Drawing by witness of objected sighted on road between
Lillooet and Lytton, BC in 1967
buddy, Wayne, and I were on our last big adventure to end the summer before heading back
to High School in Surrey. We
headed home by way of the Fraser Canyon. It was a
beautiful sunny afternoon and we were second in a convoy of four cars heading south down
the wide dusty road.
Off in the distance I spotted what I took to be an airplane flying towards us, off to the
left, about 75 or 100 feet above the telephone lines. As it got closer I saw that it
wasn't a plane at all, but a disk shaped craft. It was copper in colour and had a ridged
section coming down below the main body. There was a soft red glow coming from all around
this section. I would estimate the diameter to have been no more than 100 feet. I watched
it come up the road and past us and continue north until it was out of sight. Not one of
the four cars stopped.
Wayne and I continued in silence. We hadn't said one word to each other. Finally, after
who knows how long, I said, "Did you see what I saw?" His only reply was
"Yep". I said, "Nobody's going to believe us." He said,
"Nope." We never discussed it again. I haven't seen him in probably thirty
years, but he was badly injured when he hit a moose probably 20 years ago and his sister
has told me since that he probably doesn't even remember me anymore, let alone that
incident. I didn't tell anyone about this for a long time, but one day, probably in 1986
or 87, I read a story in the Vancouver Sun which was very similar to what I remember. I
wish I had saved it, or at least contacted the person the story was about, but I didn't.
All I know is that I saw a UFO of some sort, in broad daylight, and so did a number of
other people. It was a flying machine, as plain to me as a Piper Cub would have been. I
sure wish I could see another one.
UFOBC Responds
Thank you very much for this report. It's a great one. Would you be able to supply us a
drawing of the craft that you saw?
Witness Replies
Attached is a sketch which is to the best of my recollection. Of course, we all know that
time and age can change memories, but this is pretty close, even though I'm not much of an
artist. The one thing I have revised about my story is the diameter. It couldn't have been
100 ft. because the distance above the ground was more than the diameter of the craft.
Therefore I would estimate it at between 50 and 60 feet. There really was nothing much
else out of the ordinary about the UFO, as compared to other pictures I've seen, and I've
questioned my memory many times because of that. However, as many times as I doubt myself,
in my heart I know that this is what I saw. And what I saw was real.