to sleep there.
spoke to my husband on Messenger and told him
about the events. He was very upset and wanted
us to sleep at my moms up the hill. We didn't
want to do that unless it really scared us
again. That night, I felt pretty good and had no
events at all, except that my son was being
touched so often it was upsetting him very
badly. Another night for both of us with little
or no sleep at all.
clouds/fog were really getting to me.
early afternoon I decided, since my son laid
down for a nap and seemed to be undisturbed, I
would go up to my moms. While sitting for a
visit my husband walked in. He was very worried
and wanted to find out for himself what was
happening. We went home and he had a nap to
prepare for an all-nighter.
was very clear out. You could see all the stars.
My daughter and I go for a drive. It is dark
now. We go down to the lake We see this fog
start up just between us and the road above us.
It starts to get eerie and then suddenly an
orange light shoots out of the sky into the
cloud. We go home to get my husband. When we get
there he is standing outside with the dogs
looking at the sky. He got a little spooked
inside and decided to go out. After he put the
dogs in the house, I pick him up and take him
down to the lake. We start observing all the
strange "stars" and "planets" And the sudden
appearance and disappearance of the fogs. My
husband kind of dismisses things so we go
home. Later, as my husband is again
sleeping on the couch, my son and daughter and I
were keeping our eyes open. At about 2 am, my
husband was asleep on the couch and my daughter
and son call me to the window asking me what the
light was above our neighbours roof over the
lake. I said, "Let's go see."
we walked down toward the lake and it is as
clear as a bell out. Suddenly a fog appears,
starting out small and growing and growing until
it is like a path from where we came. Then it
totally circles us. We couldn't see the light on
the lake anymore. I started to get really scared
that it is trapping us so we go home and get the
truck. After we get back down there and sit for
about 2 minutes still in the truck I see it! It
is octagon in shape and it is coming down the
lake from Smithers direction. It is flying low
and had red and green/blue lights all around it.
I said, "Oh my God, there it is, there it is!"
The kids jump out of the truck and I am freaking
for them not to. Then I got out too and it flew
over our heads and there is a rumble like a jet
very loud. My son starts flicking his lighter at
it wanting it to see us! I tell him "Don't!!" It
continues on in a straight path and finally the
blinking lights couldn't be seen. We are so
excited! Mystified! Scared! We get back in the
truck because it is cold. The strange fog
appears rapidly over the lake. We ask each other
if it was a jet or what? Suddenly there is a
huge blue flash that lights up the sky and it
comes from the direction that we saw the "jet"
go. It streaks across the sky a lit up octagon
shape at lightning speed and it stops right in
front of us across the lake and sits there, now
just looking like a star or planet. "Meteorites"
are everywhere.
panic and drive off and the kids are complaining
loudly that I am taking them away from this
event that is once in a lifetime. I tell them I
want their dad and I go to get him! I wake
him up and he mumbles and goes back to sleep.
The kids are waiting in the truck, keeping an
eye on the light that lumed there. I feel like a
heel, but I am terrified at the thought of
taking them back there to the unknown, but I do
anyway. First I stop at my brothers, wake him up
and take him with us back down to the lakeside.
We park the same way facing the lake but as far
back from it as possible. As we sit there, we
start to see them. There are at least four maybe
more. There are two hovering on the lake and one
comes out from the trees on the other side and
goes straight up and hovers there. It moves up
and down up and down over a little then up and
down. There are more over on the other side
glowing through the trees. The fog appears
again. Then the one on the left of us which
appears to be hovering on the lake and is a long
strip of lights with what looked like a search
light in the center starts to get too close. My
kids are in the back of the truck and I fear for
them so I start to drive off. My brother wants
me to stop and look for a minute more. I do this
and then leave. I dropped my brother off and we
went into his place to discuss what we saw. Then
I go home and my husband is up. My kids continue
to watch out the window and see the one on the
lake which we now know was the one that lured us
down there to begin with. It is glowing and from
that distance you can only see the search light
thing. I asked my husband to go and see with me,
because I really wanted him to experience what
we did. Finally after about half an hour he asks
if I want to go. We did. As we were heading down
to the lake he saw a very large black shape over
the lake and then it faded out. After that he
only got to see the one on the lake by the mine
and the strange fog that took over the whole
area immediately after we got there. We could
hear what he thought was the barge starting up.
