I was visiting a friend Sunday,
June 23, 2002 on a rooftop balcony at a condo
complex near 72 & Scott in Surrey.
I am a university-educated person with about 500
hours of my own flying time. I enjoy observing the
unusual weather we're having these days. I also
like watching aircraft, as I am an aviation buff.
The weather on Sunday June 23, 2002 at
approximately 3 PM was worthy of observation.
There were fast scattered middle clouds moving
from West to East at our location - the clouds
themselves were shaped like wispy Cirrus but were
at a much lower altitude, at approximately 8000
As I sat talking to my friend I also looked up
occasionally to observe the changing weather. I
was surprised by a UFO sighting at approximately
3:05 - a disc (which I approximate to be 20-50
feet in diameter based on the scale of a passing
aircraft as I shall describe below) which appeared
to be solid, and shiny hovering at approximately
my 1: 00 middle.
As per my diagram, the object entered a hazy
stratus-type cloud by accelerating into it, and
climbing in a loop shape to the top inside center
of the cloud, at which point the object hovered
again for about a second. At this moment I uttered
an expletive. The object then descended rapidly
out of the cloud, and upon exiting the cloud,
continued a 'cruise descent' to the West while
accelerating at an unbelievable rate.
I was able to determine that the object was not a
conventional aircraft because of a) the shape. b)
the 'performance envelope' it exhibited - silent
hover, silent acceleration and climb, very rapid
maneuvering, and unbelievable acceleration. It was
all silent.
The total time of the sighting was between 7 - 10
Within a few minutes of my sighting, a 747 flying
its downwind left leg to YVR flew past in the same
airspace; I was therefore able to estimate the
size of the object with a familiar aircraft.
The weather changed significantly within the next
forty minutes. A solid layer of cloud formed, and
the surface wind changed significantly from light
and gusty to heavy gusts. My host almost lost the
rooftop umbrella to a gust of wind.
