On the
night of June 13, 1997, my daughter had planned a
surprise party for her husband and had asked me to
look after my very bright Grandson and their new 3
month old puppy for the night. About 7:00 P.M. I
took the both of them to Queen Elizabeth Park for
some air and a walk to release some of the wild
child/puppy energy. It was a beautiful clear
evening and the walk/run was invigorating. We
arrived home about 9:30 P.M. and after some
cookies, milk and much chatter, we settled into
our beds about 10:55 PM. The puppy was contained
in a kennel which I had placed under my second
floor bedroom window.
As I lay
in bed, in the dark, I could detect a slight puppy
odour, even though my window was wide open. I
quietly got out of bed and opened the drapes
hoping the cool night air would dissipate the
puppy odor. I got back into bed and lay my head on
the pillow and realized I could now see the night
sky (my bedroom is on the second floor of our
house). I suddenly noticed a large cluster of
white lights hovering above the city. As I stared
at it, I presumed it had to be the landing lights
of a 747 or a DC-10 airplane a little off course
heading for the airport. I thought it strange that
it was flying so low (perhaps 2,000 feet ) and
facing my direction, southeast, AND NOT MOVING. I
was tired and the thought of having a young boy
and a puppy waking me up at 5:00 or 6:00 A.M. the
next morning suddenly filled my mind and I closed
my eyes.
I felt
the cool night air brush across my face and I
opened my eyes wide to the sight of the unusual
lights again. My curiosity of wanting to know what
the lights were got the better of me and I was no
longer tired. As I stared at the lights, it now
became obvious to me that what had appeared to be
landing lights were far too big and now there were
colors, not just the standard white, green or red.
There were rainbow shades of gold, reds, neon
pinks and bright blues which would at times look
like very powerful spotlights or strobe lights
beaming down toward the city. At other times, they
would just "glow". Up to this point, I hadn’t paid
too much attention to the shape of the object that
the lights were coming from because the lights
themselves were mesmerizing and seemed to be
getting more vibrant and stronger. After watching
for maybe 7 or 8 minutes, I suddenly realized "it"
hadn’t moved and ‘it" wasn’t the shape of any
airplane that I was aware of. I had been married
to a pilot and had worked for the airlines for
several years and had never witnessed anything
quite this unusual. I raised myself up on to my
elbow and squinted and strained to get a better
view and suddenly realized it was the shape of a
huge hamburger with the lights coming from the
center of the "bun". I had heard of people
sighting a UFO in the shape of a hamburger before,
but thought it not only funny and corny, but
preposterous! If this was a hoax, someone had gone
to a great deal of work to build such a huge
object. The hoax idea quickly vanished because the
feelings I was experiencing were far too special
to accept anything less than spectacular. This had
to be an Unidentified Flying Object! I bolted out
of bed.
I looked
around my room, everything looked as it always
did. I rubbed my eyes, I took a deep breath and
exhaled. I felt my bare feet planted strongly on
the carpet, I was not imagining this. I looked
again... my God, it was more alive and bigger than
ever. I was almost delirious with excitement, but
frustrated that I could not share this with anyone
until I remembered my Grandson.
stifled my excitement as much as possible and
quietly called him to see if he was awake. He
answered immediately. I asked him if he would come
and have a look at some lights. Within a moment,
he was at my side looking out the window. With
bated breath, I pointed to the object of lights. I
did not tell him what I thought it was, only that
there were some lights in the sky. He stared in
disbelief and almost started to cry as he said he
wanted t call his parents immediately because he
was very frightened of what he saw. In my
excitement I didn’t realize how frightening this
could be for a child and I gently calmed him down
the best I could before he started crying by
telling him that it was not dangerous and that I
would protect him from it. I told him we were only
observers and that it was all right just to
observe such a marvelous happening.
While my
Grandson gazed at our incredible discovery, I got
out my binoculars and focused intently. I could
hardly believe my eyes! It was definitely the
shape of a hamburger with a slight knob on top. It
was almost too unbelievable. It was at least two
times the size of a 747 aircraft. I felt like
laughing and crying at the same time. This must be
a UFO! I was so excited, I didn’t know what to do
but to keep staring at it. My Grandson was equally
excited now by what he saw and stared at it as
well as trying to pull the binoculars from me. We
quickly passed the binoculars back and forth
straining to see as much as possible.

At first
I was mesmerized by the lights and hamburger shape
of the ship. But my Grandson was more intrigued
and frightened of a huge circular black mass
directly underneath the ship that seemed to be
constantly changing by the effect of the lights
from the ship itself. The ‘circular black mass’
(resembling a black hole) wasn’t always visible,
then it would appear to be
effervescent/transparent as though something was
exploding in the center of the mass. Then we saw
what appeared to be clusters of electrical storm
bolts charging down into the center of the mass
via the light beams. The mass appeared to be
gaining incredible power surges pulsating from the
ship through the lights via the electrical
charges? The sky was clear, there was no wind or
clouds or any hint of a storm.
Grandson was very worried about all this activity
as I could not explain what it was. He kept saying
it was going to explode and maybe blow up the
whole city. Beneath my excitement I also felt
pangs of fear.
Then all
of a sudden this hug glowing red ship
(approximately the size of a 40 story building
lying on its side) came out of the mass and flew
across the sky in about two seconds. We were
exhilarated to say the least!
the red ship left, the lights from the first ship
started to fade along with the large mass of
electricity underneath. I ran to the phone and
phoned the UFO Sightings number, in the hopes that
someone else could see it, but no one answered, it
was a recording. However when we came back it was
gone. I would say it was there for about 25
minutes. This experience was so powerful, I felt
as though it gave me a new lease on life. I cannot
explain the experience, the experience was so
wonderfully nourishing. This was the most
spectacular sighting that I have ever seen and
yes, I have a witness.