After that we saw no more activity. We drove up
to my moms because he thought we could get a
better view from her driveway. We sat there for
a few minutes when I saw in the sky above the
lake what looked like red and green lights
flashing. It flew from the Burns Lake side of
the lake toward Smithers but not following the
lake like I saw the other lower craft. This one
was much higher and sounded jetlike. Suddenly
the fog got huge and glowing white. It came up
so fast and then it began coming toward us. We
went home and in the two minutes that took, the
fog totally covered our town. My kids were at
the kitchen window and had seen a light hovering
above the neighbour house behind us. This
neighbour stays up all night it seems like we
have been. I wonder why?
am so relieved to get this all down safely. I
was just typing the last long paragraph when I
realized I had my toe on the power button and it
was shutting my pc down. Figures I would lose it
all, but luckily I managed to save. I feel like
if it isn't written, everything is getting foggy
and fading from memory. Strange. As I sit here
this morning looking out the kitchen window, the
sky is overcast. The mountain across the lake is
bright and sunny above it. and a huge pancake
cloud above the sunny area as usual. I feel now
like the touchy feely stuff going on in our
house is like energy. Not of the spiritual kind
though. The brand new video camera we got that
takes beautiful pictures normally sure did act
strange. It wouldn't even allow a shot of the
craft, even though it was as big as a house. The
shots we got in the house are very odd.
12th, 2007 3 a.m
son was watching tv in the livingroom, and I was
finally asleep for about a half an our beside
him on the couch. Both dogs were with us, they
were very alert and looked nervous but
didn't make a sound. He was trying to wake me.
Poking me yelling at me etc.. Finally I awakened
after a very long long time. There was a loud
hovering sound and someone walking around in the
upper floor. The tv picture was going all
strange. It was going small and big and small,
narrowing on all sides. We were both paralyzed
in fear. After about a half hour of listening to
the whirring and the creeping around sounds in
the house, we got the nerve to go and look
around. We found nothing.
4 pm. We were sitting in the kitchen and my
daughter looked out the patio doors and
yelled! I don't even want to tell you what
she saw in the tree that jumped to another
the evening at about dinner time, my daughter
called and asked me to drive her down to the
restaurant. The night sky was clear as a bell
and very starry. I drove over to pick her up
. Both her and her b/f were standing
outside pointing up in the sky. I watched
as two crafts were zipping around following each
other. Blue and red lights. We watched them as
we drove to the restaurant. After the b/f
came out of the restaurant we continued to
watch three crafts flying by the moon. I saw a
man outside doing something near a shed and
I told the b/f to yell at him and tell him to
look. The man couldn't hear us so I drove over
to him and pointed. He came over and I told him
to look at the space ships and he looked and
said, "Oh ya, we see them all the time around
here." He also said that he has seen more
things than he wanted to at times. I said
"Omg, thank you, then it's not just us."
we got home I looked above our house and noticed
these strange stars above. They were in the
shape of an octagon. They were there for about
ten minutes and then one at a time they
disappeared. The fog started in but only where
you would walk.
was talking to my husband on msn and telling him
about the noises in the house and he insisted
that I go up to my moms to stay until he could
get home the next day. I promised I would. My
son came running in. It was about 8pm. He was
very upset and told me that he saw a small
midget-like thing run across the road in front
of him. It was black and ran on 2 legs and had
two arms. It ran down the trail to the lake. He
was very afraid when he saw it and yelled. He
said it was 3.5 maybe 4 feet tall. We went to my
moms. Shortly after my brother came up and I
took him for a drive to the lake with the
headlights out. We could see the light dimming
and getting bright across the lake. We sat for
maybe 5 minutes when he looked above the truck
and saw a saucer shape (black), no lights. We
jumped out and it would zip away so fast. Then
return and then zip away as soon as you could
see it.
some point after midnite the dogs needed to go
outside and one of them took off up to the water
tower. He took several pictures outside and
especially in the fog there are orb-like things
everywhere. The fog would climb around the house
and disappear very fast and then return. Very
odd. There were many "meteorites".
uneventful but the sky was very clouded over.
Every once in a while in the evening there was a
blink or a flash, but that was all besides the
poking and bugging in the house.
major sightings. No mysterious fog. Some minor
ufo movement high in the sky above the lake at
approx. 3am.(on the 16th)
daughter heard strange clicking noises outside
which seemed to come from the trees on both
sides of the road, so she got me and I went out
and heard clicking noises as well. My daughter
decided to snap some photos.
looked at the photos taken around the house next
door which captured more orbs and one being
peering out the window of the empty house. After
taking several more photos to rule out a
reflection or coincidental whatever, we've all
agreed it appears to be authentic and obvious.
took more pictures of the house next door and
even peered into the window in the daylight and
have come to the unanimous agreement that the
shape of the alien in the photo cannot be
explained away by reflections or anything else.
