by witness
As revised in email
received August 21, 2009:
Note: Original reported
sighting date is May 5, 1998. The latest
witness email suggests the sighting date was
June 5, 1998.
It was a
clear Spring evening in Kelowna. Myself and two
other house mates were outside enjoying the view
of the sky. The sky was partially cloudy but quite
bright due to the presence of the moon which was
slightly bigger than half full.
At approximately 10:05 P.M. our attention was
drawn to a high flying jet aircraft travelling
from west to east. It was low enough for us to
hear the faint roar of the engines. I lowered my
gaze and noticed a dark shape with lights drop
from the sky approximately 5-8 miles south of our
position over Okanagan Mountain Park. It began to
move slowly over the park in an west to east
direction. I alerted the rest of the group and
they all turned their attention to this object. As
it reached the outskirts of the city it changed
direction and started to move south to north,
towards us. At first we thought it might be an
aircraft except for the fact that most aircraft in
the area fly an east west route. Kelowna has a
relatively busy airport and we were used to
oberving aircraft arrivals and departures. I was
formerly employed as a Ground Specialist at the
Ottawa International Airport and was familiar with
most aircraft including those at air shows. This
was something I'd never seen before.

Map of UFO trajectory supplied by witness
first observed the object as a dark triangular
shape silhouetted against the bright night sky.
We could not hear any noise from the object as
it proceeded slowly towards our position. A soft
white glow emanated from what appeared to be 3
portholes, one at each corner of the underside
of the object. The colour was flat black. The
size was equal to that of a 737 jet aircraft
viewed from 500 to 700 feet away at it's closest
point. As the object approached a position to
the west of us it seemed to change its course
slightly to the east for 5 to 10 seconds then
turned back to its original course. At this
point its apparent size was that of a football
held at arm's length. The object proceeded north
and gained in altitude as it approached the
western spur of Knox Mountain (where the
mountain meets the lake) and passed over and out
of sight. The entire sighting lasted
approximately five minutes.
We don't know what it was but we are absolutely
certain that it was not a conventional aircraft.
was also received in email on August 21, 2009:
One thing I
forgot to mention. Years later, after I'd moved
and gotten married, I mentioned the incident to
a neighbor of mine. He said he had a friend who
lived a block to the west of our original
sighting position who saw a large triangular
shaped object fly right over his house. I asked
my neighbor to speak with his friend and enquire
about the date and time. He did, and though he
was not sure of the exact date the time was
right and it was early June 1998. Other than
that he really didn't want to speak about it
because as my
neighbor put it, "it spooked him".