Event# 3: Surrey, October 10,2008 4:30 pm
Camera: 8 Mp Samsung 5x optical
Facing north. Witness was on his way to KFC.
Traveling north on Scott Road at 68th Avenue.
"I first thought this was a very fast traffic
helicopter. This one descended fast from north
to south then leveled and slowed before
continuing east and out of sight. Very quick
event. Perhaps 1 minute long." The man made a
right turn on 68th Avenue, parked the car on
the south side of the avenue and took 17
photos out of the driver side window of the
object to the North as it travelled east and
higher into the sky. The man also took one
video clip but the object was too small to be
discernable in the lower resolution video

Frame #81 with full resolution of this 1x zoom
image shown in the inset.

Cropped portion of
Frame#91, One of the clearest photographs of the
series. Zoom level
was 4.8x.
Read about the
analysis of these photos here