There is nothing in the space the shape
are out in full force tonight December 16th.
starting around 7 pm. We ran out the door, me in
my bare feet so didn't even look at the
time. There were 4 smaller ones that we
could see very plainly zipping around and up and
down and all around and they go VERY fast at
times, but They swayed like attached by a string
from side to side when the were more stationary.
We also saw the big ship (jet sounding) Flew
over us and then a while later coming another
way and stopped then disappeared then again
looked as if it was coming toward us and then
disappeared. Very loud.
I was talking to my husband who left this
afternoon for camp in Burns Lake and he said
that he was followed all the way to Topley by a
craft. It flew along side him at quite a
distance. Now as he sits in his bunk house there
is banging and crashing going on and something
on the roof. He is the only one in there as it
is Sunday and the rest of the guys don't come
till Monday.
I was talking to my husband online I received an
urgent phone call around 10 pm or so. It was my
mom and she says, "Get up here! It is huge!" She
heard her dog vomiting outside and as she opened
the door to get him, she immediately saw a huge,
bright light appear and she called her husband
out to see as well. She said "it was as if
someone turned on their snowmobile light in the
fog." It lifted up and under it there were
a bunch of white glowing smaller balls of light.
By the time we (my youngest 17 year old son and
my 21 year old daughter) got up there we saw a
huge glow above the water tower about the size
of a football field. It was hovering up and
down. It remained there for a good half hour
before it began to glide what seemed to be away
from us further into the hills...
the light, which was now a blue glow in the
strategically placed fog and seemed to move
farther back up or around the mountain. Finally
the fog became a thick black cloud with a
perfect glowing white outline. The cloud was
lying low, covering only the area where the
light was emanating from, and sometimes there
appeared to be holes in the cloud straight
through to the glow. That went on for about an
hour longer but it slowly faded down to a dull
blue glow in and the cloud wasn't as black
two daughters, youngest son and the b/f decided
to walk up to the water tower, much to my
dismay. On the way up my oldest daughter and the
b/f each witnessed an orb cross their path
ahead, then they came across some VERY strange
footprints (not human) in the snow, and saw a
flash in the woods, at which point she began
photographing and making a video of the prints.
As they got closer to the water tower, they saw
more flashes. They were small flashing points in
the darkness between the trees, "like someone
flicking a lighter". Then they noticed a steady
glowing orb higher in a tree, less than 20 feet
away from where they were on the road, probably
about 15-20 feet up the tree. At that point they
realized that something was there looking
straight at them and it was time to go home. On
the way down the hill they all smelled a strong
pungent rotten egg odour.
we see these things I wish at the time that
there were others around to see it as well. My
fear is that I would run up to one of the houses
and bang on the door, and drag someone out, only
to find the things gone. I would feel so
foolish. These things happen so fast and then
you are afraid to look away incase you miss
have to mention that when driving down to the
lake during a sighting I usually turn out the
headlights. My truck allows me to drive without.
Today, Dec 16th I didn't have my own truck and
was using my son's car which has automatic
driving lights and they stay on. I noticed each
time I drove down to the lake with the lights
on, all the lights and activity halted until we
had the car and lights turned off. Sometimes it
would be up to 20 min. before the ufo's would
resume their "work?"
I sit here typing this, it is 2:40 am Monday,
December 17th and from my window I can see one
of the ufo's between the lodge and the resort at
the lake.
eldest son from Houston, along with his g/f and
two other roommates witnessed the ufo's on
December 13th flying high near the moon.
Today my son came for a visit. He and one of his
roommates along with two others who live in
Granisle and Tatchet watched the UFO's across
the lake for quite a while this evening around 6
pm. They were really very active. Later, another
person from Tatchet and a friend of his watched
with us while we witnessed a white streak of
light come out of the cloud and as it got close
to the ground it split in two like a fork and
appeared to land over by the mine. Then from
home my family watched them at the lake on and
off until 3 am. My husband had an orb in his
morning one of our neighbours came over looking
very terrified about the early early morning
events he and his mother endured at
approximately 3am. He wanted to see the
footprints my kids had discovered the other
night, so my son and daughter took him and
another neighbor up to the water tower.
was still quite light out, early afternoon. As
they walked up the hill and saw where the
footprints were two nights before, they seemed
to be missing.
the evening around 5:30-6 pm we got some video
of the barge crossing the lake and then one of
the ufo's started up almost immediately after
the barge landed. It took quite a few minutes
but I finally managed to catch it on video.
After a while I got the tripod set up and was
able to focus in on the light. This ufo did not
hover around the mountain side as usual but sat
in on spot but it looked as though the camera
was being zoomed in and out when in fact no one
touched the camera at all. When looking through
the telescope you could see that the ball of
energy or light had a red saucer around it which
you cannot see on the video.
husband called after 7pm to tell me he did not
want to go back to camp as he had a tall black
spindly figure standing in his small room by the
door at 2 am. He said he was paralyzed in fear.
my son was very irritated and upset/agitated and
took off out the door saying he was going to
hitchhike. I followed him in the truck and he
told me to leave. I did, and went home and
called my daughter. She said she would get her
b/f to go look for him. My other daughter and I
were talking in the kitchen and after a while I
opened the kitchen door to the dining room and
saw my son sitting in a chair. He was crying. I
tried to talk to him about why he left and he
wasn't concerned about that but was about what
happened outside. He said he walked down the
Granisle hwy to the church and there were
cricket sounding noises that got very loud in
his head. He saw a very dark tall figure
standing by the church. He ran. When he got
close to home the noise got very loud in his
head until he fell to his knees in so much pain.
He was horribly upset, dizzy and somewhat
disoriented when I talked to him. He began to
get what felt like a migraine and was given some
b/f came to the door and I told him that my son
was here so he left. My son got very frightened
telling me to give the b/f a ride because
something could happen to him. The b/f was
already running and it was too late so I called
my daughter. I told her to call me when he
arrived at her place. Several minutes later she
called. Then, within half an hour I was taking a
shower, very nervous and my other daughter
started knocking on the bathroom door telling me
to hurry get out. I did and dressed while
running out the door. She was on the phone with
my other daughter who was telling her that there
was something in her bathroom.
was just telling her b/f about my son's
experience when she saw a dark shadow go very
quickly down her hall. Then there was a green
pulsating light coming from beneath the bathroom
door and then a shadow moving. The b/f was
getting it on video as she was talking on the
phone. There was an odour of rotten eggs in the
room and the cat was sniffing the air and then
began to go "crazy"
all jumped in the truck and got over there fast
and picked them up.
is the last week before xmas and I haven't even
begun to xmas shop. We have had the tree up for
a couple of weeks and all the lights and
decorations. It really doesn't seem like xmas at
before Christmas my brother got some excellent
video footage and photographs of what he thought
was just a bright light above Babine Lake.
It turned out to be a lot more than that. He
shot this footage just outside his door. There
is a saucer and something that appears to be a
rocket hanging from the saucer. There is a
rocket like flame coming from the rocket and
there appear to be markings all around the
rocket. He got this on his cell phone and we are
trying to find ways to upload the images to our
computer. With the three-toed tracks and
the alien image in our neighbours window and the
ufo above Houston that we got on film, this has
got to be the best yet. I can hardly wait to be
able to zoom in and see what the markings are,
they almost look Egyptian, but who knows.
This morning my eldest son who was visiting woke
up on the couch very early because of a noise
coming from the bathroom. He peered around the
corner and saw the bathroom door opening and
closing by itself. He went and closed it
and went back to bed. There is more to
this but I will have to ask him to write it down
as I don't remember the exact details. I do know
that when his sister went to wake him he almost
kicked her in the face.
before Christmas my brother got some excellent
video footage and photographs of what he
thought was just a bright light above Babine
Lake. It turned out to be a lot more
than that. He shot this footage just outside
his door. There is a saucer and something that
appears reddish hanging from the
saucer. He also got footage and
photos of a capsule like things and
there is a rocket like flame coming from
the rocket and there appear to be markings all
around this thing. He got this on his cell
phone and we are trying to find ways to upload
the images to our computer. With the
three-toed tracks and the alien image in our
neighbours window and the ufo above Houston
that we got on film, this has got to be the
best yet. I can hardly wait to be able to zoom
in and see what the markings are, they almost
look Egyptian, but who knows. I video taped
the cell phone and then uploaded that onto the
computer. Very nice video. I still can't make
out the markings but they seem to be
geometrical shapes or something.
1st 2008
My husband saw 4 lights in the sky in perfect
box formation above Burns Lake. When he
got to camp he fell asleep with music on the
laptop. It was not hooked up to the internet. He
woke up in the night to find a popup on the
screen of the laptop that said something like
"Act in bizarre & irrational behaviour" he
can't remember the exact words but he shut it
off and the next thing he remembers is waking up
outside in the cold standing in his t-shirt and
underwear and boots. He went back in and fell
asleep. He did not remember any of this until
his alarm went off for work. Everyday more and
more this memory is fading into a dreamlike
husband and I went down to the landing for
dinner. On our way back, as we drove by the
fisheries we saw a very large glowing light at
the end of the Fulton Lake Road. The glow was
the same as what we saw above the water tower
only it didn't appear to be moving. We
decided to take a drive down to see what it was.
It was very dark and kind of eerie driving down
it. As we just about reached the end and the
light was growing brighter, a coyote came
running fast toward the truck. My husband tried
to stop but, not in time. The coyote ran
right under the front bumper, obviously scared
of something it was running from. It didn't get
hurt and took off into the bush. We parked
at the end of the road facing the lake. Trees
were covering the area that the glow was coming
from. I wanted to go down the trail to see what
it was, but at the same time I was a little
freaked out. We stayed for about 10 minutes
waiting for the light to rise up, and it
didn't. We left the area.
husband and I drove down to Fulton during the
day to see if there were any lights that would
have made the huge glow. We walked down the
trail and although there were two buildings
close to where we parked, there were no lights
that we could see. Also, the glow would have
been coming from much further down the lake.
of my sons friends told him that he saw a huge
glow far back in the trees on his way home from
his girlfriends. My son asked him if it was near
Fulton and looking a little surprised he said it
was. My daughter and I took a drive down to the
fisheries this evening and tried to see if there
were any lights coming from Fulton. There were
none. The glow was no longer there
of my sons were out at night and saw a fleet in
the sky above Granisle.
daughter and I decided to go down to the lake to
"star" watch before dark. We wanted to see the
sky just as it was turning dark. Between 5:30 pm
and 6:00 pm. we watched the first stars forming.
As we did this we saw a light in the sky moving
fast. It flew over us and then did a u-turn and
parked itself beside a star. It stayed there for
the duration we were watching. This confirmed
everything I have been thinking about how the
ufo's disguise themselves as stars. Across the
lake, as usual we watched as a very large orange
looking ball of light came up from behind the
trees and pulsed. It rose up and then to the
right until it got smaller and looked like a
planet. The colors in it are orange, blue, red,
white and green. These ones are an every night
thing. There are probably 8 or more of these
each night surrounding the town.
missed a few entries unfortunately. Not a whole
lot of activity this month so far, but then we
really haven't been looking too hard, Other than
the fact that almost every night of the week
between 5:30 pm and 6pm you can see a ufo cross
the sky at very high altitude. These are not
satellites for sure.
youngest son and I were driving out of Granisle
and he saw a very bright red light above the
trees on the left. Less than two minutes later
we saw the most beautiful red lights fly across
the sky. There were either three different craft
or we saw one three times. I didn't get to see
the shape but the red was the brightest and
deepest I have ever seen. The first one which
was the closest to us could very well have been
a conventional aircraft except for the fact that
we heard no sound and the red was like nothing I
had ever seen before. Also it was flying much
lower than any jet I had seen in the area
before. Later, I finally witnessed one of
the huge "planets" move significantly.
January 25th
1:45 am this morning as I looked out our living
room window I saw a white light flashing above
the big mine area. I called my youngest son to
look and he got the binoculars. He said it was
like a mother ship. We went out on the deck to
look. Sure enough, looking through the
binoculars you could see it! There were red and
white lights blinking all around it. Red, white,
red, white, red, white. It just hovered there at
the edge of and above the hill and over the
lake. It is really strange how we watched
it for a few minutes got cold and then we both
went in the house to carry on with whatever we
were doing before that. I think we have
just seen so much lately that it isn't a huge
deal anymore.
January 26th,
and behold, suddenly it seems we may have some
kind of military aircraft flying up and down the
lake. I have not personally witnessed this, but
was told that at 3am this morning that is what
it sounded like. I wonder though if it wasn't
what I saw way back in December, that was loud.
If they are military jets, what are they doing
here all of a sudden? Chasing something?
Maybe trying to make people believe this is what
we are seeing? Now where have I heard that
before? I am just thankful that we haven't been
having a whole lot of the scary stuff happen